I can summon myself

Chapter 46: The Face-Slapping Devil Part 2

The melon eaters, both male and female, all looked at this completely one-sided battle with the eyes of Bai Chen as if he were a god.

"To overcome strength with softness? To use a point of arrancar to overcome a thousand pounds with four ounces?"

"Gently, point, press the hard four-liang Bai Chen, face, violently beat the thousand-jin Han Tian."

"The matador is playing with the bull, Tire is playing with the monkey, and Bai Chen is teasing the ice man."

"Han Tian, ​​who was in the state of a killing machine, was actually allowed to fly away by Bai Chen, who was doomed to fail???"

Men who eat melons doubt their lives.

Although Bai Chen smashed his face at least fifty times, Han Tian's face has not been broken so far, which proves that Han Tian's fourth-level awakened body is worthy of the name.

It also proved that their judgment of the strength of both sides was not wrong.

But what they saw in front of them subverted all of their fighting common sense.

Stronger cold days were slipping around.

Bai Chen will greet you on the cheek at any time.

Not only was Bai Chen, who was obviously an ordinary person, not injured at all, but he also controlled the rhythm 100%.

Han Tian tried his best to fight back in various ways, but he was always controlled by Bai Chen in the invisible giant net.

No amount of conflict will only lead to face-slapping madman Bai Chen to successfully slap him in the face again and again.

The men who eat melons feel that their face is a little raw.

The target of the face-slapping maniac is not only Han Tian, ​​but also men like them.

Compared to them, female gourmets have much simpler thoughts.

Bai Chen, who is handsome and has a unique temperament, is like an immortal at this moment.

The robe is fluttering, and the jade pendant dances with Bai Chen's smart and elegant steps.

Han Tian's ugly face turned red every time he passed by the ugly ice man.

"So handsome."

"Shuai Bai, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Whether you have a girlfriend or not, I'm sure of you."

All the women who eat melon turn into nymphomaniacs.

Zuo Miao let out a long breath. Bai Chen's unexpected performance made her anxious heart finally return to normal.

"It seems that junior brother not only activated his DNA, but also acquired insect-type combat skills."

"The leader is the leader. He can tell at a glance that my junior brother is extraordinary, but he doesn't know how the blind date will turn out."

Zuo Miao was going to ask Mo Qianxing and his junior brother if they would call.

Hanlong stood up from his seat, and his roar broke the silence of the hall.

"Han Tian, ​​summon your pet and pick up your weapon!"

"This pretty boy is not an ordinary person at all. He is a well-disguised insect type."

"Use me to teach you the jackdaw sword technique that is designed to defeat insects."

Han Long's off-site guidance made Han Tian wake up like a dream.

"Bugs, despicable bugs!"

He roared at Bai Chen and took the opportunity to hold his mutton-fat jade pendant.

"Hiss, hiss."

A white snake about the thickness of a bowl and over two meters long came to the ring from the space inside the jade pendant.

This snake has a white body and blue eyes, a pair of horns the size of a little finger sprouted from its forehead, and its body is surrounded by white smoke.

"The evolved cold snake!"

"Although its evolution period is very long, once the evolution is completed it will evolve from an awakener-level cold snake to a control-level ice dragon."

"Judging from the length of its horns, it is at least a fourth-order awakened person."

When the whole audience was shocked, another transparent two-handed sword appeared in Han Tian's hand.

"A cold-weather sword made from the tusks of seventh-level ice sharks. Today, I will use this sword to chop off the head of you, a sinister villain!"

Han Tian clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and waved it in the air. The cold air of the Tian Han Sword left a white line on the surface of the hard arena made of special psychic alloy.

His battle pet Cold Snake also hid in the air at the same time.

Bai Chen's invisible web was shattered into pieces by Han Tian's weapons and battle pets.

Offensive and defensive positions are instantaneous.

Han Tian regained control of the situation.

He is in the light, and the cold snake is in the dark.

Plus the blessing of Tianhan Sword.

Bai Chen's steps became staggering.


Zuo Miao roared.

Hanlong curled his lips disdainfully.

He returned to his seat and crossed his legs triumphantly.

"Weapons and battle pets are indeed part of the awakened person's combat power."

"This cold snake also had its spiritual energy sucked away. It cannot be said to be unfair."

"Ice Man Hantian is rich and powerful, so we can't let him give up his own advantages."

The male gourmets didn't deliberately favor Han Tian because Bai Chen slapped them in the face.

Because weapons and battle pets themselves are an integral part of the awakened person's strength.

It would be unfair not to let Han Tian use weapons and battle pets.

"Captain, lend Xiaocai to Bai Chen!"

Zuo Miao said harshly.

Didn’t you say that weapons and war pets have combat power? Then ask Mo Qianxing to release her battle pet and let the seventh-level Xiao Cai kill this Hantian bastard in seconds.

Mo Qianxing nodded. She was also angered by Hanlong's despicable methods.

"Five strands, not ten."

Xiao Cai crawled out of her pocket, ready to ask Bai Chen for reward after finishing off Han Tian.

Suddenly, a big hole appeared in the solid ceiling of the ring hall.


Amid the iconic birdsong, the national treasure team descended from the sky.

"Zhu, crested ibis?"

"Four crested ibises, four national treasures?"

Under the stunned gazes of the melon eaters, four national treasures flew to Bai Chen's side.



They shouted, but their four pairs of small eyes locked directly on Han Tian.

Han Tian was heartbroken when he was stared at by the national treasures.

The sword he was about to swing at Bai Chen stopped midway.

Bai Chen, the pretty boy who deserved to be chopped into pieces, was insignificant. But even if he had ten times the courage, he would not dare to swing his sword at the national treasures in the Magpie Bridge Club arena in public.

"What's going on?"

Han Long looked at the club owner in confusion.

Why did the national treasure team come out to make trouble at this critical moment?

"Weapons and battle pets are also one of the combat power of awakeners."

But Zuo Miao answered him with a sarcastic sarcasm.

"I don't know if the national treasures are classmate Bai Chen's pets, but they were indeed brought by classmate Bai Chen."

The club owner spoke slowly, exploding in everyone's heart like a heavy bomb.

"A crested ibis battle pet?"

"Oh my god!"

"Not one, not two, but four, a small team!"

"Bai Chen, the face-slapping demon, you are slapping us in the face again."

"Playing dumb to eat the tiger, insect-type combat skills, national treasure battle pet, Bai Chen, my face has been swollen by you, please don't trick us anymore."

"It's not the handsome boy Bai Chen who will suffer, but the ice man Hantian."

The male melon-eaters were blushing.

Even if the owner of the club did not confirm it. But if it wasn't a battle pet, with the pride of the national treasure phoenix bloodline of the crested ibis, how could it be willing to follow Bai Chen to the club, and now it has even chiseled open the ceiling of the arena hall and descended from the sky, like four guards protecting the master Bai Chen in the center.

The female melon-eaters laughed loudly, and thousands of words were combined into one sentence.

"Handsome Bai, handsome Bai, handsome Bai!"

In the huge hall.

Their joy and excitement were deafening.

Han Long, who had been fooled around by Bai Chen before and had no emotion at all, finally changed his color at this moment.

National treasure, it was actually a national treasure!

How could Bai Chen, this sinister little white face, be able to control the national treasure?

No, it must be over.

With the protection of the national treasure, not to mention Han Tian, ​​even if he was a sixth-level master, it was not certain that he could deal with Bai Chen without hurting the national treasure.

Han Long looked at the owner of the club again.

Just when he wanted to use the safety of the national treasure as an excuse to forcibly end this ring battle.

He found that his mouth was controlled by a spiritual force.

He stammered but couldn't speak at all.

Following the direction of the spiritual force.

He saw Mo Qianxing, who was wearing big sunglasses and a big mask and couldn't see her appearance at all, and saw Mo Qianxing put her index finger on her lips and made a gesture of silence.

"Bai Chen's female companion?"

"Seventh level, at least the power of the seventh level!"


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