I can summon myself

Chapter 48 Mr. Bai Chen, I'm sorry, I, Han Long, am not good at disciplining my children.

Han Long had just left the stands.

A spiritual beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped him.

"This is against the rules, Lord Han Long."

The club owner had a blank expression on his face, with a warning in his voice.

"Madam You, I know the rules. I have no ill intentions. I just want my nephew to admit defeat."

Han Long was very humble.

He was not a fool. He knew that Bai Chen's female companion had the strength of the seventh level and still ran to the ring to trouble Bai Chen.

As he said, he just wanted his nephew to end this nightmare quickly.

"We lost. According to the rules of the ring battle, the Tianhan Sword, the Cold Snake, and the Space Jade Pendant are all trophies of Lord Bai Chen."

Han Long's heart was bleeding. Each of these three items was a rare treasure that he had prepared for his nephew with countless efforts and thirty years of favors. It can be used until the seventh level of awakening. Its value can no longer be calculated simply by stardust.

Even if it was the Tianhan Sword, which was relatively the least valuable, he would never want to give it up. After all, it was a genuine seventh-level weapon, which could be ranked in the Jiangnan Awakener Association.

But no matter how reluctant he was, he had to hand it over to end this embarrassing ring battle that made his uncle and nephew look humiliated.

His eyes swept over the national treasure team that was still attacking Hantian on the ring.

Finally, he looked at Bai Chen who was playing with the mutton-fat jade pendant.

Han Long's eyes were full of bitterness. Who would have thought that in a small place like Yanyu City, there would be a freak like Bai Chen who could control four crested ibises? You know, even the bird-type boss of the Jiangnan Awakener Association could not let the national treasures complete the attack mission 200% with just one action and one look.

By the way, without any prompts, he spontaneously took the spoils that belonged to his nephew for Bai Chen.

The more Han Long looked at Bai Chen, the more he felt that this boy was unpredictable.

He was obviously an ordinary person and did not exert any power beyond that of ordinary people throughout the whole process.

But he possesses extremely strange and mysterious insect-type combat skills.

He has fooled his nephew time and again, and what makes him even more unacceptable is that Han Long, who claims to be knowledgeable, has not been able to find his footing in Bai Chen's combat skills.

If he is just an insect-type awakener, it would be fine.

But he can also control the national treasure crested ibis.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Han Long would never believe in his life that an insect-type awakener can control four fire-type national treasures.

The ability shown by Bai Chen is beyond common sense and beyond Han Long's understanding of the spiritual energy system.

And his female companion who is at least at the high level of the seventh level, before figuring out this couple who came out of nowhere.

Han Long will never act rashly.

Sister You looked at Zuo Miao and blinked, indicating that it was almost time.

Han Tian, ​​who was tired of parrying on the ring, no longer had the arrogance he had before.

This made Zuo Miao feel very happy.

However, he didn't agree to end it.

Zuo Miao would never make a decision for Bai Chen.

She turned to Mo Qianxing and said, "Captain, my junior brother is not bad, right?"

Mo Qianxing said lightly, "Bai Chen is very good, but I was rejected by him."

Zuo Miao's smile froze.

Mo Qianxing, the only idol in the minds of thousands of young people in Yanyu City, was rejected by his own junior brother?

At this time, Han Tian on the ring let out a painful roar.

The fifth limb that he tried his best to protect did not escape the same fate as his head, and black smoke came out of his vitals.

"Gah, gah!"

Tie Xiajin asked Bai Chen for credit with a triumphant cry.

"Admit defeat, we admit defeat."

"I, Han Long, apologize to you on behalf of my nephew Han Tian."

"I'm sorry, my nephew was wrong! Please, Mr. Bai Chen, please show mercy and let my nephew go."

Han Long's slightly panicked voice echoed in the ring hall.

The deacon of the Jiangnan Awakener Association flew to the same height as Bai Chen on the ring.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he slowly bowed his head to Bai Chen.

"No! I didn't lose!"

Han Tian kept hammering the ring ground with both hands.

Even the pain in the vital parts could not compare to his frustration at this moment.

His uncle, a sixth-level peak master who was about to hit the seventh level.

He actually bowed his head and admitted his mistake to Bai Chen, a sinister liar, in front of the country bumpkins in Yanyu City.

Han Tian's eyes bulged and were full of bloodshot.

He stood up again.

He didn't want to lose face like this even if he died.

"Mr. Bai Chen, I'm sorry, I, Han Long, didn't discipline him well. Everything is my fault as an uncle."

"I didn't educate Han Tian well, so he became Wu Huang'er's licking dog and became so arrogant."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Han Long bent down and bowed to Bai Chen.


Hantian could no longer hold back and howled to the sky. He could not accept this reality at all, and fell to the ground with his neck tilted.

"Gah, gah."

The national treasure team jumped around on his body, leaving countless claw marks. Their four pairs of small eyes looked at Bai Chen, asking for his advice.

Two-legged beast, what to do now?

Whip the corpse?

Bai Chen waved his hand.

The national treasure team left Hantian and returned to Bai Chen.

They raised their long beaks and stretched their necks to ask for credit from Bai Chen.

Bai Chen flicked his fingers.

Four knuckle-sized void energy beads bounced into their bodies.

"Extra reward, each person will get three more after returning."

The crested ibis were very happy.

They kept rubbing around Bai Chen.

"What a spiritual national treasure."

"Shuai Bai, even his pets are so awesome."

"Bai Chen, I love you!"

The female gourmets all blew kisses to Bai Chen.

"It's not fair. This energy should be mine."

Xiao Cai, who was lying in Mo Qianxing's hair, muttered dissatisfiedly.

The moment the protective cover of the arena was lowered, Han Long spewed out a burst of cold air and froze Han Tian into a large block of ice.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai Chen, for raising your hand!"


He bowed his hands to Bai Chen, carried his unconscious nephew and left the ring hall. Through the one-way transparent window, Han Long's uncle and nephew disappeared into the sky.

"Junior brother, don't worry about your bird."

"This snake seems to be dying."

Zuo Miao jumped onto the ring with a beautiful leap.

She picked up the cold snake with a pair of small horns on its head.

The snake's condition was very bad at this time, and its life fluctuations were so low that it could dissipate at any time.

"It smells good."

The hungry Bai Chen made his senior sister roll her eyes.

Mo Qianxing in the audience also glared at Bai Chen angrily. Han Tian was very annoying, but this cold snake that loyally protected its master was now Bai Chen's trophy, so he couldn't just watch it die.

"It would be good if one of the ten thousand cold snakes can embark on the path of evolution. This one looks young. Even if uncle and nephew Han Tian, ​​a cold dragon, cultivated it at all costs, it would not be able to grow without extremely high talent. Come out of these horns."

Mo Qianxing walked onto the ring, checked Han She's injuries, and took out a crystal-white jade bottle. She opened the psychic seal on the bottle cap and dropped a drop of almost invisible liquid on Han She's head. of the wound.

A powerful cold energy emitted from the cold snake's body, and its life fluctuations stabilized.

"Team Bai Chen, the account of this drop of Youquan water is on your head, and you must pay it back to me as soon as possible."

Mo Qianxing said seriously as he returned the cold snake to Bai Chen.

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