I can summon myself

Chapter 45: The Face-Slapping Maniac

"Although he has no psychic power, Han Tian's punch has captured the essence of the overwhelming momentum of Ice Roar."

"He is unstoppable and smashes everything in front of him. This Ice Man is indeed a well-known genius."

"Did you pay attention to his pace? He looks furious and rushes forward, but in fact, he strictly follows the rhythm of Ice Roar. This guy is definitely not as simple as he seems to be. He has almost instinctive control over Ice Roar."

"It's a pity that Bai Chen is too weak. Ice Roar without psychic support does not have the function of shocking people, but this embroidered pillow with only a face is still suppressed by Han Tian's momentum. This guy is likely to be unable to withstand the first blow of Ice Man."

Compared to the professional perspective of the male melon eaters.

The female melon eaters looked reluctant.

"Run, run!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

I don't know who started them yelling at Bai Chen.

Try to use screams to remind each other.

Zuo Miao's heart was in his throat.

Even for herself, it was not easy to avoid when Hantian's fist was less than 20 centimeters away from Baichen's face.

She took a deep breath.

She made a gesture to rush to the ring.

At this moment.

Baichen finally moved.

Facing the grinning ice man Hantian.

He exerted force with his legs suddenly, not retreating, nor moving left or right.

Instead, he made a 270-degree arc-like rotation on the spot.

Hantian's fist brushed the tip of Baichen's hair.

This must-win attack missed.

Hantian's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but before he could come back to his senses.

Baichen's fist grew from small to large in his vision like a ghost, and finally hit his tall nose.

"Oh my god!"

"What happened?"

"Hantian was slapped in the face by Baichen?"

"What kind of fighting skill is this on-site great movement of the universe?"

The male spectators stared with their eyes wide open, they couldn't believe what they saw at all.

The icy man Hantian, with the momentum of an icy roar, not only did not touch a hair of Baichen.

Instead, this guy dodged the attack by spinning on the spot, and with the help of the power of spinning, he took advantage of the moment when Hantian was distracted by his attack and punched Hantian in the nose.

This was beyond the expectations of all of them.

"It doesn't look like a combat skill."

"Strange but effective."

"It's just unclear whether Baichen did it on purpose or it was just a coincidence."

"Unfortunately, Baichen's power is too small. Even without the blessing of psychic power, Hantian is a senior fourth-level awakener. It's like an ordinary person punching Tyson violently, but he may not be able to knock Tyson down. What's more, the gap between Baichen and Hantian is much greater than the gap between ordinary people and Tyson."

"From the perspective of his punching power, Hantian stood still and let him attack, and he might not be able to break the opponent's defense."

The male spectators will not change their views on the ending because of Baichen's amazing punch.

That is, Hantian will have the last laugh.

Compared to men who make rational analysis.

Female melon-eaters who are obsessed with appearance are much simpler.

"Well done."

"Shuai Bai, good job."

"Beat Hantian, little bastard."

"You should hit the ugly guy wearing the same clothes in the face!"

"Come on, come on, come on, Bai Chen."

They cheered for Bai Chen loudly.

Hantian's ears moved.

His face turned ashen, and he spoke word by word: "Ugly guy wearing the same clothes?"

"I will meet your requirements and turn Bai Chen, this loser, into the ugliest eunuch in Yanyu City!"

Hantian's pupils turned white.

He kicked his legs and flew three meters into the air.

He clenched his right fist and raised it high, looking down and slamming Bai Chen's cheek.

He wanted to smash Bai Chen's face with one punch.

"You have 135 flaws."

"I have 427 ways to dodge."

"But I only choose one of them."

Bai Chen was not flustered.

His voice was not loud but it reached Hantian's ears accurately.

Hantian raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Little white face, do you think you can scare me, Bingnan, with just your mouth?"


Hantian accelerated suddenly.

His fist turned into a shadow.

"Bai Chen is finished."

"The gap in strength is there, ordinary people can't fight against the fourth-level awakener at all."

"One punch will decide the result."

Zuo Miao subconsciously rushed to the ring.

She didn't think her junior brother could block Hantian's violent blow.

Mo Qianxing's right hand pressed on her shoulder.

"Be patient."

As soon as she finished speaking.

Bai Chen once again performed the Great Move on the Spot.

"Do you think you can use the same trick twice in front of me?"

Hantian's fist followed him like a shadow with a fierce smile.

""Just teasing you. "

Bai Chen's shoulders kept shaking.

He squatted down while rotating in a weird posture that completely exceeded the human body's twisting limit.

He let Han Tian's fist pass by less than five centimeters above his head.

Hantian's fist was still blowing.

Bai Chen jumped on the spot and used a headbutt.

It hit Han Tian's nose again.

Although the huge impact still did not break Han Tian's defense.

But Bai Chen's headbutt changed his direction.

Hantian fell to the ground in a slightly embarrassed posture.

"Now you know why I only chose this method, because I just wanted to slap you in the face."

Bai Chen said lightly.

Han Tian was angry.

He was hit on the bridge of the nose twice in a row by the loser in his eyes.

For him, it was the greatest shame and humiliation he had ever experienced in his life.

"Today you must die!"

Han Tian roared, his roar filled with bone-chilling coldness that froze everything.

His whole body turned frosty white, and the temperature in the ring instantly dropped to freezing point.

His face was twisted, but the look in his eyes was calmer than ever before.

"Bai Chen is going to suffer a lot."

"Ice Roar·Killing Machine State."

"In this state, Han Tian has no emotions. He seems to have turned into a killing machine. He will only attack in the fastest and most efficient way without any external influence."

"The victory has been decided."

Among the discussions among the men who eat melons.

Han Tian started.

However, Bai Chen was faster than him.

I saw Bai Chen not retreating but advancing with weird steps, with a strange rhythm that was completely inconsistent with the common sense of melon eaters.

He took the initiative to attack Han Tian.

Bai Chen's fists were like rain, and his elbows, knees, and every part of his body became sharp weapons.

Although Han Tian blocked 99% of the attacks in his killing machine state.

But Bai Chen's fists, elbows, knees, and even his forehead.

In a weird way that men can never think of.

It hit Han Tian in the face accurately.

In full view.

A face that had become bloodless due to frost in the cold weather turned red again.

It was covered with marks left by Bai Chen's attack.

Han Tian went completely crazy.

He unleashed one hundred and twenty percent of his combat power.

But no matter what method he used to fight back, he was calmly resolved by Bai Chen time and time again.

Bai Chen was like a hunter playing with his prey, turning the entire arena into an invisible spider web.

He was like a big spider sitting in the center of the web, taking the ice man into his hands with ease and ease.

At some point, the arena hall became very quiet.

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