I can summon myself

Chapter 361: Take human life lightly?

Under Sally's skillful deployment, the dead volcano island showed extremely high efficiency. When the researchers of the City of All Spirits woke up from their sleep early the next morning, they were shocked to find that at some point, a colorful spiritual energy beam had erupted from the top of the dead volcano island in the center of the island.

The light beam went straight up to the sky.

The cloud whales lined up in neat formations in threes and fives, and used the black iron spiritual energy suits on their bodies to refract the light beam to the subspace direction closest to the dead volcano island.

"Directly break through the subspace barrier, then throw a few unmanned aircraft in, and use the recorded high-power radio to play the sound in a loop to let the survivors inside fly out by themselves?"

Zhou Wangu was stunned by the rescue plan of Yanyu Academy, just like Long Hantian and Fang Zihan before.

"This is too simple."

"Are you taking human lives lightly?"

"Letting millions of people who have been out of contact for so long fly out by themselves is outrageous!"

"Where is the plan?"

Zhou Wangu frowned. If this was the headquarters of the Genius Center, he would have been ready to confess Chen's evil deeds.

"No contingency plan, no Plan B."

The reply from the bald senior with a face full of flesh made him unacceptable.

"Even if you don't consider the dangers in the subspace, you must consider the existence of the unknown world behind the subspace."

Even though Yan Shuishui was not a human, she was shocked by the "hasty" plan of Yanyu Academy.

Even though Bai Chen came from the dark department of the Genius Center, he couldn't treat the lives of millions of people as numbers and act like this.

Excessive, really excessive.

Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy were as hard as stone.

Just when Zhou Wangu was about to notify the Genius Center and let Cheng Changdong come forward to stop the dead volcano island from using such a ridiculous method to save people.

The cloud whales had already blasted open the barrier of the subspace.

Even though they were more than 2,000 kilometers apart.

The people of the City of All Spirits on the dead volcano island still felt the psychic fluctuations inside the subspace.

Peaceful, quiet, without any of the tyranny they imagined.

Except for the space psychic energy and a little more unknown psychic energy, everything else is exactly the same as on Earth.

Zhou Wangu suddenly realized: "I understand, you already knew the situation in the subspace, so you are so confident and bold to let the people inside fly out by themselves!"

The researchers who realized it later also looked like they finally understood.

Although the subspace barrier has only been opened now, the dead volcano island must have had enough understanding of the situation inside the subspace before.

The bald senior handed the data report inside the subspace to Zhou Wangu.

"The air content similarity is 99.88%."

"Abnormal life breath, zero."

"Alien spiritual energy fluctuations, quite low."

Zhou Wangu, Yan Shuishui and all other researchers from the City of All Spirits gathered in a circle and read the data report inside the subspace line by line.

After a quiet discussion.

They finally came to the same conclusion as Sally.

That is, they only need to open a channel on the subspace barrier to let the missing people inside fly out by themselves.

"No wonder the extinct volcano island is so unrestrained."

"Throwing some unmanned aerial vehicles in is indeed the most efficient solution."

"I thought they were careless about human lives, but now it seems that the reason they are so confident and bold is that the subspace is too safe, and the unknown world behind the subspace is also a worthless garbage world."

Zhou Wangu shook his head, looking regretful.

"We in Wanling City thought that this unknown world caused such a big momentum that millions of people lost contact, and it must be full of dangers and opportunities. But now from the data in the detection report of Yanyu Academy, this world is an absolute garbage space."

"There is no life fluctuation of psychic creatures."

"The number and intensity of alien psychic energy are shockingly low."

"The most outrageous thing is the similarity of air content."

"I suspect that this unknown world is so primitive that even the atmosphere has not been born."

Zhou Wangu kept curling his lips.

Yan Shuishui and Xinda also lost their spirits at once.

"There is no life, no psychic energy, and it is even more impossible for civilization to exist."

"A typical three-no world!"

Other researchers were also uninterested.

"It's boring."

"It's worse than chicken ribs."

"Even if there are ordinary mineral deposits, they are not worth mining, because the cost of crossing the subspace to enter this unknown desolate world far exceeds all non-psychic mineral deposits themselves."

"This kind of three-no world does not need any contingency plan at all."

No wonder, except for the bald Wang Botang, neither Bai Chen nor other teachers and students of Yanyu College were too lazy to come to the scene to take charge.

Because the data has proved that the unknown world on the other side of the subspace is like the three-nothings in the space node of the City of All Spirits, and there is no value.

"By the way, where is Bai Chen? I have something to ask him."

Yan Shuishui said to the bald senior.

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Shuishui and Xinda found Bai Chen who was releasing the heart-molding beetles in a pot that could not be stewed.

"Just rinse these beetles, remove the heads, put them in a big pot, bake them at 200 degrees for twelve hours, dry them all, and then grind them into millet-like powder."

Bai Chen picked up a beetle and pinched off its head.

The strange thing is that this beetle did not have any juice flowing out.

The emotionless pharmaceutical machine king, Lord Big Insect, followed suit and processed ten heart-molding beetles in one go.

"Two hundred degrees, twelve hours."

The foodie senior and Wang Dachong's disciple Heishitou wrote down these two important numbers in a small notebook.

"What to use to make powder?"

Wang Dachong said seriously.

"Whatever, don't be too particular about this."

"After you are familiar with the relevant process, it is most efficient to go directly to the machine."

After explaining how to deal with the heart-molding beetle, Bai Chen whistled to the sky.

"Ga, ga!"

A bird from the National Treasure Team brought a moon-worshiping angel butterfly that was much larger than them to the big pot where Bai Chen was.

These four butterflies with human faces looked depressed.

Their wings had been plucked into a translucent state by Tian Gang.

"Wrong, take the dust off them."

Bai Chen said to Zhu Liehuo, the leader.

"Here we are!"

A green light flashed.

A little dragon carrying a big bag on its dragon horn landed in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen opened the bag and grabbed a handful of colorful small scales from it.

Seeing their own scales, the four moon-worshiping angel butterflies began to struggle.

But after Iron Jaw blew a breath of psychic energy into the sky.

They returned to silence.

"These things are more complicated to handle."

"If you want to extract the active ingredients in the scales, it's best to put them directly into the centrifuge."

"15,000 revolutions per minute, for 125 minutes."

"Inject psychic liquid every five minutes, a total of 25 times."

"Now let me demonstrate it once."

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