I can summon myself

Chapter 362 You guys need to study

He taught Wang Dachong and Senior Sister Foodie how to process the core materials of the anti-insect potion.

Bai Chen then walked towards Yan Shuishui and Xinda who had been watching for a long time.

"Bai Chen, are you making dark cuisine?"

Insects and butterfly scales, Yan Shuishui naturally thought that Bai Chen was an old driver in the dark cuisine world.

Three such large pots, at first glance, were his workbench for making dark cuisine.


Bai Chen did not explain to the two fire elves his obligation to prepare the anti-insect potion.

Yan Shuishui pursed her lips and came closer to Bai Chen, less than half a meter away.

She said seriously: "Bai Chen, please sell the dead volcano island to us. We fire elves are willing to exchange it with a brand new small world whose undeveloped environmental spiritual energy strength is three times that of yours."

Bai Chen was a little stunned.

Didn't World Tree Bai Chen say that the Flame Demon Embers and the Embers Land were not important to the Flame Elves?

They actually asked to exchange it with a small world right away?

The so-called small world is a place similar to the earth with a complete ecological chain. It may be a planet or a space with a perfect cycle.

Compared with the demiplane of the seventh generation of the biosphere.

Any small world not only has a complete ecological chain, but the most important thing is that it also has complete laws of heaven, which allows it to continue to be promoted to the middle world, or even a large world like the earth.

It can be said that the value of the small world is only higher than the embers and the ember land that complement each other.

And what Yan Shuishui took out was a brand new unopened small world with three times the spiritual power strength of the dead volcano island.

You know, even if a large number of resources from the Western Alliance delegation were obtained, in Bai Chen's plan, the final spiritual power strength of the dead volcano island was only 1.5 times the current level of the City of All Spirits.

It can be said that Yan Shuishui not only did not mean to take advantage of Bai Chen, but was absolutely kind.

Unfortunately, Bai Chen did not need a small world.

The dead volcano island constructed by the embers and the ember land complementing each other is a more suitable place for him and Yanyu Academy.

"No change."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"Student Baichen, don't be so rigid."

"We already know your identity."

"The mysterious dealer behind you is the hidden Anbu of the Genius Center."

"You are the master here, so we went directly to you instead of the Genius Center."

"If we really go to the Anbu, they will definitely be willing to accept the small world!"

Yan Shuishui, who had everything under control, looked like Baichen, don't struggle.

Xinda also looked like she saw through everything.

"My Lord, I thought their IQ increased to 250*10 overnight, and they guessed that you could summon yourself."

Lan Xing Baichen rolled his eyes and continued to fall into silence.

Bai Chen shrugged: "I don't know what the Anbu you are talking about is, but the Dead Volcano Island, the Genius Center and the East Earth Psychic Association have nothing to do with each other. If you don't believe it, you can just go to them directly."

The confident Yan Shuishui was stunned.

Xinda looked at Baichen from top to bottom, left to right, but did not feel any lie on Baichen's face.

"Student Bai Chen, do you really not know about the Anbu?"

"It is the trump card and backhand of the Genius Center and the East Earth Psychic Association, the main body of the iceberg hiding under the water?"

"Although we don't know what this organization is called, whether it is called the Anbu, anyway, this is what I mean."

Yan Shuishui's eyes were wide open, and the whole person had already come close to Bai Chen, almost face to face.

Bai Chen took a step back without showing any expression, and distanced himself from her again.

He spread his hands: "I don't know what the Anbu is, and we at Yanyu Academy don't know that there is such an organization in the East Earth."

"We will not sell the dead volcano island, so don't waste your efforts."

After saying that, he ignored the red and purple flame elves who were both stunned.

Bai Chen walked towards the temporary command center where the bald senior was.

"Junior brother, the subspace barrier is as calm as you judged."

"It can be said to be boring."

Wang Botang and a group of muscular seniors sat on the small stools in the tent, and Sally controlled everything. They felt that there was nothing they needed to intervene in.

"Contact Airport No. 5 and inform them to be ready to receive the aircraft team of the missing persons at any time."

"Notify Jiangnan and the three major clusters to enter Channel No. 5 as a relay and guide the aircraft team in the lost contact area through Channel No. 5 throughout the journey."

"If you really feel bored, go to the demiplanes of Biosphere Generation 5 and Biosphere Generation 7 to be porters."

Bai Chen also felt that the temporary command center did not need so many people at all.

In the end, except for Wang Botang and the other two seniors who worked in three shifts, all other seniors were arranged by him to transport food in the demiplanes of the Biosphere series.

"Student Bai Chen, what about us?"

Zhou Wangu and a group of researchers from the City of All Spirits looked at Bai Chen.

"Why don't you go to the subspace?"

"Collect some samples and collect some data?"

Bai Chen was not polite and directly used these foreign aids from the City of All Spirits as tools for collecting data.

Zhou Wangu bid for a space ring.

"Here, the fully automatic puppet of the City of All Spirits that is specially used to collect internal information of space nodes."

Bai Chen opened the space ring in front of Zhou Wangu and took out a number of fully automatic collectors the size of Gugu.

"There are all kinds of things that fly in the sky, run on land, and swim in the water."

"With built-in bionic design."

"With built-in 30-day endurance."

"Student Bai Chen, let the armored cloud whale throw them into the subspace."

Zhou Wangu didn't want to go in himself or the researchers.

For those of them who have seen countless three-no worlds.

The subspace and the world on the other side of the subspace really can't arouse their interest.

"Okay, Senior Wang Botang, please arrange it."

Confirm that these fully automatic collectors can be used.

Bai Chen asked Wang Botang to take them to the outfitting platform. Good employee Nana stuffed them all into a subspace detector in no time.

Watching the black-headed cloud whale patriarch take the conical subspace detector to the direction of the subspace barrier.

Zhou Wangu looked at Bai Chen curiously.

"Mr. Bai Chen, how did you confirm from these data that the subspace is safe and the world on the other side of the subspace is a world of three-nothings?"

Even if Bai Chen was most likely from the Anbu.

But whether it was the East or the Western Alliance.

The people who knew the most about space nodes were all in the City of All Spirits.

And the information about space nodes had never been leaked to the outside world.

It can be said that all this knowledge belonged to the monopoly of the City of All Spirits.

Bai Chen was able to use the data to be more certain than the foreign aid of the City of All Spirits that the subspace and the world on the other side of the subspace were worthless.

Zhou Wangu really wanted to know where Bai Chen's confidence came from.

"Psychic energy intersection fluid kinematics, planetary atmosphere fusion dynamics, psychic energy attributes and life level evolution, world collision elementary particle dispersion... "

Zhou Wangu was confused.

The researchers of the City of All Spirits were confused.

Yan Shuishui and Xinda, who had just walked into the tent, were also confused.

"Is this human language?"

"What the hell is this?"

Yan Shuishui knew every word Bai Chen said, but when they were put together.

Both Zhou Wangu and Yan Shuishui and other researchers felt frustrated that they could not understand and were illiterate.

"You don't even know these four doors?"

"Are you really from the City of Ten Thousand Spirits?"

"The City of Ten Thousand Spirits is too backward."

The teasing of the muscle-block seniors made Zhou Wangu and others wish there was a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"You guys, you have to study."

The words of the bald senior who came back made them blush.

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