I can summon myself

Chapter 360 Target: Subspace

"Sally, tell me what the resources we obtained from Airport 5 will bring to the extinct volcano island."

Bai Chen in the temporary meeting room said calmly.

The teachers and students of Mist and Rain Academy, Lao Huang, Erhuang, Long Hantian, and Fang Zihan, the four geniuses who guarded the Tianshi myth, as well as Hedelia's family of three who were playing games in the corner, all pricked up their ears in unison.

"Yes, Master Bai Chen."

After finalizing the ownership, Sally immediately changed her words, her voice full of joy for her new identity: "These resources for starting the title legend can first greatly improve the internal and external defense capabilities of the extinct volcano, with the Flame Crystal Lizard as the For example, the fire defense system with them as the core has a defense power that is 223% of the current universal defense system. Even if a purple-skinned flame elf like Xinda wants to use the flame elf's natural talent to forcibly Breaking into the defenses of an extinct volcano island is basically impossible.”

Shadow Demon Tara laughed excitedly from the shadows: "It's best to beat old Aunt Xinda all over her head!"

Seabeard on the side cast an apologetic look at Bai Chen.

Hydelia, who was holding the game controller, had an expression like I didn't recognize her.

Bai Chen smiled and said without hesitation: "Sally, continue."


"If calculated as general defense, this batch of resources can also directly increase the defense of our extinct volcano island to 175% of the current level."

"Even if the Fury of the Arctic Circle in its heyday and the intact Statue Stitch monster team up to recreate the scene that erupted inside the extinct volcanic island, we can still rely on the advantages of the psychic reserves brought by this batch of resources to Under the condition of ensuring the safety of all humans, we will completely eliminate them within fifteen hours at least.”

"If you put them outside the extinct volcanic island."

"The concealment ability has been improved simultaneously with the general defense power. Even if they find the sea and the rocks, they will not be able to find us."

"Compared with the current concealment ability, with the blessing of this batch of resources, our future concealment ability can be improved to the level that even if Xinda is close at hand, it will not be able to detect the extinct volcanic island."

The teachers and students cheered in the temporary conference room.

"Very good!"

"Now the flame elves can no longer be arrogant!"

"Beautiful, beautiful!"

"Under this level of defense, if God Franklin dares to cause trouble, we will definitely teach the dollar god how to be an honest god!"

Everyone was very happy.

The stronger the extinct volcano island is, the stronger they can stand.

These resources that Bai Chen obtained in exchange for god-level essence are obviously what the extinct volcanic island needs most.

After they gradually regained their composure, Bai Chen said to Sally: "In addition to improving defense, you must use these resources to design a plan to once again improve the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College."

"Okay, Master."

"I will tailor a new improvement plan based on each person's data."

Bai Chen nodded: "In addition, reserve some resources for emergencies."

Then he turned to look at the statue Stitch Monster who was also in the conference room: "After Sally classified the resources, those resources we can't use will be handed over to you."

"You purify them all into god-level essence for our next transaction in half a year."

"Yes, Boss Bai Chen."

The statue stitch monster answered neatly.

After arranging resources clearly.

Bai Chen got to the point.

"Sally, how is the detection of subspace? How many times can we open the subspace with our current energy, and how long can it last?"

Sally's projection report instantly appeared in front of Bai Chen.

"The situation in the Warp is very stable."

"The similarity between its atmospheric content data and the Earth's atmospheric content is as high as 99.88%."

"It can be said that the only difference between it and the earth is spiritual energy."

"Secondly, although the spiritual energy in subspace is different from that on Earth, there is no dangerous spiritual energy that can affect human survival."

"Therefore, based on the data brought back by the subspace probe we launched, we can determine that if the supplies on the aircraft of humans trapped in subspace meet the design standards of being able to last for one year, in such an environment, they will Even safer than on Earth."

"It's unlikely that there will be mass deaths."


Long Hantian raised his right hand.

"The supply tubes on the aircraft will definitely be fine for a year, but why are they said to be safer than on Earth?"

Light flickers on the projection.

"Psychic intersection fluid kinematics······."

The smile at the corner of Long Hantian's eyes stiffened.

“Dynamics of planetary atmosphere fusion….”

"Psychic attributes and life level evolution..."

"The Escape Theory of Elementary Particles in World Collisions..."

Countless mysterious phrases that Long Hantian had never seen before in his life were painted on the projection.

More and more complex data models were projected by Sally in front of Long Hantian and Fang Zihan with Bai Chen as the center.

There are dense formulas, strange symbols that are completely incomprehensible, and arrangements and combinations that make your head spin at a glance.

They immediately recalled the fear of being dominated by the old janitor who taught mathematics.

"Okay, stop showing the slides!"

"We believe it. Isn't it okay for us to trust classmate Bai Chen's judgment?"

The laughter of teachers and students rang out again in the temporary conference room.

I didn’t expect that this fierce-looking boss Long Hantian is also a poor student.

“How about letting Wang Botang explain it to you?”

Wu Laoguai said kindly.

Long Hantian shook his head: “Forget it, these ghostly talismans give me a headache just by looking at them.”

“We are not good at this.”

Fang Zihan waved his hand.

“Okay, Sally, you continue.”

Bai Chen came to the rescue.


"Through these data, we can not only confirm that the probability of human accidents in the lost contact zone is lower than that of the Earth, but also determine that the unknown world on the other side of the subspace that collides with the Earth, as you judged at the beginning, does not have higher life, valuable and precious spiritual energy resources, and is of a type that has no development value."

"Therefore, we don't even need to set up a plan for emergencies and the appearance of powerful creatures in the unknown world on the other side of the subspace. We can directly open the subspace barrier, maintain the channel, and then let the aircraft trapped in it line up to fly out of the subspace and fly back to the East along Channel 5."

Long Hantian, Fang Zihan, Lao Huang, and Er Huang looked at each other.

"So simple?"

"Don't we need to go in and rescue them?"

"Don't even need a plan for emergencies?"

It's not that they don't believe Bai Chen, but they think that millions of people have been out of contact for so long, and in the end they don't even need any rescue, but let them come out by themselves, and then take Channel 5 directly back to the East.

This is too incredible.

"Yes, our role is to open the channel and maintain the channel."

Sally said firmly.

"Then let's get started."

"Target: Subspace."

"Break through the space barrier of the subspace immediately."

Bai Chen made a decision after reading Sally's report word for word.

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