I can summon myself

Chapter 357 It seems that I must find a way to please Bai Chen in the future

Bai Chen's straightforwardness made Max feel unreal.

Shouldn't cooperation of this level be about going back and forth at the negotiation table on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and colluding with each other on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and laughing and joking together on weekends (omitting twenty yuan here)?

Bai Chen's nonchalant attitude was like randomly ordering a god and letting the god deliver the goods to the door.

Max couldn't believe it.

He subconsciously looked at Wu Laoguai, who had the most similar temperament to him in Yanyu College and looked like an old brainworker, and wore a white coat that scientists like to wear the most.

But whether it was Wu Laoguai or other teachers and students, they all had an attitude that they would listen to Bai Chen on important matters and that Bai Chen had the final say.

"Bai Chen said cooperation, and our Yanyu College will cooperate with you!"

Wu Laoguai said firmly.

"Don't make such a fuss, you look like an unsophisticated person."

"In the Ivy League, maybe you can have the final say, but in our Yanyu College, Bai Chen's words are orders!"

"Time is just a small amount of money, Bai Chen has agreed, why are you still hesitating?"

The teachers and students looked like you foreigners are surprised by the rare things.

Max and his companions exchanged glances.

From the attitude of Wu Laoguai and others, it can be proved that Bai Chen has the ability to make decisions in Yanyu College.

But they still have a concern.

He said to Long Hantian, who had a hideous head and was highly recognizable: "Sir Long Hantian, what is the attitude of your Genius Center towards our cooperation with Yanyu College?"

The status of the East Earth Genius Center is higher than that of the Ivy League and A Mei.

Their attitude is equal to that of the East Earth Psychic Association.

If the Genius Center disagrees, even if Bai Chen has reached an agreement with Max and others.

The Ivy League would not dare to send Franklin to the dead volcano island.

Because even Max, who is ranked third on Earth, can't afford to offend the Genius Center.

"Bai Chen's decision is our decision."

Long Hantian looked serious.

"Since Bai Chen has already nodded, Cheng Changdong and other bigwigs in the Genius Center will definitely not object."

Fang Zihan added.

Max was shocked.

With the status of Long Hantian and Fang Zihan, it is naturally impossible for them to speak without thinking.

In other words, the God Slayer behind Bai Chen has a higher status in the eyes of the Genius Center and even the East Earth Psychic Energy Association than they imagined.

Specifically, when it comes to Bai Chen, it means that a mere awakener of the second level can finalize the cross-regional cooperation involving the level of the artificial god Franklin.

"It seems that we must find a way to please Bai Chen in the future."

Max made a decision in his heart.

"The Western Alliance delegation is still in Airport No. 5, right? We will go there and return to Amei through their channels immediately to formally finalize the cooperation on artificial gods."

"Bai Chen, I wish us a happy cooperation."

He took the initiative to extend his right hand to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen shook hands with him and asked in confusion: "Through the Western Alliance delegation? You don't have the ability to return to your hometown by yourself?"

"Global live broadcast, you won't continue?"

"What kind of PY deal do you have with the group of ancient gods in the Arctic Circle?"

Max sat down at Bai Chen's signal: "We came too hastily this time, and directly used the only divine fragment of Franklin God that can use the space channel, and did not bring a flying vehicle that can return to your hometown. If you want to return immediately, you can only rely on the help of the witches of the Western Alliance delegation."

Long Hantian, with a ferocious head and horns, looked at Zhou Wangu.

Zhou Wangu nodded, knowing the meaning of the song: "You don't have to go to Airport No. 5, our elf warships in the City of All Spirits can take you there."

"Thank you!"

Max said gratefully.

Then he answered Bai Chen's second question.

"Live broadcast as the savior is just to meet the needs of the California consortium, but now that you, Bai Chen, are willing to cooperate with us, we naturally don't have to pay attention to Jask's gang of profiteers."

"As for the ancient gods in the Arctic Circle, Bai Chen, it's not that we are shirking responsibility, but we don't know whether God Franklin has an agreement with them or what agreement they have reached."

"We just followed the guidance of God Franklin and arrived at the nest of the Wrath of the Arctic Circle and started the global live broadcast."

"Even the first batch of joint expeditions received Franklin's oracle, so they ran to the Arctic Circle and finally led to the Wrath of the Arctic Circle."

"In fact, since the predecessors of the Ivy League created the God Franklin."

"Our understanding of it and our control over it are very limited."

"In most cases, we scientists act according to its orders."

Bai Chen looked at Max with scrutiny.

"Then you want to create the God of Science, and you want to become the Pope of the Church of Science. Does it know?"

Max was stunned by Bai Chen's question.

But he and his companions pondered for a long time.

They could not confirm what role Franklin played in their conception of the God of Science and the Scientology system.

Seeing their blank expressions.

Bai Chen sighed silently.

"My Lord, these guys are really a bunch of fools and bold people."

"Ignorance is fearless, that's what I'm talking about. The scientists in the artificial god project team are talking about."

Lan Xing Bai Chen was also convinced. When the God of the Present knew nothing, he actually created the God Franklin, and then under the nose of the God Franklin, he was going to use it as a blueprint to create a more powerful God of Science, and to create a scientific god system in the Ameikan Continent.

"Should I say these scientists are crazy and imaginative enough?"

"Or should I say these scientists are stupid enough?"

Lan Xing Bai Chen said helplessly.

In ancient times, people tried to get the skin of a tiger.

Now people try to get the skin of a god.

Without ever controlling the God Franklin, Max and his gang still wanted to make a big news. Lan Xing Bai Chen thought they were a little mentally retarded.

"Anyway, as long as the body of the God Franklin arrives at the dead volcano island, it's out of his control. No matter what conspiracy it has, it has to lie down on our territory even if it's a god!"

The Immortal King Bai Chen said domineeringly.

He understood Bai Chen's straightforwardness very well.

That's because he has the ancient god cleaner Bai Chen as his trump card.

There is no need to care about what role Franklin God played in this cooperation, nor whether there are any evil intentions in this cooperation, or whether there are twists and turns that make people want to go bald, but may not be able to figure it out.

As long as Franklin God's body enters the defense matrix of the dead volcano island controlled by Sally.

From that moment on, Bai Chen is the one who can decide its fate.

Therefore, Bai Chen does not need to have a formal cooperation negotiation with the Ivy League represented by Max, and argue over the terms and conditions.

Get Franklin God's body, and it will be settled.

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