I can summon myself

Chapter 356 Do you want to be the Pope of Scientology?

"Let's cooperate!"

Max, who is the third in the Earth, has a fanatical look in his eyes.

Behind Bai Chen is a legendary God Slayer. Compared with laymen like them who basically rely on guessing about God, Bai Chen's God Slayer is the best of the best in the field of God.

The unstable state of Franklin, which has troubled the Ivy League for generations, may not be a problem for the God Slayer behind Bai Chen.

Even Franklin himself, after seeing the BUFF left by the God Slayer on Bai Chen through the divine core of the little dog, summoned Max as soon as possible, and even stripped a disposable headshot of Franklin from it to send them to Channel 5 as soon as possible.

This is enough to prove that the God Slayer behind Bai Chen is reliable.

"Although you and I belong to Dongtu and Amei respectively, whether it is Yanyu College or the Ivy League, we are all pure research institutions."

"Let alone such hypocritical slogans for all mankind, as far as the artificial god project itself is concerned, classmate Bai Chen, there is no conflict of interest between us."

"On the contrary, we are all researchers, we are all scientists, and we are naturally in the same camp."

"In the mysterious era of psychic energy, countless strange creatures, and all kinds of phenomena that completely subvert cognition, aren't they the opportunities that researchers like us have been dreaming of to show our talents?"

"We should unite and use science, the most powerful weapon of mankind, to leave our names in this era."

"What other projects can cause a sensation and go down in history more than people being able to create gods?"

"Classmate Bai Chen, you and I join hands, Yanyu College and the Ivy League join hands, and create a large number of gods for human use. Wouldn't it be able to glorify the world?"

Max's face was full of madness.

Using human flesh and blood, we can create a perfect true god who is worshipped by billions of creatures and controls the priesthood.

What an imba fantasy.

If it can succeed.

Only then can humans be regarded as the true masters of the earth in this era.

Presumably, the scientist predecessors who proposed the god-making project in the past were also full of a heart that humans are supreme and can even create true gods, and they invested everything without hesitation.

Now it is the turn of their generation of Ivy League scientists.

"Student Bai Chen, as long as you nod."

"We will not only open all the data since the establishment of the god-making project to you without reservation."

"Franklin God's body can also be sent to the dead volcano island at the end of Channel 5 for you to study at will!"

Everyone was stunned by Max's conditions.

If it is possible to make false claims when opening data.

Then, by delivering Franklin to the dead volcano island, not only Wu Laoguai and other teachers and students of Yanyu Academy, but even Lan Xing Baichen felt that this ugly third person on Earth suddenly became much more handsome.

If he could really get the body of Franklin.

And without the help of the ancient god cleaner, he, Lan Xing Baichen, would have plenty of ways to arrange Franklin properly.

Long Hantian and Fang Zihan looked at Max as if they were looking at the number one sucker.

Zhou Wangu, who was confused, didn't know what expression to use to respond to Max's overly straightforward conditions.

Could this guy be controlled by the dealer boss?

Yan Shuishui subconsciously released the secret technique of the flame elves.

Trying to find traces of the dealer boss's existence.

Baichen kept looking at Max and the others.

Even the fairy king Baichen couldn't see any signs of unwillingness on their faces.

Judging from the expressions of these people, they were actually serious.

Baichen couldn't help but wonder.

"Do you want to become gods?"

Use the artificial god Franklin as an experimental subject.

After getting relevant experience from him, Max and his crazy scientists from the Ivy League can use the data obtained from Franklin to make themselves the gods you see.

But to Bai Chen's surprise, both Max and his companions kept shaking their heads.

"Bai Chen, you misunderstood."

"We didn't think about becoming gods."

"What's the point of being a god? It's not as interesting as making a god."

"The artificial god project is already very tiring. Where do we get the energy to turn ourselves into gods?"

"How can a tool god be more important than a scientist."

They denied Bai Chen's guess.

Bai Chen's mind moved, and he blurted out: "If you don't want to become gods, then you use Franklin to experiment in order to cultivate a more powerful artificial god."

Max's old face suddenly became unnatural.

Wu Laoguai screamed: "You Ivy League are not going to create a god of science, are you?"


Max's companions looked constipated.

This gave Bai Chen some confidence.

Wu Laoguai was probably right.

The ultimate goal of these crazy scientists was not the God of Money like Franklin, but the God of Science, who could influence all of humanity and even the intelligent races like the Flame Elves.

"Do you want to be the Pope of the Church of Science?"

Bai Chen's words completely broke Max's defenses, and he was shocked.

Yes, this is exactly the life goal that this Earth No. 3 has been brewing for his whole life but has never told anyone about.

God of Science, commanding mankind.

Under the throne of the God of Science is the Pope of the Church of Science, who walks in the world on behalf of the God of Science.

And his companions are the bishops of the Church of Science in various academic fields.

Further down are the scientific monks, scholarly priests, and other mid-level priests.

It is Max's ideal to transform these stupid rednecks in the mainland into scientific believers with a score of 60 in mathematics.

"My Lord, this ugly old man is really bold."

Known as the academic tyrant that only appears once in ten thousand years on Blue Star, Bai Chen of Blue Star has never had such a weird idea of ​​creating the God of Science, establishing the Church of Science, and becoming the first pope.

This chief academic tyrant in front of him, who is titled as the Earth No. 3, is so creative.

You can't judge a person by his appearance.

Although Max shook his head to hide his true thoughts.

But it can be seen from his stiff expression.

Bai Chen guessed right.

And from the equally unnatural performance of his companions, it can be further proved that these guys really have the intention to create the God of Science, and then hold high the flag of the God of Science to make trouble on the mainland of Amei.

The expressions of Wu Laoguai and other teachers and students of Yanyu Academy suddenly became strange.

Long Hantian Fang Zihan couldn't help smacking his lips.

Zhou Wangu, Yan Shuishui, and Xinda's faces were full of inexplicable colors.

Max sighed deeply.

Just when he thought that Bai Chen, who had seen through his little abacus, was unlikely to agree to his cooperation proposal.

Bai Chen laughed.

"Let's take the body of God Franklin to the dead volcano island."

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