I can summon myself

Chapter 358: A plain and ordinary extinct volcano island

"You want to cause trouble in front of my sister!"

The elf battleship sent Max and his party away.

Yan Shuishui took the opportunity to run to Bai Chen's aircraft.

She couldn't help but look at Bai Chen, and expressed her judgment with a sure look on her face.

Brush, everyone's attention turned.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, neither admitting nor denying: "Then what?"

"Take me one!"

Yan Shuishui said extremely seriously.

Zhou Wangu looked at the sky speechlessly, and Yan Shuishui's companions also acted like you, the Flame Elf Queen, have nothing to do after eating, so you have to get involved in this matter, and if something is wrong with you, you are outrageous.

Although most of these researchers are human beings, there are many blond girls, white-skinned men and other descendants of Amei from the Western Alliance.

But even if Bai Chen obviously wants to cause trouble in front of you, Amei.

What does this have to do with people like them in the City of All Souls?

Some researchers who are familiar with Amei, you see, and are now related to Amei, you see, mainland China, don’t take the man-made god Franklin seriously at all.

You see, A-Mei before the age of psychic energy was a place where weird little teams were as numerous as dogs, and weird and bizarre fetishes were everywhere.

After the beginning of the psychic age, even the City of All Souls did not know how many gods and monsters like God Franklin were born on this continent.

There is one more god of science and one more group of godly stickmen from the Scientology Church. In their view, they are just a small splash in the era of psychic energy.

There is the City of All Spirits and the Eastern Earth Psychic Association. Even if Max gets his wish, Amei You Kan Continent will become the basic base of his Scientology.

It is not unacceptable from the perspective of all mankind.

Moreover, although classmate Bai Chen is very evil, the mysterious dealer behind him is even more obscured and unclear.

But no matter what, he is a standard Eastern native who grew up in Eastern soil.

Even if he uses Franklin God and the Ivy League to cause trouble in Amei Youkan, it is unlikely that he will do anything crazy that goes against the Eastern education he received since he was a child.

On the contrary, compared to A-Mei, look at those crazy, twisted anti-human elements in the mainland with erroneous views.

Outstanding young people like Bai Chen who grew up under the sunshine of the Eastern Land are the ones who can truly reassure the City of All Souls.

Moreover, there are Lao Huang, Er Huang, Long Huantian and Fang Zihan sent by the Genius Center, these powerful and mythical people who defy the heavens. Even if Bai Chen really wants to look bad at you, A-mei, he will still take Dongtu's attitude into consideration.

Therefore, whether it is these researchers who are inextricably linked to A-mei.

It was Zhou Wangu who led the team in the city of all spirits.

He knew that there must be a deep meaning behind Bai Chen asking Max to send the body of God Franklin to the extinct volcano island.

They didn't make any objections.

In a thousand words, Bai Chen, who has a very upright outlook, has his own sense of proportion. He is more reliable than Max and other crazy scientists.

Compared with classmate Bai Chen's plans to cause trouble in Amei's eyes, they are actually more worried about the wanton, arrogant and frivolous Yan Shuishui.

This red-skinned elf is the one who really causes trouble and makes people bald.

However, Bai Chen's attitude made them feel at ease.


Bai Chen refused bluntly.

"It's okay for me to invest."

Yan Shui Shui said reluctantly.

"Not accepting any investment."

Yan Shuishui's face suddenly became long, and just when she wanted to say something more, Xinda dragged her away.

Five days flew by.

The extinct volcanic island is right in front of you.

When I saw this island composed of bare extinct volcanoes and gray-black extinct volcanic rocks.

Except for Yan Shuishui, Xinda, and Long Yi, who have been here once.

Others, whether they were Zhou Wangu and other members of the City of All Spirits, or Long Hantian and Fang Zihan, the two geniuses who were at the center of the heaven-defying myth, were all shocked by the simple environment of the extinct volcanic island.


"Should it be a disguise?"

"This is too plain."

As the aircraft team slowly landed.

They suddenly discovered that everything they saw in the sky was not the disguise they expected at all.

The extinct volcanic island is so plain and ordinary.

The slightly treated ground was fairly flat, and the tents one after another made researchers like Zhou Wangu, who came from the City of All Souls and had experienced countless world scenery, shake their heads.

Looking at the entire island, not even a single plant could be seen, which was even more unacceptable to Long Hantian and Fang Zihan.

Even in the icy Arctic Circle, wherever there are humans, there will be various plants as embellishments.

But Baichen, an extinct volcanic island, even if there are thousands of people living there, still looks similar to the original ecological period when it just emerged from the bottom of the sea.

It's not easy for Bai Chen to live in a place like this.

Long Hantian's eyes were filled with emotion.

Zhou Wangu's mind moved.

He took out a palm-sized miniature garden from the space equipment.

"Classmate Bai Chen, this place is too simple. Lao Zhou and I don't have the high technology of Biosphere Seventh Generation. This is an evergreen garden covering an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters. As long as spiritual energy is poured into it, it can Runs on its own.”

The leader of the City of All Souls directly put the garden into Bai Chen's hands.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I have a small wine cellar here."

"Classmate Bai Chen, I'll give you some mushrooms."

"Classmate Bai Chen, there are all kinds of household appliances in the prefabricated houses."

"Classmate Bai Chen, I will give you six cats."

Inspired by this, researchers from the City of All Souls took out their collections.

Although these items are not expensive, they can decorate the extinct volcanic island.

In their opinion, after classmate Bai Chen finishes his work in Dongtu, sooner or later he will enter the City of All Spirits and the worlds behind the City of All Spirits.

Now it is really cost-effective to use this little thing to look familiar in front of classmate Bai Chen.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I have ten huskies here."

Bai Chen's eyes twitched.

"Thank you, I don't need to demolish a professional household here."

At this time, Yan Shuishui ran up to Bai Chen.

"Bai Chen, you don't feel right here."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why has the spiritual strength here increased again?" She has a keen sense and confirmed that the extinct volcanic island is ordinary and ordinary despite its appearance.

But the strength of their spiritual energy has increased a lot compared to when they first came.

"Although there is still a big gap compared to the City of All Spirits, even for the Genius Center, which has relatively higher spiritual energy intensity than Dongtu, the spiritual energy intensity here is a bit exaggerated."

Zhou Wangu looked around thoughtfully.

"The mountain is not high, if there are immortals, it will be spiritual."

"The island is not big, spiritual energy is everything!"

"No wonder Bai Chen chose to keep the original ecology. With such spiritual strength, what kind of fancy RGB do you need?"

"The psychic energy here is really good."

The researchers in the City of All Spirits breathed in the air full of spiritual energy.

This extinct volcanic island looks simple, but it possesses spiritual power that far exceeds that of the mainland of the East.

"There's something wrong with the psychic energy here!"

Suddenly, Zhou Wangu's eyes widened, his black and white eyes filled with surprise.

"These psychic powers are actually natural!"

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