I can summon myself

Chapter 284 This is Bai Chen, Coach Bai.

"Brother, are you serious?"

Fang Ziqiang's eyes widened. What the hell was he feeling uneasy? What the hell was asking Bai Chen for advice?

You must know that his irritable old brother Fang Zihan will just push past him and get the job done no matter what he faces.

Emotions like sentimentality don't exist in him at all. Why did he suddenly come to him today to seek Bai Chen's contact information?

Fang Zihan did not answer immediately, but turned to look at the archaeologists.

Colleagues from Fang Ziqiang understand this instantly.

"Let's take a walk in the back garden."

They filed out of Fang Ziqiang's studio.

As the studio door closed again.

Fang Zihan raised his hand, and a shield that could block the eavesdropping of Nitian Shinhwa separated the inside and outside.

"Brother, are you sure you're not talking nonsense?"

Fang Ziqiang looked puzzled.

Fang Zihan was more serious than ever before: "Since I was promoted to the Heaven-defying Myth, my ability to foresee things that sometimes work sometimes has also evolved from 50% to 64%."

"This prediction with a 60% accuracy rate tells me that this time the God Slaughter is in great danger."

Fang Ziqiang's face suddenly turned pale.

He knew what his grumpy old brother was capable of.

It was precisely because of his 50-50 prediction that Fang Zihan avoided countless risks and survived until now.

"I have tried all solutions, but my precognition tells me that only Bai Chen can solve the death crisis I am facing."

Fang Zihan said solemnly.

"I understand, I'll figure it out right now."

Even if he bows his head to Wu Qingmei, the evil woman’s clone.

Fang Ziqiang must also contact Bai Chen.

Soon, Bai Chen received Fang Zihan's request to communicate with him.

"The deputy leader of the God-Slaying Team, a combat-type heaven-defying myth from the association."

Bai Chen asked Sally to connect to the encrypted communication.

"Classmate Bai Chen, I want to hire you as my personal consultant to remotely guide me in this God-Slaying Operation."

Fang Zihan got straight to the point and stated his request.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows: "Your Excellency Fang Zihan, do you want me to be your personal consultant?"

What a joke, he had no interaction with this famously grumpy old man, and he didn't even know him personally. The other party actually asked him to be his personal consultant, a job that involved the privacy of God-defying Shinhwa.

Bai Chen felt that the other party must not have eaten peanuts while drinking. Otherwise, even if he had eaten a few peanuts, he would not have said such nonsense.

However, Fang Zihan was very sober.

"Classmate Bai Chen, my precognition tells me that this trip to kill the gods will involve a major crisis of life and death, and you are the only solution."

"So, I'm asking you to do me this favor."

After that, Fang Zihan in front of the camera saluted Bai Chen solemnly.

Bai Chen was stunned.

"My dear, this guy is not simple."

"You are staring into the abyss, and the abyss is staring into you."

"He can actually feel the malice from beyond the Arctic Circle."

"Either this guy is born with high perception, or this guy can match the brainwaves of the ancient god in the Arctic Circle through the way of heaven."

"Interesting, really interesting."

Immortal King Bai Chen's analysis made Bai Chen look at Fang Zihan thoughtfully.

Fang Zihan, who keenly observed Bai Chen's actions, quickly made his conditions.

"Ten kilograms of intermediate god-level essence every year."

"I have gained all my personal gains from this God-Slaying Operation, if I can gain anything at all."

"I'll take the blame for you once, no, three times!"

"Whether it's the God Slaughter this time or in the future, you don't need to provide on-site guidance. You only need to stay on the extinct volcano island or Yanyu City for remote guidance."

"For ordinary trivial matters that do not involve my life or death, there is no need for you to take action."

Fang Ziqiang on the side opened his mouth wide.

Is this asking for a consultant?

This is a fortune teller.

Isn't remote guidance just a matter of words?

Ten kilograms of intermediate god-level essence every year. If word gets out that the magic stick who is willing to tell fortunes for his grumpy old brother can be arranged from Dongtu to Amei, you can see.

Three chances to take the blame is even more incredible.

A majestic and heaven-defying myth, taking the blame for Bai Chen, the awakened person?

If it weren't for my brother's prediction, it would be too mysterious.

Fang Ziqiang could not wait to interrupt Fang Zihan immediately and take him to the psychiatric clinic of the genius center hospital to have a good look at whether there was something wrong with his head.

However, what made Fang Ziqiang's eyes drop to the ground was that Bai Chen actually made his conditions.

"The number of remote instruction sessions per year shall not exceed three times."

"Ten kilograms of intermediate god-level essence every year is not enough. Fifty kilograms of half-intermediate and half high-level god-level essence are needed."

"The cooperation period, starting from this year, will be up to three years."

Fang Ziqiang's eyes suddenly turned red.

Just when he was about to angrily accuse Bai Chen of being greedy to the point of being insane.

Fang Zihan agreed to Bai Chen's conditions without hesitation.

"Okay, just follow what you said, Consultant Bai Chen."

"This year's twenty-five kilograms of intermediate god-level essence will be sent to the extinct volcano island immediately. I will immediately start collecting the twenty-five kilograms of high-level god-level essence. Before I set off, I will definitely raise this amount and send it to you. ”

"make a deal."

Late that night, Fang Zihan summoned four geniuses from the Genius Center and five talents from the association, a total of nine juniors, to the conference room.

"Captain Fang, please give instructions."

Han Feng put his legs together and saluted Fang Zihan with an impeccable posture.

Although Fang Zihan is only the deputy leader, he is the direct superior of the nine of them.

So even if Han Feng is a genius in the genius center, he dare not stab Fang Zihan, the deputy leader of the association.

The other eight also stood straight and saluted Fang Zihan.

Fang Zihan waved his hand to signal them to relax.

"Sit down, there is nothing to do today."

"I mainly want to inform you that I have a personal consultant."

"He will serve as a remote guide for this trip to kill the gods."

"If anything happens to me, he will take over your command at the first time. You must obey his orders meticulously without any discount. Do you understand?"



"Your personal consultant must be a legendary think tank boss who defies the heavens. We will definitely execute his orders 100%."

"We must respect him as much as you do."

Whether it is Han Feng or Sun Chaolu, they patted their chests.

To be able to become the personal consultant of Captain Fang, it is obviously a very remarkable legendary think tank.

How could they not agree?

Fang Zihan had a meaningful smile on his face.

"Even if you haven't met my personal consultant, you must have heard of his name."

Han Feng's eyes lit up.

Sun Chaolu looked at Fang Zihan eagerly: "Captain, tell me, who is this great man?"

Fang Zihan turned on the projection and pointed at the handsome young man on the projection.

"This is Bai Chen, Coach Bai."

"My personal consultant, he will provide us with remote guidance on the dead volcano island."

"Speaking of which, you should have heard of him."

"Han Feng, Coach Bai Chen is the most popular and popular person in your genius center, you must know him."

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