I can summon myself

Chapter 283 Bai Chen's fighting power is low

At the Genius Center, the bosses and the think tank team further improved the God-killing Plan.

The geniuses selected for the plan also began to cooperate in training.

They experienced everything in the Arctic Circle on a simulated battlefield the size of a football field.

"The temperature there is about minus seven or eight degrees, and the wind is very strong, reaching an average of five or six."

"The oxygen content is abundant, far exceeding the average value of the East."

"It must be noted that the creatures in the Arctic Circle are very good at camouflage, from the most insignificant slime mold to the legendary polar bears, they can perfectly blend into the ice and snow environment."

"So, you must never leave the main force and act alone."

"Especially in case the God-killing fails and you retreat separately, the nine of you must maintain a group of three and work together to safely withdraw from the Arctic Circle battlefield."

The four geniuses of the Genius Center and the five talents of the East Earth Psychic Association listened very carefully.

They completed the training task of the Arctic Circle Expert Group today meticulously.

"Hey, when we exchanged names before, I wanted to ask, isn't there a classmate named Bai Chen in your Genius Center who is very popular recently? Why didn't I see him today?"

The leaders of the association are all ordinary-looking young women with round faces but curved eyebrows and eyes when they smile, and a pair of dimples that are very friendly.

Her name is Sun Chaolu, the seventh-ranked 8th-level controller in the East Earth Psychic Association.

"Bai Chen?"

The leader of the four geniuses in the Genius Center curled his lips in disdain.

This is a gloomy man wrapped in a cold aura. Although his 11th-level controller is not ranked in the top 15 on the Genius Center list, after the top 17 expressed their unwillingness to participate in the God Slaughter, he, who ranked 18th, became the captain this time.

"Yes, isn't this guy the most popular person in your Genius Center recently?"

Sun Chaolu couldn't hide her curiosity.

But whether it was the gloomy man Han Feng or the other three people in the Genius Center, they all looked uninterested.

"It's true that he's a celebrity, but this classmate Bai Chen is not even a controller."

The chubby genius Li Sanshiwu shrugged. As his name suggests, he is ranked 35.

"No way?"

"What a joke."

"It's understandable if he's a low-priced controller, but this Bai Chen is not even a controller?"

"Is he a kid at the awakened level?"

"Awakened level 15, or awakened level 20?"

Sun Chaolu's companions spoke up one after another.

It seems outrageous that Bai Chen, who is not even a controller, can become a celebrity at the genius center.

"Come on, awakened level 15? This classmate Bai Chen is not even an awakened level 10, and his college, Yanyu College, has 100,000 teachers and students, and he doesn't even have a controller."

"Do you know that Yanyu College has Yanyu City where Yanyu College is located?"

Li Sanshiwu's question made the talented people shake their heads.

They thought for a long time, but they didn't know that there was such a city in the East.

"It is said that Bai Chen has been as unpopular as his academy in the past 20 years."

"In the past six months, he attracted the national treasure Crested Ibis with crayfish, and then he entered the sight of the Genius Center."

"Bai Chen's combat power is low, and the strongest person around him is only a seventh-level awakener named Mo Qianxing."

"The reason why he is famous is that his bloodline has awakened. This guy's family may be a group of academic masters in the City of All Spirits. Basic psychic formulas, basic psychic matrices, subspace theory, and cognition of the deep ocean seem to be quite impressive."

The bespectacled young man who is in charge of the think tank role among the four people in the Genius Center expressed his judgment on Bai Chen.

"From the information we have learned so far, the reason why this classmate Bai Chen is so popular is mainly because of the various knowledge left in his blood by his ancestors."

"He should be a genius of academic master type."

The talented people suddenly realized.

This explains why Bai Chen was unknown in the past 20 years and suddenly soared to the sky.

It turned out that it was because of the resurrection of bloodline.

"I don't think Bai Chen deserves the word genius."

Han Feng shook his head and sneered: "If he is really a genius, how could he not even be on the preliminary list of our genius center? Rather than being a genius of academic tyrants, it is better to say that he is a lucky guy who relies on the bragging of his ancestors.

"The big guys of the genius center saw through this and excluded this guy who is very good at making trouble but has low combat effectiveness from the list of the God-killing Team."

"There are many guys like Bai Chen who rely on the inheritance in their blood to brag. The genius center and the psychic association have them. "

"But it is very good to have one in a hundred thousand break through the upper limit of the ancestors."

"This guy Bai Chen wants to be on an equal footing with all of us. Let him become one of the hundred thousand first."

"I, Han Feng, have no grudges against Bai Chen, but I hate this kind of upstart who fills the numbers the most. "

Han Feng did not hide his disdain for Bai Chen.

The Genius Center is a holy place in the hearts of the young people in the East.

Even though he, Han Feng, entered the Genius Center at the age of three with his natural talent.

Even with the support of the powerful and legendary boss, he still took one step at a time, relying on blood and sweat, relying on the great fear and great opportunities on the brink of life and death, and stepping on the bodies of countless geniuses to reach the 17th position in the ranking of peers today.

How can Bai Chen, who is just taking advantage of the knowledge inherited from his bloodline, be compared with someone like him who has a talent far beyond that of an ordinary genius, has suffered far beyond that of an ordinary genius, and has used blood and tears to build his current status?

What made him even more upset was that Bai Chen, a guy who took advantage of the situation, actually got the close protection of Wei Changkong, the on-site guidance of Wu Qingmei, and even the legendary strongmen Lao Huang and Er Huang to help him sit on the Dead Volcano Island. This is the top treatment that only the top ten in the rankings are eligible to enjoy.

In other words, a mere awakener actually got a benefit that is one level higher than his eleventh-level controller.

If it weren't for the slaughter of gods in front of him.

Han Feng even wanted to run to the Dead Volcano Island to let Bai Chen know the fate of being a scumbag.

"Don't mention this guy."

"He is not the same kind of person as us."

"God cannot be deceived."

"A guy like Bai Chen, who is like a nouveau riche, can't keep his popularity for long."

"There is no need to worry about the guys who appear to be glamorous but have no real ability every year in the talent center."

"Shall we continue to practice?"

Han Feng invited Sun Chaolu and others to practice more.


The sound of their practice rang out again in the training ground.

At the same time, Fang Zihan came to Fang Ziqiang's villa.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Fang Ziqiang and a group of archaeologists making a statue with plaster.

If he had seen Bai Chen's archaeological work, he would have recognized at a glance that this statue was the one in the underwater ancient city.

"Brother, do you have any way to contact classmate Bai Chen?"

"I always feel a little uneasy, I want to ask classmate Bai Chen for advice."

Fang Zihan got straight to the point.

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