I can summon myself

Chapter 285: Humans cannot beat dogs

After confirming that the nine geniuses knew Bai Chen's name and who he was, Fang Zihan left the meeting room.

The door of the meeting room was closed again.

The geniuses in the meeting room were immediately furious.

"Bai Chen, Coach Bai, Coach Bai!"

"Bai Chen, you are so arrogant, does your ancestors know?"

"The personal advisor of Vice Captain Fang Zihan? Oh my God, have you also been imprisoned for billions of years and are you blind?"

"Incomprehensible, unacceptable."

"If it weren't for the fact that such a heaven-defying legend like Mr. Fang Zihan could not be faked, I almost thought that he had his head replaced online by someone from Yanyu Academy."

The nine geniuses were more excited than each other.

Especially the leader Han Feng, who felt that his face was swollen from the beating of the deputy leader, slapped the table vigorously: "Bai Chen is not even a controller, but he has become the personal consultant of the combat-type anti-sky myth and the remote guidance of our God-killing team. I have never encountered such an outrageous thing in my life!"

Sun Chaolu also looked incredible. She guessed: "Could it be that someone behind Bai Chen said hello to Mr. Fang Zihan?"

Otherwise, how could there be such a fairy-like plot that even the most awesome coding machine could not think of?

"It must be that the Baichen family has made an effort. Knowing that the bigwigs of the Genius Center are not interested in a scoundrel like him who relies on family knowledge to gain fame, they deliberately used a roundabout way to save the country and force him into the God-killing team as a private consultant."

Li Sanshiwu felt that there must be a shameful PY transaction behind this scene.

"I didn't expect Bai Chen to be such a person."

"Disgusting, so disgusting."

"In such a sacred place as the Genius Center, there are bad guys like Bai Chen who have less than five combat power but rely on Fang Zihan, a powerful person who defies the heavens, to get in."

"But the problem now is that we can't do anything about it."

Han Feng's words made everyone quiet down.

"First of all, Mr. Fang Zihan has the dual identities of a powerful person who defies the heavens and a deputy leader. Not to mention that he asked Bai Chen to be a personal consultant, he even asked a husky to be a personal consultant and give remote guidance. We, the juniors whose authority and strength are far from being able to compete with him, can only grit our teeth and accept it."

"Secondly, the title of personal consultant and remote guidance, even if we send our dissatisfaction to the desks of the big guys who presided over the God-killing Team in the Genius Center and the Association through our respective teachers, Deputy Head Fang Zihan can use the literal meaning of these two titles to prevaricate."

"What qualifications do we have to point fingers at the personal consultant and remote guidance of a powerful person who defies the heavens?"


Han Feng's aggrieved expression turned into reality.

As he said, the identity of a personal consultant is a great pressure.

Even if he is his elder, it is not good to say anything to Fang Zihan.

Personal consultant, he is someone else's personal consultant, why do you, a little kid like Han Feng, have the right to make decisions?

But with the identity of the direct boss blessed by Fang Zihan, the deputy head of the group.

Even in theory, he can completely ignore the personal consultant and give remote guidance.

Whether it is Han Feng or the other eight geniuses.

It is impossible, and they dare not ignore Bai Chen.

"We are just a speck of dust in the era, but Bai Chen, who is backed by Vice Captain Fang Zihan, is a mountain."

"There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only the relationship dogs Bai Chen, Coach Bai."

"No wonder the top geniuses in the Genius Center did not participate in this seemingly simple feast of killing gods, where they can pick up the corpses of ancient gods by A-ing with the two big guys Long Hantian and Fang Zihan."

"They clearly predicted that a relationship dog like Bai Chen would try his best to get the credit."

The sighs in the conference room were getting louder and louder.

"People can't beat dogs."

"Especially a relationship dog like Bai Chen who relies on the support of the ancestors and does whatever he wants."

Han Feng was like his mother had died.

"Bear, what else can we do except bear?"

"A relationship dog at the level of Vice Captain Fang Zihan, we can't afford to offend, we really can't afford to offend."

"The awakener is the personal consultant of the mythical strong man who defies the heavens, hahahahaha (wqnmlgb)."

The conference room was filled with wailing.

At this time, the command center of the God Killing Team was separated by a building.

Fang Zihan approached Long Hantian: "I have hired Bai Chen as my personal consultant to deal with possible accidents in the Arctic Circle through remote command."

Long Hantian, with his horns and horns on his head, tilted his head: "Old Fang, you are not kidding, are you?"

As a witness to Bai Chen's magical archaeological journey, Long Hantian did not doubt Bai Chen's understanding of the ancient gods.

But he did not think Bai Chen had the ability to be a personal consultant and to command remotely.

"No kidding, I am very serious."

Fang Zihan looked serious.

"I have a hunch that the outcome of this god-killing may not be too good."

The playfulness on Long Hantian's face disappeared, replaced by solemnity and dignified.

A sudden inspiration in the dark.

Not only is it not metaphysics, but it is the exclusive skill of the powerful people at the level of the mythical heaven to perceive the future from the way of heaven.

Fang Zihan would never use this method to dampen everyone's enthusiasm for killing gods.

He felt bad.

There is a possibility that the result will not be too good.

"My intuition tells me that Bai Chen is the most likely hope."

Fang Zihan's words made Long Hantian completely understand his intention.

"Okay, personal consultant is personal consultant, remote guidance is remote guidance."

"If you and I really encounter an accident, classmate Bai Chen will be the third commander of our team after you and me."

"I will pass it on."

Long Hantian patted Fang Zihan on the shoulder.

Intuition is as indescribable as the ancient gods, but the more profound the heaven-defying mythology is in the understanding of the way of heaven, the more you believe in your intuition.

Long Hantian believes in Fang Zihan.

So it is so outrageous to let an awakened person remotely command the God-Slaying Team to do the Heaven-Defying Mythology Powerful People.

As the leader of the team, Long Hantian chose to accept it.

"Since it is intuition, it is not good to tell the Genius Center and the Psychic Association."

"Just pretend that you and I have gone crazy together."

Long Hantian decided to take half of the blame for Fang Zihan.

If Fang Zihan's intuition did not work, he would just lose some face. When did the ferocious Long Hantian care about other people's eyes?

What if Fang Zihan's intuition is correct.

His current decision may bring hope to the God-Slaying Team.

"By the way, lend me 25 kilograms of high-level divine essence. I want to pay classmate Bai Chen's consultant fee this year."

Long Hantian raised his eyebrows: "Old Fang, this price is too expensive. Even the legendary think tank in our East Land only gets this much for a year."

"Earlier today, I sent someone to deliver 25 kilograms of mid-level divine essence."

Long Hantian was completely speechless.

Fifty kilograms of divine essence a year, half mid-level and half high-level.

Bai Chen, the value of Coach Bai, really exceeded his imagination.

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