I can summon myself

Chapter 232 Help, help!

"Emperor's Sky Eye, your detection cluster will immediately enter overload detection mode."

"Jiang Dong attacks the cluster and immediately targets the twenty-five spell casters among the fishmen."

"Our defense group immediately deployed psychic shields to create a worry-free sky for the attacking group."

The three major clusters each performed their duties and formed a formation at a height of one thousand meters in the sky step by step.

The psychic energy fluctuations that were denser than before swept the murloc forward over and over again.

The aircraft in the defense cluster dispersed, and the light of the psychic shields lit up the sky.

They heavily protect the attack cluster.

"Murloc Spellcaster, mark to complete."

"The Kodong is responsible for the five warlocks, and the others are responsible for the remaining twenty murloc casters."

"Main gun locked."

"The secondary battery pack will recharge immediately."

The three major clusters started the attack countdown in an orderly manner.

The teachers and students aboard the Jiangnan and the Gonggong Union raised their middle fingers to these guys who claimed to be dismissive of the fishmen, but actually treated them as indescribable, indescribable, and elusive things.




The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy on the Bear bomber were completely defeated by the shamelessness of the three major groups.

"Junior Bai Chen, they are so cautious, they probably won't overturn."

Bai Chen shook his head: "It's hard to say now. The magician is a variable. Don't forget there is a little dragon."

He just finished speaking.

"Strong metal reflection detected in the target sea area."

"The fishmen striker begins to attack."

Rows of metal spears suddenly appeared on the big screen, simulating images of the three large groups being shot from the hands of the fish-men warriors.

"That's it?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Physical attack?"

"A javelin trying to hit us a thousand meters below?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're so stupid."

"Seeing that we were not running away, we actually took the initiative to attack!"

The teachers and students in the three major clusters laughed loudly.

In their opinion, the purely physical attack method of murlocs using spears is as ridiculous as the primitive people using bows and arrows to resist the modern army bombing by helicopters.

"The maximum height of this wave of spears is 900 meters."

"The landing point error is four hundred meters."

"This wave of their attacks can't even absorb our exhaust."

After calculating these spears, the three major groups looked at the murlocs with eyes full of disdain and pity.

The teachers and students aboard the Jiangnan and Gonggong Union, who also calculated this number, felt that these fishmen were frightened by the three clusters of aircraft.

Only Bai Chen turned to look at the talking grass: "Krao asked the armored cloud whale team to speed up. If the plane cannot be rescued, try to rescue the people."

"Okay, Sir Bai Chen."

Armored cloud whales rushing towards the sky in the distance suddenly appeared on the big screens of the three clusters.

"What is Bai Chen going to do?"

"Want to grab the loot?"

"This is too shameless."

The conductors had just finished speaking.

The alarms of the aircraft in the three clusters suddenly sounded.

"Throw the gun, change, change course!"

"Divinity fluctuations detected."

"Warning, warning, the speed of the gun suddenly exceeded the speed of sound!"

"Dive immediately, dive immediately!"

Teachers and students in the three major clusters reacted immediately.

Although they didn't know why the projectile gun, which couldn't even absorb the exhaust gas, suddenly accelerated, and suddenly it seemed to have eyes, and it rushed towards the belly of each aircraft.

But they still reacted quickly and chose to dive towards the sea.

Because instead of climbing, turn.

On the contrary, diving is the best choice to get rid of this wave of spear attacks with the help of gravity for maximum acceleration.

However, what they didn't expect was.

Their reaction had long been expected by the fish-men forward.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"


Pillars of water appeared in the deep ocean at the feet of the murloc striker.

Mogomogo, holding a ten-meter keel bone staff, emerged from the deep ocean with an army of fishmen.

They were actually in the deep ocean directly below the murloc striker. With the protection of the murloc striker and the deep ocean, they were able to escape detection one after another by the three major groups.

Seeing the kelp crown and the dragon bone staff, the fishman king Mogo, Mogo had a sinister smile in his dead fish eyes.

The commanders of the three major clusters felt a chill extending from their tailbones to their whole bodies.

"You will suffer, you will suffer severely."

"Climb, climb quickly!"

"Main battery fire, secondary battery fire."

The Kodong's main gun let out a deafening roar.

Countless psychic cannonballs were fired at the fish-man king.

The fishman king was instantly shattered under the salvos of the three groups.

Its men were also torn into countless pieces.

"We succeeded?"

"No blood."

"Fuck, we were fooled!"

The souls of commanders appeared in great numbers.

Disturbed by this sudden group of phantoms.

The three major clusters not only lost their speed advantage because of the emergency climb.

And they all chose to fire on the phantom, losing a valuable opportunity.

Although they tried to re-lock the Murloc forward at the first opportunity.

But by now it was too late.

Group after group of spears came from below.

Murloc warriors are like murloc-type throwers that have no emotions.

In just thirty pieces, at least four hundred sharp javelins were thrown, each three meters long, and the entire body was dark and exuded with the light of psychic metal alloy.

"Wow, la la la la."


"The fishman dances like a master, dances like a master."

Five haloes of blood and divine power appeared on the twisted bodies of the five fish-man magicians.

These haloes exuding strange spiritual energy fluctuations arrived first and got into the fish-men's javelin array.

The sharp tip of the spear emitted light of the same color as the halo.

"Psychic shield, invalid!"

"The belly armor is completely destroyed!"

"We were hit!"

"Engine fire, engine fire!"

Four hundred javelins, like four hundred cannonballs, penetrated the bodies of various types of aircraft in the three clusters from below.

Blood energy and divine power formed a strange force that completely destroyed their defenses.

"My machine is out of control."

"Get out of the way, we're going to fall."

"It's over, it's over!"

The public channels were filled with the wails of the commanders of the three groups that were snatching monsters.

The three major clusters, which were orderly and arrogant before, are now like headless flies.

Flames spurted from the aircraft and black smoke rose.

Broken wings and fragments fell like rain.

After being hit by the fishman striker, several aircraft in the three clusters lost their balance and fell towards the sea.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The way the fish people danced made the teachers and students in the three major clusters blush.

They failed to grab the monster, but were about to be shot down by the murloc strikers.


"I don't want to die."

"Help, help!"

One after another, the aircraft crashed into the sea.

The public channel was filled with the desperate wails of those who fell into the sea.

Every fish-man's eyes showed the cruel look of catching prey.

Just when they were ready to enjoy the flesh and blood of the teachers and students who fell into the sea.

A dazzling light appeared above the head.

Yes, RGB.

The armored cloud whale team descended from the sky under Bai Chen's order.

“Fresh meat!”

The leader of the murloc vanguard looked at the bodies of the giant cloud whales and drooled.

"Dahei, throw a bomb!"

Bai Chen said lightly.

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