I can summon myself

Chapter 233 You have been shot down by fishmen

The fish-man wants to repeat his old tricks.

However, after discovering that the leader Hei Buliu Qiuyun Whale threw the bomb and ran away, he didn't care whether the bomb hit or not.


As the three groups of teachers and students who had turned back into melons sat and watched, the sixty-five murlocs in the vanguard got into the water and fled.

"Can I curse?"

"No, but we can scold the fish."

"What is this? Running away before a fight? To be fair, Bai Chen, the man behind Hei Bu Liu Qiu Yun Jing, is the real owner of the fish fry."

"If you want revenge, shouldn't you block the gate of Yanyu Academy?"

"If the Cloud Whale is defeated, it can clear away our incompetence in combat, but now, the fishman forward has actually run away?"

"It's a shame to be thrown into the deep ocean. I failed to steal the monster but was beaten by the monster instead."

The teachers and students in the three major clusters all felt as if they were being ridden by bala-la-la murlocs. Depressed, aggrieved, and speechless to the extreme.

Not only did they fail to grab monsters, but they didn't get any benefits at all. Instead, they were beaten down by the weak-looking Murloc forward who looked easy to control.

Even if it was shot down, each downed aircraft was freed from the risk of sinking after emergency activation of air-tight cabins and other measures. The combat team members in these aircraft were summoned by teachers at the senior controller level to prepare to sit on the mountain and watch. You can counterattack at any time after a tiger fight.

That is when the fish man and the cloud whale fight back and forth.

They either wait and wait, or they rush forward and use the weapons in their hands to regain their own dignity, and the dignity of the teachers and students in the three major clusters.

But no one expected that after the Black Cloud Whales from Africa dropped a bunch of bombs, the murloc strikers would actually run away without a fight, and just wipe the soles of their feet with oil in front of the three groups of people who were holding their breath. fled back to the deep ocean.

"The three groups shot down by the fishmen, are you okay?"

"Would you like the Cloud Whale Team to throw some ice bombs to freeze you?"

The public channel sounded the greetings from a certain Zaun bald man.

In the Bear bomber command center, the teachers and students snickered so brightly that all the members of the three major groups wished they could sew them in in an orderly manner.

"The three major clusters shot down by the fishmen?"

"You have been shot down by fishmen..."

They can be sure that the gloating guys from Yanyu Academy, as well as the Jiangnan and the teachers and students on the Gonggong Union will definitely take advantage of their "brilliant" achievement of being shot down by the fish-men instead of trying to grab monsters, and use the No. 5 Deep Ocean Collection City and Airport No. 5, spread throughout their region.

"You have been shot down by fish-men before, grass (a kind of plant), our three groups will definitely be laughed to death this time."

"What is shame? This is shame."

"The Jiangnan people in the Jiangnan region are also really bad!"

"This dark history will definitely be recorded in the files of the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

"When it comes to our three major clusters from now on, there will definitely be a mention that they were shot down by fish-men."

The faces of teachers and students in the three major clusters are getting darker one by one.

The failure to seize monsters turned into a joke, a big joke.

This frustrated each of them.

"Who knew fishmen were so cunning."

"Those five murlocs who look like warlocks are definitely not warlocks."

"The fish man used his new profession to trick us."

"And we are also frying fish to protect Yanyu Academy."

Just when they were desperately trying to find excuses and reasons for being shot down by the fish-men.

Jiangnan's voice sounded again on the public channel: "A large force of fishmen has been discovered."

"The coordinates are one hundred and twenty-three kilometers due north of the fish ring."

"The fishman army began to break into pieces and rushed towards the fish rings."

The three major clusters couldn't care less about making excuses.

Countless traffic boats descended from the sky, and they had to drag the aircraft that crashed into the sea back into the sky as soon as possible.

"Dahei, go over and help."


The Cloud Whale Armored Team joined the rescue queue.

With their skillful cooperation, they took all the downed aircraft into the sky without missing a beat.

"Pull them back to the extinct volcano island."

Bai Chen's generous approach made the three major clusters extremely embarrassed.

"This is high moral integrity."

"There's nothing you can do about it. You're so lucky to be from Dongtu."

The singing and harmonizing of Poppy and Maggie made the disgraced teachers and students of the three clusters feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the attacking murloc army brought everyone's attention back to the battlefield.

The number of these murlocs does not exceed five hundred. Including the Bone Legion, the four human boats rowing for soy sauce, and a large number of miscellaneous fish, the total number is about two thousand.

Fifty murlocs each had one arrowhead, so they divided into ten teams and advanced towards Bai Chen's fish ring at high speed.

"What do these fishmen want to do?"

Mo Qianxing raised her chin.

Fish Ring is an area of ​​​​2,000 kilometers of sea surrounding an extinct volcanic island.

Apart from the expendable sonar that would have been dropped every day, there was nothing else of value.

This sea area is very large. Let alone ten murloc squads, there are a hundred murloc squads. With the high speed of the Bear bombers, they can continue their swaggering fish bombing operations right under their noses.

Even with the blessing of a magician.

It is impossible for the fishmen to catch up with us.

Mo Qianxing felt that the fish people were dividing their forces against the fishing circle.

Very stupid.

Bai Chen smiled lightly and looked for the cat Bai Chen. With the blessing of battle experience, he could see the intention of the No. 1 Old Dominator behind the fish-man at a glance.

"Use this group of Walalala fishmen to confuse our sight, and while we are PPPVPing with the fishmen, the little fart dragon sneaks into our old nest, the Dead Volcano Island."

"Then, use its talent of confusing people with the mirage system to control and confuse our teachers and students who stayed on the Dead Volcano Island."

"If we are not careful and return to the Dead Volcano Island without suspicion."

"The little fart dragon may really work if he takes the opportunity to dig a pit."

Mo Qianxing whistled.

The teachers and students in the command center also looked at this little fart dragon as being so treacherous.

From the ability of this guy to control the army of fishmen.

When the teachers and students on the Dead Volcano Island are defenseless, there is no problem in controlling them.

Once the Dead Volcano Island falls into the control of the little fart dragon.

This guy can do whatever he wants.

"Unfortunately, this little dragon with some tactics in his head met our junior Bai Chen."

"Although the basic psychic matrix of the Dead Volcano Island has not been officially put into operation, the mirage psychic protection system has been activated for a long time."

"The little dragon made a wrong calculation by wanting to use the mirage psychic energy to cause trouble."

"Junior, let's catch the dragon in the jar?"

The seniors are ready to fight.

Didn't the little dragon want to use the fish army to cover and take the opportunity to sneak into the Dead Volcano Island?

Then Yanyu Academy pretended to be fooled and let Krao and other cloud whales simulate the bear bomber and have a PPPPVP with these ten fish teams in the fish circle.

The real bear bomber returned directly to the Dead Volcano Island to give the little dragon a surprise.


Bai Chen nodded and began to explain to Krao.

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