I can summon myself

Chapter 231 Stealing monsters?

"Are we being robbed?"

"Well, although a fishman like Wala Lala whose meat is smelly doesn't have any luck, we seem to have been robbed by monsters."

"Then do you want to tell them that these murloc forwards not only include long-range spellcasters, but also murloc magicians?"

"What is a magician?"

"Don't forget, this group of murlocs is driven by Old Dominator No. 1, and this number is a little mirage dragon from the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan."

"If these monster snatchers treat them as ordinary fishmen, they will probably suffer a lot."

In the Bear bomber, the teachers and students of Yanyu Academy stared blankly at the three major clusters, as well as the Jiangnan and the Gonggong Union, speeding towards the fish-men forward.

Bai Chen said calmly: "Send a few armored cloud whale teams over, just don't let them suffer too many casualties."

"As for the rest, forget it."

When grabbing monsters, you must be prepared to be blasted by the monster hammer.

The three major clusters show the arrogance of seeing soft persimmons.

Even if I remind them here, they will fall on deaf ears.

After all, no one except Yanyu Academy knew that there was probably a little dragon behind the fish-men.

As for the murloc magician, apart from those who have spent their entire lives in the deep ocean and are closely related to the murlocs, not many murlocs know that this profession exists among the murlocs.

"A hodgepodge profession that combines the two-in-one profession of fish-man magician, bloodline magician and divine favored one."

"Bloodline Warlock, as everyone knows, is a common profession that uses the power of bloodline."

Teachers and students took out their notebooks one after another.

The foodie senior pushed a bottle of happy water in front of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen opened it with a smile and took a sip.

Seeing that everyone was ready, he continued: "Beloved of the Gods, we must first start with the belief of the fishmen. You may not believe it if you tell me. The fishmen are so ugly that they look stupid. , but they are all fanatical creatures with beliefs.”

"The strange thing is that their beliefs are very strange and confusing. They may believe in all non-living things in nature, such as undersea mountains, undersea rocks, undersea cracks, and even deep ocean islands. They may also believe that everything they see can move. thing."

"Big fish, giant software, abyssal sea tribe imported from aliens, and even a passing abyss market. They only don't believe in the boss of their own tribe, let alone being blown up to the sky by Cthulhu believers. Various models of the Old Dominators."

"According to our normal human logic, creatures like the Wow-La-La Murlocs are basically a group of unbelievers who believe in everything. In disguise, they believe in nothing."

"But unfortunately, they can get the response of the believed objects in the dark. God's favored ones who can use some of the abilities of the believed objects appear."

"For example, a certain fishman who believes in No. 5 Deep Ocean Market may get food that other fishmen have no processing ability at all."

"For example, a fish-man who believes in stones on the seabed may have the petrified skin ability to harden his fish scales."

Teachers and students have big mouths.

Believe in the murlocs passing by the Deep Ocean Market.

Not only are these bala-la-la fish ugly, they also have mental problems.

"And after being blessed by the bloodline sorcerer's ability, the ability of the fish-man god's favored person becomes even more unpredictable and unpredictable."

"Even though this murloc forward only has five murloc magicians, even the little dragon King Mogo Mogo may not know their specific abilities."

"Because the fishmen's beliefs are too wild."

Bai Chen drank happy water.

The teachers and students all looked gloating.

Regardless of the three major clusters or the two aircraft in the Jiangnan region, it would be great fun if they treated the murloc magician as an ordinary murloc.

"I think they're going to suffer."

"Hey, you don't even know the profession of these fishmen. It would be strange if you charge forward like this."

"Junior Bai Chen, how about we do this?"

The bald man leaned into Bai Chen's ear with a wicked smile and told him his plan.

Bai Chen looked at Wang Botang in astonishment.

I didn't expect this senior with thick eyebrows and big eyes to be so sinister.


Bai Chen, who was unhappy about being robbed of a monster, agreed to his plan.

"This is the Bear Bomber. We are very serious and solemnly warning you that this group of murloc forwards is definitely not as simple as you see."

"I hope you can be more vigilant and deal with them with the same attitude towards the indescribable, indescribable, and elusive old rulers of the deep ocean."

"After the warning is over, we will exit the public channel and continue to fry fish. Goodbye."

Having said that, everyone on the three major clusters, the Yanyu and the Gonggong Union, saw that the communication light spot representing the Bear bomber disappeared from the public channel.

The commanders of the three major clusters curled their lips in disdain.

"Isn't it just that the monster was robbed?"

"You don't understand the principle of striking first?"

"You've fried so many fish, your mouth is full of oil, and you didn't even let go of sixty-five fishmen."

“Even indescribable, indescribable, and elusive are used.”

"If you don't go to a top-notch college, you don't go to a top-notch college. You have the air of a petty brat."

There was an endless stream of ridicule in the public channels.

But on board the Jiangnan and Gonggong Union, it was discovered that each of these people was more disdainful than the last, but each was more honest than the last.

What active psychic radar, high-power detection array, full-band electronic search.

The three major clusters brought out all their bottom-line functions.

Countless soundless fluctuations enveloped the sea area where the fishman forward was located.

"Beauty, what do you think?"

Maggie despises the three major clusters and these guys who don't mean what they say.

But she always felt that Mist and Rain Academy's seemingly angry warning was not that simple.

"It's hard to say, although we scanned it again and again with the large telescope on the Jiangnan, and found that this group of fishmen has forty warriors, twenty-five of them are long-range, twenty of them are spellcasters, and five of them look like warlocks. , it can be said that the strength of this fish man is relatively clear, but my intuition tells me that the warning from Yanyu Academy is by no means unreasonable."

Poppy looked at the data on the big screen over and over again.

But I always feel that something is not right.

Unfortunately, Jiangnan City's understanding of the fish-men is the same as that of the Gonggong Federation. They got the information from the Regional Psychic Association and have no real contact with this kind of creature.

"We withdraw."

"Yes, we are not participating."

The teachers and students on the Bear bomber were shocked to find out.

The Jiangnan and Gonggong Union, which had originally rushed to the front, actually climbed up and turned on their own initiative.

They directly gave up on this group of murloc forwards.


"Haha, what a bunch of cowards!"

"You won't eat any meat that comes to your mouth."

"Forget it, ignore them, let's go."

The three major clusters are moving forward bravely.

Under their full sprint, the forward formation of sixty-five murlocs had already entered their visual range.

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