I can summon myself

Chapter 201 Mathematical Tools are online


The group of seven people who were temporarily placed in the cave inside the volcano surrounded No. 3 Anne Freya.

Anne Freya's nonchalant expression disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a look of gritted teeth.

Adam's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Antonio No. 2 also frowned.

Anne Freya's reaction was wrong.

"I offered to let Sally prove our student's identity."

"Those bastards from Misty Rain Academy actually said that Ex Machina is not needed."

Anne Freya took out seven pieces of A4 paper.

The thin paper seems to be as heavy as a stone.

"This is?"

Adam and Antonio took it solemnly.

The other four people also came closer.

"A set of mathematical calculation formulas that have no beginning or end!"

Anne Freya said every word.

The hateful face of the big bald man next to the main protagonist Bai Chen reappeared in front of her.

"Ex Machina? It's too much trouble for her to prove."

"Actually, in principle, we believe that the seven of you are indeed students at top universities."

"However, the facts are eloquent and we need simpler and more direct evidence."

"Since you are an arcane awakener, you who take the arcane route must have computing power at the level of a master's degree in mathematics."

"So, before you completely prove your identity, you can use mathematical calculations to further confirm that you are students from a top prestigious school."

After that, the big bald man gave her the seven A4 papers that had just come out of the printer.

"Doing math problems?"

Adam's whole body was in bad shape, his eyes almost protruding from their sockets.

"Is there any mistake?"

Art graduate student Antonio’s voice was filled with tremors.

The other four people all looked shocked as they were defeated by the imagination of Yanyu Academy.

Bai Chen and these guys are really good at causing trouble.

Adam took a deep breath.

Force yourself to calm down.

He forced a disdainful smile.

"You want to stump us with math questions?"

"Bai Chen is too naive."

"I am also a PhD candidate with A+ in Advanced Mathematics."

"Let me see what tricks these low-ranking college teachers and students can do."

"Antonio, don't worry. Maybe Bai Chen's questions won't even be as good as high school mathematics?"

Adam took the first one from Anne Freya.

When he saw a row of special symbols for psychic calculations, his pupils shrank.

It's actually psychic calculation, this disgusting thing that can make people bald.

"I'll take a look too."

Antonio took the second one, followed by Hodge and Baruch.

Finally, Lanie and Chelsea also got one each.

"If it were an ordinary math problem, I wouldn't be so worried."

Anne Freya smiled bitterly, and as soon as she finished speaking, Antonio yelled: "What the hell is this, I can't understand it!"

He scanned it hastily and found that every symbol looked familiar, but the combined effect of the A4 paper that immediately shut down his brain reminded him again of his fear of being dominated by mathematics.

"This is too difficult!"

Lannie, the owner of the Moon Worshiping Angel Butterfly, shouted.

"It is not a complete question that proves our mathematical proficiency, but a pure calculation intercepted from the complete calculation group."

“Strictly speaking, the difficulty level does not exceed the level of a master’s or doctoral degree in mathematics.”

"But the amount of calculations involved will not only cause hair loss, but also death!"

The bearded Baruch is already an M-shaped strongman.

He was certain that a lot of his hair would fall out based on this piece of paper.

Adam gritted his teeth: "If it's just this, we can figure it out."

Anne Freya sighed: "It's not the total amount but the daily amount."

"The people from Yanyu Academy said that before we can fully prove our identity, we must calculate the contents of at least one A4 piece of paper every day."


"Mom mess with Falco!"

“Math every day!!!”

"Misty Rain Academy is something humans do. No matter how cruel the pirate is, he won't let people do math every day!"

Hear the news from Freya.

The Seven were completely blown away.

"Do they think of us as math tool people?"

Antonio's legs gave way and he half collapsed on the cold volcanic rock floor of the cave.

In fact, from the moment he chose the part-time job of being a pirate.

He already had the consciousness of being caught.

But even if you look through the pirate punishment encyclopedia that counts all the punishment methods in the psychic age.

There is no way to execute them as they are treated as mathematical tools like now.

"How can there be such a crazy person in the world!"

Antonio kept pounding the floor.

"They'll divide us into three groups."

"The calculation contents of each group every day overlap from time to time."

"If we want to communicate by writing nonsense, no matter who writes it, the seven of us will be punished."

"Not only don't you want to eat or drink."

"Once the number of punishments goes up."

A look of fear appeared on Anne Freya's face.

"What will happen if you go up there?"

Adam said eagerly.

"They will turn us into the protagonists of a dark river drama."

"Human Die Lian, my classmate was fucked by Butterfly."

"What Antonio, a seventh-grader and an Italian cannon, has to tell."

"Chicken, crab, chicken, the new favorite of students from Europe's top prestigious schools."

"No. 3, stop talking!"

The seven-person group had earthy faces.

Adam's lips turned pale: "If they put our little movie and the little pill together..."

The seven people felt a chill.

Antonio even covered his face.

If this becomes the protagonist that the users with just-needed needs like to see.

The ancestors in the family cemetery will definitely jump out of the coffin and be angry to death for the second time.

"Too cruel!"

"I really don't want to be the male protagonist."

"Mathematical tool man, oooo~!"

The seven people sat on the ground one by one.

The reason why they chose to be pirates to earn tuition.

It's because they don't want to be humanoid self-propelled psychic mathematical calculators, otherwise they would have stayed in their respective colleges to work in the computing department in this way.

But in the end.

Still can't escape the fate of becoming mathematical tools.

The next morning.

The seven people were divided into three tents.

After witnessing a giant aircraft from Yingzhou circling around the dead volcano island.

All of them gave up the idea of ​​becoming the protagonist of the dark river drama.

"The math tool person is online."

"The calculation speed of the calculation group of Yanyu College +20%"

Wang Botang reported to Bai Chen happily.

"It seems that these seven people are quite aware of the current situation."


The seniors in the big tent laughed.

"Shi Qingqing, has the association sent the information of Mechanical Ji Sally?"

Bai Chen turned to Shi Qingqing, who was in charge of contacting the East Earth Psychic Association.

Before finding out the details of Mechanical Ji, he would not rashly board the Snake Hair Type 5 luxury spacecraft controlled by the Cloud Whales in the fish frying field.

"I'll urge her again."

Shi Qingqing responded.

"Sir Bai Chen."

The voice of the Black-headed Cloud Whale Chief came from the sound transmission grass.

"Three small caravans will arrive at the Cloud Whale Group at 8 or 9 tonight."

"Do you want to come?"

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