I can summon myself

Chapter 202 Brain Demon Sally

Ask clearly that there are only three small caravans from nearby tonight.

Bai Chen declined the invitation from the leader of the Black Head Clan.

Judging from Bai Chen's lack of interest, the old witch judged that tonight was probably not going to work, so he handed over the task of leading the team to the college bosses.

The college bosses are not just idiots either.

He further assigned tasks to his students.

In the end, the unlucky senior who looked familiar became the leader of the group that went to the Cloud Whale Group to set up a street stall.

"Junior Bai Chen, can you bring the three new leaders with you?"

The familiar senior asked Bai Chen pitifully for permission.

"As long as they want to, I have no problem with it."

The three new construction experts nodded in unison.

"Classmate Bai Chen, we were just thinking of going over and taking a look."

“Since it’s a street stall, do I need to design a sign?”

"Anyway, there are already Western coolies up there. If they work efficiently enough, we should be able to build a facade before the caravan arrives."

They geared up and said.

Although setting up street stalls is not their strong point.

But they were still confident in designing a Yanyu Academy-style facade.


Bai Chen couldn't bear to discourage them.

The old weirdo said bluntly: "Fashion? You can pull him down."

"You'll find out when you get up there."

"Yes, under the RGB headlights, any style is useless."

"If you want to attract attention, you can only become the brightest calf in a group of cloud whales."

Under the simple and crude aesthetics of the cloud whales, RGB brightness determines everything.

No matter how arrogant the architect is, no matter how ingenious and exquisite the design is, it is not as effective as a bright light bulb.

The three construction experts were stunned.

However, before seeing it with their own eyes, they still thought they could try to be a facade.

Watching the familiar senior student lead Professor Li Shishan and three construction experts onto the outfitting platform.

Shi Qingqing walked up to Bai Chen with the information she had just received about Machina Sally.

"Mecha Sally, one of the biological artificial intelligence projects cooperated by the Eastern Psychic Association and the Europa Psychic Management Office."

"However, only six cases out of 10,000 samples were successful and the project was canceled seven years ago."

"Sally is the one with the lowest IQ and poorest ability among the six successful cases. She was transferred to a shared rental agency shared by top prestigious schools. The lowest level she can rent is a fifth-year graduate student."

Bai Chen took the information.

"Didn't Anne Freya say she was human?"

Mo Qianxing, who was beside Bai Chen, pointed to the big word "inhuman" in the race column after Sally's name on the information and wondered.

"Only six out of ten thousand succeed, so they must not be human."

The old weirdo said firmly.

"The success rate is 6 out of 10,000. Who dares to do this kind of experiment on humans?"

"If word of this spreads, whether it is the Eastern Earth Psychic Association or the Europa Psychic Management Office, who can accept the attribution of anti-humanity?"

"Don't say it's not a human being, it's highly unlikely that it's a creature on earth."

"Europe specializes in various kinds of virgins."

The college bosses couldn't help but agree.

Bai Chen has ten lines in one eye.

But at the end of the page, there was no information about Sally’s race.

"These are the easy things to find, and the hard to find things take time."

"The main reason is that this project is hosted by Europa, and our association is only responsible for technical support."

"And it has been canceled for seven years. It is not easy to get more detailed information right away."

"But what is certain is that since this Ex Machina can be rented to students, her danger is definitely not high."

Shi Qingqing said seriously.

"My dear, let's go over and take a look."

Lanxing Baichen said eagerly.

The earth actually has psychic technological products like Ex Machina.

I don’t know what this Sally is.

"Go and see now."

Bai Chen's proposal was unanimously approved.

Before, everyone was worried that Sally might be in danger and chose to wait, but now that they know her origin, everyone wants to see with their own eyes what this so-called living version of artificial intelligence is like.

Bai Chen, Mo Qianxing, Wu Laoguai, a group of college bosses, seniors and seniors flocked to the fried fish area.

"Except for the four moon-worshiping angel butterflies in the garden, there are no other psychic fluctuations."

Wei Changkong was the first to board the aircraft. After checking to make sure it was safe, Wei Changkong nodded to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen stepped onto the snake-haired Type 5 aircraft.

"Ex Machina, Sally."

"Codename Aurora 10925."

He said calmly.

A slight mechanical sound came from inside the aircraft.

The statue of the snake-haired girl turned one hundred and eighty degrees.

Scarlet eyes fell on Bai Chen's face from the ruby ​​eyes.

"This is Anne Freya's Serpent 5 aircraft."

"Who are you, and what have you done to my master?"

A dull, emotionless mechanical sound like an artificial retard came from inside the girl's statue.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows.

"I've seen your information."

"You have the emotions that an intelligent creature should have."

"No need to pretend to be robots to fool us."

"Where is your core?"

Bai Chen said seriously.

Click, the aircraft's cabin door opened automatically.

Bai Chen and his party followed the automatically opened door and matching lighting guidance to the core of Ex Machina inside the aircraft.

As the last metal door opens.

What appeared in front of Bai Chen was a large transparent tank filled with psychic liquid. Countless metal pipes extended in all directions from the glass tank and merged with the control center of the aircraft.

"I am the god-like Ex Machina."

"This is a brain demon."

Lanxing Baichen, who confirmed Sally's identity as soon as he entered the door, looked like he was squandering everything he had and couldn't bear to look at her.

"Brain demon, an extremely rare species of strange behavior in the abyss."

"The IQ of the young is over 200."

"The mature body can control all daily affairs in a city with a population of tens of millions."

"Idiots like Europa actually think it's Ex Machina?"

"Judging from the size of this jar, the psychic strength of the psychic liquid, and the diameters of various metal pipes."

"This brain demon is not even ten years old."

"The lifespan of an ordinary brain demon of 1,500 years is basically equivalent to that of a one-year-old human baby."

Within Bai Chen's consciousness, Blue Star Bai Chen's mouth was dripping with saliva.

"If you look at the cat Bai Chen, the brain demon is also a very rare good thing."

"If placed on my Blue Star, this brain demon can definitely become the core of my Blue Star Baichen business group."

"If it were placed on my own earth."

"The top ten supercomputers in the world combined are not as good as this brain demon."

Lan Xing Bai Chen couldn't help but wink, his eyes filled with the essence of "I'm so quick to blackmail this brain demon".

"Your temporary employer, Anne Freya, has evil intentions and is now captured by us."

"You, Ex Machina Sally, are now our trophy."

Bai Chen looked serious.

"But I belong to the Europa Psychic Management Agency."

Sally said in surprise.

"This is Dongtu."

"The Eastern Earth Psychic Association has the final say."

Bai Chen turned around and said, "Tell the association that I want Sally, the Ex Machina."

Shi Qingqing was pinned down by Bai Chen's domineering attitude.

Wei Changkong squinted his eyes, and his scrutinizing gaze fell on the big jar in front of Bai Chen. He didn't understand why Bai Chen was interested in a failed project like Ex Machina.

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