I can summon myself

Chapter 200: Do what a top student should do

"In addition to Gordon and Harris, there are three other Western coolies who behave very abnormally."

"And they don't seem to be in the same group. It feels like two different forces."

"Gordon and Harris are both Western coolies. These three are one group, and the other two Western coolies are another group."

"Fortunately, we didn't rashly alert the enemy, otherwise we wouldn't have known that there was such a big loophole among the Western coolies."

The bald postdoctoral fellow who had been secretly observing since Hydria appeared and finally found the suspected troublemaker was still in shock.

He never thought that there were two forces lurking among the Western coolies who were ignored by all teachers and students and the Liu family.

"Focus on these five people and continue to send them to the floating platform of the cloud whale group according to the original plan."

Bai Chen said lightly.


In addition to taking the opportunity to find the lurkers, the floating platform originally needed to build temporary residences.

All Western coolies were sent to the transport boat and flew to the floating platform.

"Junior Bai Chen, the seven-member group's ID is real."

The foodie senior brought the ID she had looted from Adam and the other seven people.

After being authenticated by Wu Laoguai, Li Shishan, and Shi Qingqing.

The ID is genuine, and the seven-member group is indeed students of the top universities in Europe.

"Not only that, we also found a laboratory dedicated to the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly in the aircraft."

"They answered questions fluently in a simple test, and they are at the level of outstanding students from top universities. Their understanding of the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly matches their statement about tracking the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly."

"Did Hedria catch the wrong person?"

No matter the ID or the knowledge level, it seems that there are no flaws.

"Even if the documents can be forged, the knowledge cannot be forged."

"No pirate can run the insect laboratory needed to analyze the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly."

Wu Laoguai said seriously: "I talked to them. The seven-member group of four men and three women are all academic masters. Except for you, Bai Chen, they can easily beat all other students in Yanyu Academy in terms of academic ability."

Wu Laoguai also thought that Hedria had made a mistake.

With the strength of a student at a top prestigious school, wouldn't it be great to find a job in a Fortune 500 consortium?

If the pirates had the level of the seven-member group.

They don't have to make a living on the sea at all, and they can reach the peak of their lives.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't make a mistake."

"According to the information given by Boss Bai Chen, there is only this group of guys related to the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly in the deep ocean to the south."

"If I'm wrong, it's definitely not my fault."

Hydria said dissatisfiedly.

According to Bai Chen's information, only this group of seven people meets all of Bai Chen's conditions.

If they really made a mistake, it would be Bai Chen's fault.

"I think Hedria was not wrong."

Mo Qianxing said seriously: "First, there can't be such a coincidence in the world. We heard about the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly here, and the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly happened to appear in the south, and the target coordinates happened to appear the seven-member group of people who are so-called targeting the Moon Worship Angel Butterfly."

"Second, academic masters and pirates are not incompatible."

"Some pirates live for survival, some pirates for excitement."

"And some pirates do it for money."

"The seven-member group's luxurious aircraft and the seven-member group's clothing cannot rule out this as a disguise."

"Even if their academic masters are proven, if we want to prove that they have nothing to do with pirates, we should prove it through the channels on the European side, instead of just concluding that they are students now."

Wu Laoguai smiled with appreciation.

The foodie senior sister felt that Mo Qianxing's statement made sense.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world, and they were all encountered by Bai Chen's junior brother?

From this perspective, the seven-member group is very suspicious.

"Shi Qingqing, the work of investigating them is handed over to you."

Bai Chen said to Shi Qingqing.


"But how to deal with them now?"

Everyone looked at Bai Chen.

Bai Chen said calmly: "Aren't these seven top students from top universities? Then let them do what top students should do."

"Separate them and cross-calculate the basic psychic formula with the largest amount of calculation."

Who cares if they are real pirates.

Let's use them as tools for the humanoid self-propelled psychic calculator first.

"This is a good idea."

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or not, those who eat and drink from us have to work for us."

"Who told them to appear at a suspicious time and place? Although they don't look so suspicious, maybe this is life."

Looking at the foodie senior sister who left excitedly.

The heads of the three colleges opened their mouths wide.

This is too domineering.

No matter if they are pirates or not.

But the identity of students in top universities cannot be faked.

Bai Chen actually didn't take Jianniu College, which is a top university in the world, seriously.

Let Hedria capture them.

He actually treated them as tools.

Wu Laoguai raised his eyebrows.

The big guys of the college looked coldly.

"Regret it?"

"Our Yanyu Academy is like this."

"Students from top schools, so what?"

"When you come to our Yanyu Academy, you have to coil up like a dragon and lie down like a tiger. Whatever classmate Bai Chen says, that's it!"

The bigwigs of the academy said domineeringly.

"Regret it?"

"No, no, no!"

"How can we regret it?"

The heads of the three academies kept waving their hands.

Treating students from top European schools as grandfathers, and treating students from top European schools as tools.

Of course, Bai Chen, who chose the latter without hesitation, is more acceptable.

Compared with the domineering Bai Chen, soft protein Chen is what they don't want to see.

Earlier, under the witness of Wei Changkong, Li Shishan, Shi Qingqing and Yu Zhou.

They signed the contract and now consider themselves as part of Yanyu College.

Even from a legal point of view, Yanyu College has not successfully acquired the three of them without the approval of the 2333 College Construction Headquarters.

But the three responsible persons, along with all the architects of the three colleges on the Gonggong Consortium, have come to the dead volcano island at this moment, and as the architects of Yanyu College, they have begun to integrate into the big family of Yanyu College teachers.

Listen to Bai Chen for important matters.

For them, it is also a creed that must be adhered to.

"By the way, Bai Chen."

"That white-robed woman Anne Freya, seems to have something?"

Hydria suddenly remembered the interaction between the seven people.

"Chicken, crab, chicken, or what chicken is it?"

Bai Chen speechlessly asked the senior to bring Anne Freya, who was wearing a plain white arcane awakener robe.

"What's the name of your chicken?"

Hydria asked.

"My chicken?"

Number three, the freckles on Freya's face were squeezed into a ball.

"Chicken, crab, chicken."

Hydria put her hands on her hips: "I heard it, don't try to lie."

Fuck chicken, crab, chicken, Anne Freya didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Sally, mechanical princess Sally."

"I rented the treasure of the academy from the academy."

"I don't think any pirate can rent Sally."

"She not only has the life support system of the Europa Psychic Management Office."

"Her core technologies such as brain-computer interface also have the help of the East Earth Psychic Association."

"Mechanical princess Sally can definitely prove our student status."

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