I can summon myself

Chapter 199 Misunderstanding

Just as the blue-skinned girl escorted the spoils away.

A plain, unremarkable, unmarked disc-shaped aircraft flew out of the cloud.

Two Western-looking men frowned.

"How should we record this?"

"Write it as it is."

"Bai Chen's ability to respond is unknown."

"Bai Chen's ability to fight is unknown."

"Bai Chen's ability to control the battle is unknown."

"It can only be like this."

"The seven-member team carefully selected by the higher-ups was wiped out by the blue-skinned girl Hedria without even seeing Bai Chen."

"The seven-member team is only worth 480 kilograms of Lei Ling honey water."

"At least they are top students from top prestigious schools such as Jianniu College." The two kept shaking their heads. If Jianniu College, which merged Cambridge and Oxford College, knew that their seventh-year doctoral students were so worthless.

This top British college would probably explode and spiral into the sky.

Suddenly, one of the Western men changed his face.

"Since Bai Chen has seen through this situation."

"Then the secret line we left on the dead volcano island is in trouble!"

"Hurry back."

The butterfly-shaped aircraft accelerated suddenly.

At the same time.

The blue-skinned girl used a communicator that could only send pinyin to send the news of success to Bai Chen.

"bclb, zbjzb."

"Boss Bai Chen, get ready to check out."

Bai Chen looked up at the time, "Hydria is very efficient."

He said to Wang Botang: "We'll start now."


Wang Botang walked to the sound grass in the big tent of the communication group.

Soon, a team of cloud whales flew from the cloud whale group to the dead volcano island.

On the other side, Liu Twenty-Five found Nimitz.

"New mission."

"All Western workers should pack up and get ready to go."

"Tents, kitchens and other large items should be dismantled, disassembled and packed and sent to the outfitting platform, and transported away by the cloud whales."

Nimitz was confused.

He didn't understand why everyone wanted to leave when they were doing well on the dead volcano island.

"Hurry up and pack up, don't waste time."

Liu Twenty-Five waved his hand impatiently.

Nimitz returned to the coolie tent.

"It seems we have a new job."

"Harris, you are responsible for dismantling the tent."

"Gordon, dismantling the kitchen is up to you."

"Call back everyone who is working in the mountain right now."

The Western coolies took action.

Harris gave the task of dismantling the tent to an acquaintance.

He moved closer to Gordon on the pretext of helping to dismantle the large kitchen items.

Just like the other Western coolies who were whispering.

He was puzzled and asked, "What happened?"

Gordon also shook his head in confusion: "I don't know."

The kitchen helper on the side guessed, "Are they going to let us work on the Bear bomber?"

Gordon flatly denied, "Impossible. If we go to the Bear bomber, we don't need to dismantle the tent, let alone the kitchen."

Another kitchen helper guessed, "Did Yanyu College build another island?"

Harris shook his head, "This seems unlikely. It's easy to find an uninhabited island, but it's difficult to develop an uninhabited island. Now this dead volcano island has not been completed. With the manpower and financial resources of Yanyu College, it is impossible to open a second branch base at the same time."

"That's true."

It's unclear.

But the Western coolies still completed the packing task before moving.

Boxes of disassembled large items were loaded into containers welded with black iron plates, and the boxes were handed over to Yunjing after numbers were written on them.

Suddenly, Harris found a golden glow in the southern sky.

"The Snake Hair Type 5 aircraft produced by the Free Girl?"

Gordon, who had excellent eyesight, recognized the image of the snake-haired girl at a glance.

For some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

South, this direction is too coincidental.

As the aircraft approached, the group of seven people tied around the snake-haired girl statue came into everyone's sight.


"Are they thieves?"

"No, they look more like the master."

"But if it was the master, why was he tied up?"

"Maybe it's a performance art?"

"I understand!"

Harris shouted: "They must have been kidnapped."

The Western coolies were in an uproar.

"Bullshit, who would kidnap them?"

"Kidnapped them and sent them to the dead volcano island?"

"Yanyu Academy is not the Yanyu Pirates."

"This aircraft of the snake-haired girl statue looks quite luxurious, but it is definitely not enough for Lord Bai Chen to kidnap them."

The Western coolies did not believe Harris's statement at all.

The teachers and students of Yanyu Academy looked at the aircraft getting closer and closer without knowing what was going on.

Wu Laoguai, a group of college bosses and three college leaders also walked out of a tent.

This scene in the sky made them look puzzled.

At this time, the blue-skinned girl Hedria came out of the aircraft.

"Boss Baichen, come out to collect the goods!"

Hedria's excited roar echoed throughout the dead volcano island.

Harris stumbled and almost slipped.

He pointed to the sky and stammered: "I was just talking nonsense. I really didn't think Baichen would kidnap someone."

Gordon's uneasiness became even stronger.

Bai Chen can buy the most advanced Snake Hair PRO by rubbing some small pills. Is it necessary to rob such a luxurious-looking aircraft, but in fact it is just a mid-range aircraft of the Freedom Girl Snake Hair series?

The Western coolies looked at the blue-skinned girl in disbelief.

Could it be that Bai Chen also awakened the traditional art in their ancestral genes, robbery?

The teachers and students of Yanyu College looked at each other in bewilderment.

This blue-skinned girl has a problem with her brain.

She actually regarded Bai Chen as a boss who sold stolen goods.

Wu Laoguai and the big guys of Yanyu College frowned.

What is this blue-skinned girl doing.

The faces of the heads of the three colleges kept changing. It was really exciting to encounter such a thing just after arriving at the dead volcano island.

"Boss Bai Chen."

"I have wiped out the seven pirates who were planning to ambush you with the Moon Worship Angels."

"Four Moon Worship Angels are still in the garden of this aircraft."

"The famous pirate seven are these seven bad guys."

"They are actually making trouble on my mother's territory. Uncle, aunt, and I, Hydria, cannot tolerate it!"

After that, Hydria untied the dragon leather rope.

With a flying kick, the seven were instantly kicked from the nose of the aircraft to the deck on the top of the outfitting platform in a parabolic manner.

"Are they pirates?"

"They look decent, but they are pirates!"

"How dare they ambush us?"

"Give them a beating first."

The teachers and students rolled up their sleeves and rushed to the outfitting platform.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"We are not pirates."

"We are students."

"I am a seventh-year student at Jianniu College, studying for a doctorate, Adam."

The number one golden hair shouted.

"I'm Antonio, an art graduate student at the Milan Academy."

The second Italian man quickly defended himself.

The third Dragon Staff Arcane Awakener even used amplification: "I'm the Arcane Awakener Anne Freya."

"Hodge, Lanny, Baruch, Chelsea."

"We have IDs, we have student IDs."

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