I can summon myself

Chapter 118 What is bullying our Jiangnan region?

"Put out puppet bait?"

"Of course it's no problem. Not to mention that the puppets just send people to the extinct volcano island to be used as bait. I was the first to sign up."

After Bai Chen awakened two DNA strands at once, the teachers and students of Yanyu College created a vision in the sky and summoned him to his keyboard.

They originally regarded Bai Chen as their backbone, but they also developed mysterious confidence in Bai Chen.

Bai Chen only mentioned that he wanted to try placing puppet bait, and he didn't even have time to tell the Immortal King Bai Chen's sexy tricks.

Everyone agreed without hesitation.

The college bosses placed the list of Yanyu College's resources in front of Bai Chen.

Not only that, they were afraid that Bai Chen would not have enough resources. They also opened the personal space equipment, and tallied up the personal money they had saved secretly for many years and put it on another list.

Immortal King Bai Chen, who witnessed the whole process, was extremely emotional.

As someone who has climbed from the bottom to the top of women's clothing step by step, he knows very well how difficult it is to be convinced by everyone.

However, his true form, Bai Chen, did this.

Go through both lists.

Bai Chen had an idea.

"Immortal King Bai Chen doesn't have to be a master-level master to activate the mirage psychic matrix that can create illusions."

"Do you know Blue Star, the life partner robot looking for Cat Baichen's world?"

Immortal King Bai Chen shook his head.

"This is a super-humanoid robot controlled by strong artificial intelligence. We don't need artificial intelligence, nor do we need it to be very anthropomorphic. We don't need to activate other functions outside of the matrix."

"You don't even need the ability to move, just keep the ability to inspire. Of course, you can add some gadgets like psionic C4."

After discovering that a certain senior was an explosives maniac and collected C4 measured in cubic meters.

Bai Chen did not hesitate to add his collection to the demand list.

Soon, based on the Immortal King Bai Chen's show routine, mixed with the technology of finding a cat Bai Chen's life partner, the Blue Star Bai Chen one-time activation plan, and the upgraded version of the plan provided by the teachers and students of Misty Rain College, the design was successfully completed.

"Create an illusion to make them tell the truth about the Eastern Earth Psychic Association."

"Then, it's best to conquer them."

"If they can't be subdued, use psychic power C4 to help them spiral into the sky."

"The cloud whale children have been wailing for a whole day. They hide in the extinct volcano and observe secretly but do nothing, which proves that they have no kindness in their hearts."

If Bai Chen and Kraao hadn't wanted to know the truth about the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

Just what happened to Cloud Whale’s naughty child Hale.

They had already joined forces to attack the group of mirage creatures on the extinct volcano island.

"Classmate Bai Chen, whatever you say will be done."

The bosses are very satisfied with the method of using one hand to show off tricks and the other to use C4, both at the same time.

"But Junior Bai Chen has a small problem."

“We don’t know how to make puppets.”

The seniors who can board the bomber are all carefully selected elites from Misty Rain Academy.

They can write papers with a pen, and they can also rush to the front line to fight with weapons.

But whether it's a doll or a life partner robot, they are all numb.

Bai Chen just wanted to say that as long as it can function normally, there is no need to pinch a person or cute thing.

The college bosses laughed: "Look, this is the shortcoming of being too single-minded."

"I have told you countless times that you should not stay in the laboratory all day long and write papers, but you must have a certain skill. It is simply unrealistic for our college to reach the top of life just by relying on the academic route. Our salary is barely enough to survive."

"If you want to start a family, start a career, and have children, most of you have to have a second career."

While they took the opportunity to preach, they formed two teams, one team was responsible for the puppets, and the other team was responsible for the robots.

In front of Bai Chen, he just drew the relevant structures.

Bai Chen confirmed that all the big guys in his college were robotics experts who were proficient in figurines, puppets, and minifigures.

"Do you know where we learned this technology from?"

"It's the old principal. When we were only as old as Bai Chen, he taught us this skill step by step."

"Bai Chen, classmate Bai Chen, the largest Yanyu doll store in Lingneng Plaza in Yanyu City was opened by the old principal and us. If you need anything in the future, just tell the manager of the store."

Bai Chen laughed.

He really didn't expect the college bosses to be so secretive.

Even according to the standards of Immortal King Bai Chen, although the aesthetics are different, from the masters' skillful drawing techniques, they are definitely old puppet makers.

"Now, any questions?"

Bai Chen turned his head and said to the seniors who were also stunned.

With the concerted efforts of everyone.

The doll and life companion robot Bai Chen wanted quickly took shape.

At this moment, Airport No. 5.

The three major regions of Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Yihuan Islands, plus the teams from the Imperial Capital Division, Yingzhou, and Gaolizhou, a total of 960 colleges jointly built thirty-four Big Macs each several hundred meters in size. The aircraft kept circling over the airport.

"Cloud Whales? We don't know whether the giant beasts blocking the road are called Cloud Whales, but their number has exceeded 8,000, and there are more than 50 of them for the ninth level of the controller alone!"

"Anyway, that low-ranking Yanyu Academy in Jiangnan Region is dead!"

"Maybe this kind of rubbish academy wants to become famous in this way."

"Jiangnan Region is also worse than the previous one, and it can't even control the colleges that are not in the top tier."

"It doesn't matter that Yanyu Academy wants to die, but it has chosen this time to offend no one but these giant beasts!"

"Okay now, it's blocking our road!"

The communication channel was filled with ridicules for Yanyu Academy.

During the battle between Bai Chen and Tracer Vine, the psychic fluctuations of Cloud Whale Crao and other Cloud Whales were captured by the Sky Eye aircraft of the Imperial Air Research Institute that happened to arrive at Airport 5.

The menacing Kraao, and the fact that although psychic energy was blocked, the most primitive radar reflection was not blocked, the academic masters on the Sky Eye aircraft made up their minds that the Misty Rain Academy was attacked by the Cloud Whale and their whereabouts were unknown.

With the help of interested people, everyone at the scene blamed Misty Rain College for the gathering of cloud whales.

They thought that Yanyu Academy must have provoked these giant beasts.

That's why there are more and more behemoths, blocking the airport entrance and unable to leave.

In their eyes, Jiangnan District, which left Yanyu College to do its own thing, was a waste that couldn't even control its subordinates.

"You guys are stupid..."

On the Gonggong Union, the red-haired Maggie couldn't help but want to retort.

But she didn't even finish her first sentence.

A series of malicious psychic radar fluctuations locked the Gonggong Union.

"Misfortune comes from your mouth, elementary school girl."

"If you dare to say the second sentence, we don't mind letting you taste the feeling of being grilled at close range by the psychic radar again."

Maggie's face instantly turned red with anger.

Psychic radar, although not the microwave radar before the beginning of the psionic era, can roast people.

But at such a close distance.

If actively scanned by the psychic radar at full power, the Gonggong Complex will turn into a large steamer.

Maggie herself is not afraid of such threats, but she must be responsible for everyone in the spacecraft.

"Isn't it because your big boss has a grudge against the old wizard?"

"If you have any grudges or grievances, go to the old monster Wu or the Misty Rain Academy."

"What's the point of bullying our Jiangnan Region?"

Poppy's cold voice sounded on the channel.

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