I can summon myself

Chapter 117: The Immortal King of Details

However, even if the world consciousness does not admit that the title of Immortal King can be conferred by the Lord of a world, Bai Chen is more and more looking forward to the ability of the Immortal King version of himself.

Immortal King Bai Chen did not disappoint Bai Chen himself.

The dense talent skill tree blinded Bai Chen's eyes.

If Blue Star Bai Chen is mainly a top student talent, and his skills are too biased towards research.

Then Immortal King Bai Chen is an encyclopedia that can accommodate all rivers and knows everything.

"What a bug!"

Blue Star Bai Chen was envious, and even more envious in his heart.

He is worthy of being the Immortal King who has obtained the highest honor of men in the fairy world where you can beat you to death with your little fists.

The names of talents and skills alone are enough to fill fifty A4 sheets of paper.

If it were not for the restrictions of the world will over there.

Whether in Blue Star, 233 Earth, or the world of Finding Cat Bai Chen.

Immortal King Bai Chen can definitely advance to the myth of defying the heavens.

But the question is again, how defying the heavens should Finding Cat Bai Chen, who he personally admitted is far inferior to, be? Besides Cat Baichen, how many big guys can I summon?

A sense of crisis rose in Lanxing Baichen.

"I have to become stronger too."

Baichen didn't know that the fairy king version of himself greatly stimulated Lanxing Baichen.

He was confused by the talent skill tree of Fairy King Baichen.

He wanted to understand the ability of Fairy King Baichen from this "tree" in his mind.

He thought it was too difficult.

"Fairy King Baichen, you should introduce it."

"Don't use the unique terms of the fairy world, use what I can understand."

"Yes." Fairy King Baichen organized his words: "My Lord, if you want to pick out an area that I am best at."

"Then I am best at living."

Uh, Baichen, whose brain was a little stuck, blinked and signaled Fairy King Baichen to continue.

"Life is a general term for details, and countless details build up the life of each of us."

"Because everyone has different perceptions of the world around them, the details in each person's eyes are also different."

"There will always be emphasis, neglect, partiality, and deliberate forgetting."

"But for me, these details that may make people very unhappy are also part of life."

"So, if you want to master life, you must understand life. If you want to understand life, you can't let go of any details that are ignored by the subconscious."

"In the fairy world where women are superior to men, for someone like me who is neither a descendant of a famous family, nor has any family support, nor a terrifying talent like Blue Star Baichen that only appears once in a thousand years, I want to climb up, and I can only start from the most basic details."

"Getting information from all details and obtaining resources from information is the way of me, the fairy king Baichen."

Bai Chen listened attentively. The fairy king of details? This version of himself is very interesting.

Immortal King Bai Chen began to give examples: "Take the fairing for example."

"The rough design makes the utilization rate of the entire space extremely poor."

"The layout of the multi-functional warehouse is completely copied, which is very inconsistent with the principles of ergonomics."

"If I were to improve it."

"While improving the comfort by 70% and the work and study efficiency by 140%, it can also reduce the consumption of my physical strength, spiritual energy, and energy by 65%."

"If you arrange some details that can greatly improve the comfort of life in the fairy world, even if this is the tail fairing of a bomber at an altitude of 35,000 meters, you can get a comfortable experience far beyond the five-star hotel on Earth."

"Better mood, higher learning efficiency, and lower energy consumption at work, this is the role of details."

Immortal King Bai Chen outlined a wonderful scene for Bai Chen in just a few words.

If this is really possible, he has no reason to refuse.

However, empty words are not enough.

Bai Chen said: "Details are king, Immortal King Bai Chen, I admire you very much. But I want to test you, if you were in charge, how would you deal with our current situation."

He pointed to the dead volcano island out of sight under his feet and used this as the topic.

"Master, the method of testing you chose is indeed the best choice under normal circumstances."

"The general direction is correct, but the details are still a bit too rough."

I found that Bai Chen did not show any displeasure, but instead put on an attitude of listening attentively.

Immortal King Bai Chen continued: "Since the special detection array discovered the existence of humans while discovering the mirage creatures, why not create some disposable puppets to replace the people on the plane as bait?"

"Mirage creatures are not good at perception, but at creating illusions, and creating illusions requires the support of mirage psychic energy."

"We can target this feature of them and install a matrix that can emit mirage psychic energy in the disposable puppets, turning the puppets into double baits that can emit both human life fluctuations and mirage psychic energy."

"If there is even a controller-level person on my plane."

"We can let him bring a matrix that can create illusions and mix it into the puppets, and take advantage of the mirage creatures being attracted to use illusions to influence them in turn."

"As long as the illusion is designed properly, you can not only get the truth about the East Earth Psychic Energy Association without any effort, but also let these mirage creatures tell the secrets of their clan."

"If you are willing, you can even fool them into thinking that you are their most powerful kind and bring them under your command."

Bai Chen's eyes widened: "Just because you discovered the existence of humans at the same time, you came up with a trick of disguise, deception, illusion, and finally control. Is this your detail?"

"Yes, this is my detail."

A vast amount of knowledge about the Mirage Psychic Matrix appeared in Bai Chen's mind.

Although this was the first time he had come into contact with the Mirage Matrix Psychic in his life.

But the Immortal King Bai Chen's understanding of the Mirage System still became his experience.

Bai Chen, who felt that he was already a Mirage Psychic master, was full of confidence.

"Give me some more information about the disposable doll."

"My Lord, I'm afraid my disposable doll doesn't meet your aesthetic standards."

Immortal King Bai Chen did not refuse, but kindly reminded him.

The aesthetics of the fairy world, like his female clothes, belong to a completely different school.

Bai Chen took a deep breath: "Come on!"

What appeared in his mind was a group of fairies with fluttering black hair, long skirts, and slender and graceful figures.

"Except for their hourglass-shaped bodies, they are all very beautiful."

Blue Star Baichen murmured.

Then, a bunch of cute dolls jumped in Baichen's mind.

If the cuteness of the cloud whale cub is one.

Their cuteness is at least five, and their appearance alone can make most people cute.

Even a straight man like Blue Star Baichen.

He felt that the warning of the Fairy King Baichen was exaggerated.

"My Lord, pay attention."

After the reminder, the Fairy King Baichen slowly transmitted the image of the male dolls in the Fairy World to Baichen.

"Green face, fangs, bloody mouth, not enough to describe their ugliness one ten-thousandth."

"The forehead is balder than that of a postdoctoral fellow, and the belly is bigger than that of a woman in labor!"

It was like a maggot crawling out of the abyss of the nine heavens and ten earths.

It was also like a collection of disgusting things.

The source of all negative energy in the world.

The male dolls in the Fairy World instantly refreshed Baichen's cognition of negative emotional words such as ugly and disgusting.

But the emotions transmitted from the Fairy King Bai Chen.

Bai Chen clearly confirmed that this was the impression of the Fairy World on men.

"Fairy King Bai Chen, I understand how important a woman's outfit is to you."

It is not easy to make the fairies in the Fairy World regard the hideous Fairy King Bai Chen as one of their own kind.

"Then, can I appear in front of you in women's clothing?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Compared to the hideous appearance, what Bai Chen could not accept more was the cute girl version of himself.

However, the Fairy King Bai Chen's puppet plan was still finalized.

Bai Chen wanted to see whether the plan derived by the Fairy King Bai Chen using a detail would work.

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