I can summon myself

Chapter 119: Hitting the target with one shot

Bai Chen, who was killed in battle, made a final check on the mirage system's psychic text and matrix.

Despite these moment text, the matrices all look similar.

But Bai Chen recognized the difference at a glance.

He said to the seniors: "The energy-conducting efficiency of all matrix works has met the design requirements. However, the matrix efficiency of the matrix of Dr. A, B, C, Ding, and graduate students Ban Zhuan is higher than that of other seniors." Out of at least three percent."

“The structural stability also has obvious advantages.”

"Although the drawings I provided are one-time combinations of mirage and text, their matrix can be reused three times."

The graduate student representatives A, B, C, Ding and Bizhu were delighted when they were named and commended.

In contrast, the seniors and sisters looked unconvinced.

"Junior, this is too exaggerated."

"With the same batch of materials and the same drawings, how can A, B, C and D be stronger than us?"

A, B, C and D laughed.

The graduate students in Bizhuan also had the proud expression of "we won't tell you that we have a system."

That's right, these unconvinced seniors are far superior to A, B, C and D in terms of talent and experience.

But with the help of the System Hunting Group, they had already learned the Blue Star Psychic Text Production Technology (antique version) taught to them by Bai Chen under the guise of the System Grandpa.

Naturally, whether it is the two core parameters of psychic energy utilization or structural stability, the psychic text written by them can lift up the works of seniors who could only look up to them before.

And this is just the surface.

If you truly master the essence of Blue Star's psychic text production technology.

They have the confidence to defeat the Eastern Psychic Text Association and the Western Alliance Psychic Club, becoming the strongest psionic producers on earth.

"Because we are all from Junior Brother Bai Chen."

A, B, B, and D held their heads high, their mentor was a fellow disciple of Master Bai Chen Zuo Guang, so it was natural for them to climb onto Bai Chen's thick thighs.

If they were convinced by the previous academic paper challenge and the last half of the paper that Bai Chen produced, then they, who had tasted the sweetness of Bai Chen’s system, were as firm as the graduate students in embracing Bai Chen’s golden lap. Unwavering for ten thousand years.

The unconvinced seniors were even more unconvinced.

"Junior, are you too unfair? If you have good things, you would rather teach them to scumbags like A, B, C, and D than to us?"

"That's right, they don't have any technology that can improve the utilization rate of psychic energy."

It would make sense if that were the case.

It makes perfect sense for Bai Chen to create a niche for his own people, so that students A, B, C, and D, who they had never looked down upon before, could make great progress.

But they are also Bai Chen's seniors, and they also want to be Bai Chen's own.

The final test results proved Bai Chen's judgment.

The works of graduate students A, B, Bing, Ding and Ban Zhuan are at least one level higher than the seniors who consider themselves at the top of the academic pyramid of Yanyu College.

This also made the seniors and sisters determined.

"Junior, we are also from Mist and Rain College."

"It's not fair, we want to learn this technique too."

Bai Chen winked at Tian Gang.

Tian Gang gave Bai Chen a slap in the face.

"Everyone, it's easy to talk. But let's get down to business first."

When Bai Chen finished testing all the moment texts and matrices.

The exhausted college bosses also sent over their dolls, life partner robots.

Although in order to keep up with the schedule, each of the human-scale puppet robots has a blank face.

But regardless of the main structure, body proportions, or aesthetics, they all prove the judgment of Immortal King Bai Chen.

These big guys are indeed veterans.


Although the college bosses are confident in their craftsmanship.

But he was still anxiously waiting for Bai Chen's final conclusion.

"very good."

Bai Chen gave a thumbs up.

Let the sweaty bosses feel happier than drinking ice water in the summer.

"The last step is installation."

When the sun rises again.

The dolls and life companion robots that Bai Chen needs have been assembled.

"Let's start now."

The bombers circling the extinct volcano island began to move towards the extinct volcano island, and their psychic energy was slowly injected into the disposable mirage psychic energy matrix installed on the nose and tail of the aircraft.

The entire plane was wrapped in the escaped mirage spiritual energy.

When the bomber flew to a straight line distance of fifty kilometers from the volcanic island.

Kraao's surprised voice sounded in Bai Chen's ears: "Bai Chen, your aircraft is integrated with the spiritual energy of the surrounding environment. Even at such a close distance, I can't feel the difference between you and the environment."


The cabin was filled with jubilation.

"The altitude dropped to 10,000 meters."

Mo Qianxing ordered loudly according to Bai Chen's plan.

"Roger, the altitude dropped to 10,000 meters."

The bomber descended slowly.

Kraao and the three cloud whale calves descended together.

"Lifeboat No. 1 is ready."

"Ready to start."

Bai Chen declined Crao's suggestion that the baby cloud whales throw the dolls and robots to the extinct volcano island, and instead put them into the No. 1 lifeboat.

A lifeboat equipped with a disposable mirage psychic matrix can also be used as a vehicle.

The top students in the computing team calculated the trajectory of the lifeboat based on speed, gravity, wind speed, air density, and fluid dynamics.

As long as these puppets and robots can be dropped from a height of 10,000 meters into the sea within a radius of 500 meters of the extinct volcanic island, it will be considered a success.

"Junior Bai Chen, the wind direction has changed in our favor."

"let's start."


The seniors in charge of the delivery opened the door of the belly rescue cabin.

When the rescue capsule ejects in real time, the curve coincides with the landing curve calculated by the calculation team.

The leader of the delivery team suddenly pressed the lifeboat ejection button.

Compressed air pushed Lifeboat No. 1, filled with puppet robots, out of the Bear bomber.

"The good wind, with its power, sends me to the blue clouds, let me go!"

"Medium, medium, medium!"

"Don't be biased, don't be biased, don't be biased."

Amid the prayers of teachers and students, the lifeboat drew a perfect parabola and accurately landed on the outer area of ​​the extinct volcano island where mirage biological fluctuations are most concentrated.

"A hole-in-one, a shot into the soul!"


See the coordinates of the rescue capsule returned from the detection array.

Everyone high-fived each other.

"Junior, the formula you gave us is really powerful."

The leader of the calculation team, the academic leader, has not forgotten that the formula provided by Bai Chen is the core of Yifu Soul.

At this time, strong mirage energy fluctuations appeared around the rescue cabin.

"The wave of mirage creatures!"

"They're coming!"

The mirage creature that the cloud whale and bear child couldn't lure out even after calling for a long time. After the No. 1 lifeboat successfully arrived at the extinct volcano island, it gathered from various locations on the extinct volcano island to its landing point.

The first mirage creature to crawl out of the tunnel inside the extinct volcano had its image transmitted back to the command center in real time by a special detection array.

Everyone who saw its appearance was stunned.

"This is actually...?"

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