I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1558: One hundred thirty six

Chapter 1558 Chapter 136: The Poison of Resentment

The void energy of the bundled thread and the spiritual force will produce a fierce reaction, hundreds of thousands of intensive bombings, constantly consuming the spiritual power stored by the **** armor, and also pushing the Tianlong Daozi who is trying to get closer.

Looking at the opponent in the star field being bombed, Tang Luo didn't have any pleasure in defeating the enemy plane.

Sometimes he really admires the people in this world, and can take the small world around him for granted.

As if the concepts of ethnic group, country, and the world do not exist at all, people's highest cognition of the collective is the unit of family and sect.

As for good and evil, it is a judgment entirely serving the position. Axioms and justice in all populations are related to their own interests.

But who would really care about the true meaning of these two words, it seemed that after the Yaozu completely retreated, the moral level of the Human race began to retreat in great strides.

Today, there is an inexplicable sense of sight that breeds pigs and dogs everywhere, and what is the difference between those who claim to be aristocratic and the demon clan in the past.

Injury is injury. Is it because the victim is a humanoid animal that makes the victim feel better?

In fact, the harm caused by the same kind is often more painful and violent than the different kind.

But, who wants to admit that he is an accomplice of evil?

It's like he is now embarking on the path of spiritual practice for the sake of freedom, hoping that every battle has a reason to be ashamed.

But this time, he didn't dare to look directly at the still-resolute Daozi in the tossing dragon centipede divine armor.

Even the bombardment of gathering void energy has become weak.

The Yiqi Tianlong on the other side naturally had no time to take care of Tang Luo's inner drama. From the moment of meeting, he focused all his attention on the battle.

After all, regarding the powerful record of this Void Grandmaster, even as a non-fighting sect such as God of Medicine Sect, it must be studied.

Especially their Little Pleiades, they even regarded the Void Spirit Body as a rare treasure.

Because only the void energy with extremely high tolerance to all attributes can break through the highest limit of the current Gu poison spiritual skills.

The last time Little Miasma had such passion for research was when Yiqi Tianlong awakened the poisonous spirit body.

But the bloodline talent is only luck after all, and the void spirit body can benefit all the practitioners who are tired of the poisonous spirit, so this time the research on the small miasma peak is especially in-depth.

From a certain perspective, Yiqi Tianlong even knew more about the void spirit body than Tang Luo.

This is also the reason why from the beginning of the battle, the Taoist Medicine God Sect did not waste any spiritual power on the offensive, but kept gathering heterogeneous poisonous spirits.

Unless it is the ability to walk halfway through the three qualitative transformation stages, the psionic attack methods are all tickling the void master.

Not to mention that Grandmaster Void also has the "Wishful Method" to escape into the void. There is absolutely no chance of winning with spiritual skills.

But in advanced martial arts theories, the strongest and the weakest are usually at the same point, and this is also common to void spirits.

Unlike the ordinary spirit body that comes with the spirit channel, the void spirit body can contain the characteristics of all things so that there is no overflow of energy at all, for a simple example.

A certain master who practices the fire exercise technique will produce extremely high temperature Yan Gang when he activates the spiritual body. If someone uses a yellow-level spiritual skill on it, he will be melted by the Yan Gang before touching the spiritual body.

But the void spirit body is different. As long as Tang Luo doesn't dodge, he can touch the spirit body regardless of the level of spiritual skills.

Although it was also invalid, this was the only opportunity Yiqi Tianlong could grasp.

As a condition of the shot, he had received a bottle of Poisonous Dragon's Saliva from the Royal Beast Sect Daozi.

The so-called poisonous dragon is the dragon of the abyss, feeding on all evil thoughts. The heavier the hostility, the stronger the dragon's power.

With this poisonous dragon's salivation, Yiqi Tianlong began to study the poison of evil thoughts. To say that the **** of medicine sect was also a genius of the sky with poison, he really found a way to peel away resentment and practice poison.

It's just that he has a method and a magical device to store the evil poison. There is no other way, he can only use his own spirit body as a pot.

In these days, he has not only upheld justice, but also absorbed the resentment of many people.

Those anger, those unwillingnesses, and those pains were all gathered by Yiqi Tianlong using the secret method, in order to have a blow when facing a strong enemy.

According to the judgment of Little Miasma, Master Void's spirit body is impeccable, and its combat skills are the highest in the world, and the king is not invincible in the world.

This kind of existence has long exceeded the limit that the fierce realm warrior can deal with, so from the beginning, Yiqi Tianlong never thought of being able to defeat it.

But as Shenzong Taoist, he also has his own pride, that is, knowing that he is defeated, he will leave an indelible memory for the other party.

Feeling the sudden slowdown of the opponent's attack, Yiqi Tianlong's eyes flashed with cold light, suddenly activating all the spiritual power stored in the Youquan Dragon Centipede, making the soul of the Dragon Centipede condensed and slaughtered towards Tang Luo.

Facing the violent Dragon Centipede's impact, Master Void just waved away, and during the bottom-up movement, Void energy was madly injected into his strong and slender arms.

The giant palm that had expanded hundreds of times was just a wave, and Wushuang's giant force was amplified by the force, and with a single blow, the phantom dragon centipede in the fierceness was shot flying.

The place where the palm face was in contact with the afterimage of the dragon centipede, the solid spiritual power model was vaporized by a huge backlog of force. With the effort, the huge phantom beast cracked inch by inch, and instantly climbed a hundred feet of body.

With a single blow, the giant palm that covered the sky turned back under the hood to capture the Daozi in the Divine Armor. Little did I know that Yiqi Tianlong was waiting for this opportunity.

The spirit that sprang from the broken dragon centipede phantom embraced a poison bead filled with the resentment of thousands of people, waved and pushed it into the depressed giant palm.

The Void Giant Arm, capable of resisting all kinds of magic, has no way to deal with this emotion-based toxin, and the Poison Pearl is easily pushed into the Void Spirit Body.

But at the same time, the giant palm that covered the sky and sun was also pressed down at the same time. This kind of attack range that could not be avoided at all, the Yiqi Tianlong who had lost the protection of the **** armor was directly shot into the air.

However, Tang Luo, who succeeded in one blow, did not have time to pay attention to the results, and was using the yin and yang two-meter grinding disc to resist the poisonous beads that had entered his arm.

(End of this chapter)

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