I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1557: One hundred thirty five

Chapter 1557 Chapter 135: Volley

Freedom has always been a relative concept, not an absolute concept.

Shenzong Daozi like Yiqi Tianlong seems to have unlimited freedom, and there are still absolute taboos.

This taboo is the law of Yao Shenzong, the virtue and law that have been established for thousands of years.

For any sect to inherit for a long time, the use of force is definitely not enough.

In order for the disciples to give up the system that is more recognized by the fate of the world, there must not be only benefits, but also sentimentality.

This love is not only a day of being a teacher and a lifelong father, but also the whole family's care of each other like close relatives.

Only with the sense of belonging generated in this way can the form of the sect have a long history and be passed down to this day.

Even in the evil demon sect of the Witch Clan, in the eyes of outsiders, there will inevitably be a law prohibiting mutual killings by the same family.

Because for sects, the relationship between master and disciple, and the relationship between brothers and sisters, is a bond beyond blood.

This is the case for evil spirits, not to mention the Medicine Shenzong who claims to be one of the leaders of Zhongzhou right way.

But just now, Yiqi Tianlong, without a joint trial by the elders of the door, and without reading any of the patriarchal rules of the God of Medicine, directly killed the three of the Fu family by means of thunder.

If he continues to take action and kills all the witnesses without leaving behind, then at best, this is a way of doing extreme things in the name of justice.

It happened that after killing the three of the Fu family, he let go of all the descendants of the Fu family. This behavior of only condemning the evil head just showed that this person was acting purely.

Even if he loses his identity as Yao Shenzong Daozi and is punished by the sect, he still has to make the villains pay their due price.

From a personal point of view, Tang Luo appreciates Yiqi Tianlong’s temperament, but it involves what he has to do when he comes to Central Continent this time.

He even hoped that Daozi Tianlong could learn a little hypocritical hypocrisy like others, but shook his head Tang Luo to catch up with Tianlong Yiqi.

The wasteland outside Xinghuang City is the fragrance of the revival of all things.

The wild flowers fragrant on both sides of the post road, and the young shoots of the trees.

But all this beauty has nothing to do with Yiqi Tianlong, and the Taoist walking in the wasteland is like a moving plague.

There is nothing to worry about when the poison gas is restrained in the city, and the direct result of this is that the grass and trees all over Daozi will instantly die and rot.

Looking down from the sky, in the wilderness paved with green grass and flowers, a blue-black road suddenly appeared, and it stretched to another city at a rapid speed.

After waiting for Yiqi Tianlong to leave Xinghuang City and the post road far enough, it fell and stopped in front of the opponent like a meteor.

"I have seen Tianlong Daozi."

The Tang Luochao, who fell to the ground, stopped at Tianlong Daozi a few meters away, and saluted lightly.

"There is no shop in front of the village, but it is a good place to bury the bones. Grandmaster Void is very good at choosing a place."

Yiqi Tianlong tilted his head and looked left and right, calling the real name of the **** armor, and the dragon centipede was instantly possessed by the dragon centipede. The fierce soul of the dragon centipede was linked with aura into a looming entity, staring at the void master in front.

"If Tianlong Daozi is willing to take action to detoxify, then this sect will not only guarantee that Daozi will not only live a hundred years, but also will receive a precious favor. No matter what difficulties Daozi encounters in the future, this sect will also help. Worry not."

Looking at Yiqi Tianlong entering the fighting stance, Tang Luo sighed and said: "Please also Daozi to be accommodating."

"Oh~! The favor of the youngest grandmaster in history, this condition is really tempting!"

Yiqi Tianlong, who was covered by the dragon centipede divine light, made a shaken expression, exaggerated, and then shook his head regretfully, "But it's not possible."

Pointing to his own heart, Tianlong Daozi said lightly: "Some things are really hard to get past, so I can only refuse Grandmaster Void's kindness!"

"Nothing is too difficult."

Tang Luo said solemnly: "Apart from retribution, is there no other way to pay for the guilt? If it can be done personally, it is not a kind of atonement."

"The grandmaster made a lot of sense. Killing the prisoner is just a reward, but it doesn't help the world. The old man also agrees that if the person who made the mistake can repent, it would be a better way."

Yiqi Tianlong first smiled and agreed with Tang Luo's words, and changed the front at random, and said indifferently: "But for the Tang clan, obviously shouldn't be treated with this standard. The faults committed by your "big-minded" patriarch, and The high-ranking Tang clan clearly knows but still acts indiscriminately, so it is not injustice to die."

"But who made the two grandmasters fierce? The general momentum of the family can't match the grandmaster's iron fists. The damned Tang family escaped from the younger half of the descendants and female relatives. It's a pity."

"The sky has the sun and the moon, and everything in the world is divided into yin and yang. With the wisdom of Taoism, one should understand the truth that there are no fish when the water is clear."

Tang Luo said dryly.

"Grandmaster can rest assured that no matter how you kill the selfish and malicious bastard, it will not be lost. On the contrary, people who are willing to put aside their own interests and seek justice are either flattened by this world, or because they are not strong enough. Suffering. The evil is just a storyteller's silly words. Win or lose depends on strength."

Yi Qi Tianlong said calmly: "Just like now, the life and death of Yi Qi Tianlong are just between the master's thoughts."


Tang Luo lowered his head and said regretfully: "Is there really no other way to compromise?"

"Grandmaster should understand."

Yiqi Tianlong smiled evilly and said, "What you can recover from Tianlong for the Tang family is nothing but your life."


The fully spiritualized power body swelled and surging, and the vigorous wind like a knife made Yiqi Tianlong seem to be in the eyes of a storm.

The golden wheel, like a scorching sun, pierced people's eyes. After the extreme day, it was the extreme night. Two galaxy-like matches spilled out of Tang Luo's hands, adding another starry sky to the realm of real power. .

Fu Ling Xing Yu swallowed the medicine Shenzong Daozi, Tang Luo's attack also arrived as scheduled, the manipulated void energy was compressed and condensed into a bunch, and attacked towards the dragon centipede.

The Youquan Dragon Centipede, which was supplied by the truncated aura, was not strong in the outside, and was trembling and howled by the darkness of void energy.

But what surprised Tang Luo was the Yiqi Tianlong in the God Armor, this medicine Shenzong Taoist had something brewing in his body from the moment he covered his face.

The spiritual power drawn from Baimai was held in the arms of the divine soul, besides the psychic power, there was an unseen power.

As the most keen physical master of crisis and the eyes that can see the flow of spiritual power, it is impossible to understand what degree of spiritual power can cause what kind of damage.

But it happened that the "Tuan Tuan" held by the Yiqi Tianlong Divine Soul made people feel a little jealous for no reason.

This is also the reason why Tang Luo covered him in the Voling Star Territory but still did not resort to close combat.

Anyway, the supply of vitality was cut off, and when the phantom of Dragon Centipede was shattered, Yao Shenzong Daozi couldn't find any storms.

After that, I have to pray that Yunxiu's enchanting pupil is strong enough!

(End of this chapter)

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