I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1559: One hundred thirty seven

Chapter 1559 Chapter 137: Epiphany

Before the war, it was a joke to say how jealous Tang Luo was with Yiqi Tianlong.

With the improvement of his realm and experience, he has long been accustomed to those people who are called stunning talents.

Yiqi Tianlong may be a little unique, but practitioners who need to devote their energy to study medical skills, after all, can't be the most sincere in martial arts.

God is fair after all, how much time you put in, how much reward will you have, as for the speed bonus brought by talent?

If you can mix with a person with a name and a surname, which one is not a wizard of Tianzong.

This is just a stepping stone to the road of the strong.

So this matchup has been determined from the beginning.

Even if there is no void spirit body that contains all things, there is no five-organs gods that can not invade, just a difference in spiritual power can crush the opponent.

After all, martial arts is still an objective judgment of strength and weakness. Although the righteous side will have some bonuses in mentality, under the gap of absolute strength, these bonuses are at best only a little reluctant and tragic to desperate defeat.

It's just that after Yiqi Tianlong injected the condensed poison beads into his body regardless of his own safety, Yao Shenzong Daozi's amazing skills still shocked him.

The tyrannical gong body did not block the "toxin" invasion, the immortal war body's divine pattern did not block the invasion, and even the peerless supernatural powers like the Innate Two Instruments Grinding did not block the explosion of the poison beads in the gong body.

If some practitioners with amazing courage encounter this unstoppable toxin, they usually cut off their arms to isolate the toxin subconsciously.

But Tang Luo didn't do this, not because of his lack of courage, but because of the confidence of a martial arts researcher.

The poisonous ants kill the elephant in one bite?

Scientific research also has to pay attention to the basic law, what toxin can be so powerful, magical powers can not stop the poison, he has never heard of it before!

Based on this recognition, he resisted the urge to transfer the Void Stomach and swallow the poison beads in one bite, and watched the outbreak of poison beads indifferently.

As the "toxin" spread in his body, Tang Luo finally understood why the power body and the gods could not stop this little poison bead.

Because this is not a spiritual skill at all, but a spiritual seed that contains countless negative emotions!

With a muffled hum, like repeated emotions, this turbulent negative emotion evoked the most instinctive reaction of the body.

Anger, sadness, despair, resentment

It turned out that these extreme emotions would cause such great damage to the gong body. If it were not for the fully activated spirit body state, Tang Luo could be sure that the internal organs would be exhausted due to the impact of these negative emotions.

But it happened that the poison beads were accepted in the spirit state, which also meant that no matter how dense this negative emotion was, it would only be useless in the end, and it would cause confusion for a while.

So from the beginning, Yiqi Tianlong's purpose was not to defeat himself, but to create opportunities to escape.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Tang Luo's tenacity. The impact of these negative emotions was ferocious, but it was still slightly inferior to the pain of introducing the violent void energy cast.

Unless it is to gather more than twice the negative emotions, it is possible to lose his mind for a short time under the instant impact.

Therefore, most of the principles of the world are interlinked. Once he crossed the block of Wang Fulin’s body to destroy Wang Chan’s body with spiritual seeds. Here, Yiqi Tianlong used the same method to repay himself. This is probably thirty years in Hedong thirty years. The truth of Hexi in the year.

The Void Grandmaster, who resisted the bombardment of negative emotions, brought up the secret technique of Dao Xin Qingming, and several long breaths, the negative emotions of Mo Mo turned into arrows of Qi.

As the negative emotions were discharged, the gong body gradually returned to calm, and Tang Luo suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Body and soul are one, does that mean?"

After carefully recalling the process in which his body was just affected by emotions, Grandmaster Void felt a little agitated.

Because he felt that he had probably touched the road to Fengwang that opened the door.

This enlightenment was so ferocious that he didn't even have time to retract the star field to look at the unconscious Yiqi Tianlong. Tang Luo sat cross-legged in the void and began to verify his guess.

People are searching for the meaning of life throughout their lives, but most of the time, they don't even find it by themselves.

who am I?

This issue is probably the most controversial issue in the spiritual world.

Some people say "I" is the self, the voice that sinks to hear after removing all distracting thoughts.

Some people say that "I" is the past, a collection of all past situations and thoughts.

Some people say that "I" is the body, the traces of the years that have been soaked by wind, frost, rain and snow.

Some people say that "I" is self-consciousness, the unique perspective to see things.

From the perspective of martial arts research, these statements are all correct, but they are not comprehensive enough. At least any one of the above cannot represent the complete "I".

How can I go to the step of unity of body and soul if I can't even find it?

Tang Luo's road to the king was stuck here, because he couldn't find a way to put his body into his body and soul, and he couldn't find a way to break his body and soul into his body, and he was stuck here for a while.

But the spiritual orb containing negative emotions that Yiqi Tianlong condensed just now opened a new door for him.

Since the soul can contain the sea of ​​consciousness, why is it so important to shed the body? Even if the body is shattered, it can be reshaped according to the memory of the soul. Why can't the soul still exist independently from the body?

Tang Luo once thought that this was a constraint that had not yet reached the king's realm, but now that he thinks about it, this statement is a bit too simple.

If you examine yourself carefully, you will find that the soul condensed in the fierce realm is extremely powerful, but it is also very defective.

The flaw is that the soul is more like an observer independent of the body, rather than a feeler, an experiencer.

It's like an absolute sane after all emotions have been stripped off. This kind of thing is naturally not flawed when used to fight, but in other aspects.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body mind, color, sound, fragrance and touch.

All these beautiful experiences of constructing the world are empty in Shenhun.

Perhaps in the eyes of Buddhism, this is undoubtedly the proof that everything is empty, but in Tang Luo's eyes, if you lose all these wonderful experiences, what is the difference between people and stones.

Is a king who has lost all feelings and experiences really the right path to the kingdom?

If it is correct, then why does Wang Fulin's Law Bodies feel heartache because of Wang Chan's severe injury, and why does An Yushu's Law Bodies fear because of the roaring swords?

The questions hidden in my heart in the past have now been answered.

The so-called method of the unity of spirit and soul is to write all the feelings of the body to the world into the spirit and soul.

In popular terms, it is to transfer all the neurons of the human body to the soul. At that time, the soul with reason and feeling can be called the "superego."

And beyond oneself-as the king of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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