I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1056: Three hundred sixty

Chapter 1056, Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty: Misnamed

After all, Tian Geer didn’t really put the stubble out of the house, but piled it on the head of the bed. He also placed two wooden spoons with a thin handle, one for scooping water and the other for carrying rice. It's very considerate.

In the next few days, Brother Tian still traveled like that, sometimes just a few hours, sometimes a whole day.

And every time he came back, Tiange would first come to the chaifang to see Tang Luo, fill up the rice stubble and water, and leave after feeding the medicine.

Tang Luo never asked where Brother Tian went. He didn't take the initiative to mention what he had done. The two would only talk about topics that were irrelevant to the matter, such as why he only left for a long time. The bag of rice stubble has seen the bottom.

"My appetite is really good!" Tian Ge'er shook the empty corn stubble, and exclaimed: "It's only a short time, and the 20 catties of corn stubble is gone. Your body can recover, at least the digestive ability is fast. A warrior with the unity of spirit and will!"

For the martial artist, there is nothing more important than eating.

The conversion rate of ordinary people's food energy is terribly low. You can't absorb one or two catties after eating ten catties. Even if it is Dundunling rice and animal meat, the conversion rate is not more than 40%.

Therefore, martial arts researchers have developed many techniques to increase the energy conversion rate of martial artists, such as the whale swallowing technique and the dragon twisting technique;

But no matter what kind of exercise method, there is a very troublesome place, that is, it cannot reach a 100% absorption rate. Even the top-level exercise method of the Holy Land will have about half of the waste accumulation.

In order to facilitate Tang Luo's excretion, the witty Tiange made a hole in the bed board, and placed Tang Luo's waist there. A wooden bucket was also placed under the bed to catch the remnants of Tang Luo's incontinence and save it. Some decent.

But after these five or six days, the stubble that Tang Luo ate into his stomach was less than a hundred kilograms, and there were several buckets of clean water, but the wooden bucket under the bed was empty.

This shows that Tang Luo possesses a transformation secret technique that is more than that of the Holy Land. This makes Tian Ge'er a little envious: "The first family of the ancient human race is indeed extraordinary, but in energy conversion, you have gone far to the Holy Land. Slightly ahead!"

Lying on the bed, Tang Luo knew that Brother Tian had misunderstood, and said indifferently: "This is not a technique, but a stomach of magical power. Not to mention the stubble of rice, even the pig iron from the soil can absorb it. does not matter!"

Brother Tian was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lighted up, and suddenly he rushed to the bed to start Tang Luo.

"Hey, what are you doing!?"

As if he couldn't hear it at all, Brother Tian squatted down and stared straight at Tang Luo's mid-belly. After swallowing his saliva, he trembled and said, "You said you have a stomach with magical powers?"

"It's just a supernatural power to store and retrieve things, as for such a big reaction!"

Tang Luo was taken aback and said dissatisfied: "The only way to link this magical power is in the orifice, and how big the orifice is, is to use a knife to open the cheeks, and it can't hold it much. In terms of practicality, It's a life-like supernatural power, which is limited in combat power."

These days he can't move, so Tang Luo's only entertainment is to re-deduct his own magical powers to see if there is any further possibility.

The Void Shuanglun, Yin-Yang Crusher, and He Qi Chengjian have all developed new uses. Only Void Stomach is the magical power he has given up on research from the beginning.

After all, the basic attributes of this magical power doomed him to be unable to change his position, and every void stomach pouch in his abdomen can be regarded as a coordinate corresponding to a certain void world.

Human beings are moving, and the coordinate positions are not moving, and all research involving the void must at least wait until the fully spiritualized incarnation can defend against the void world.

And given his current physical condition, let alone the imperial world, even the aisle for getting out of bed is choking, and it is thankless to study the empty stomach.

And the reason for this depreciation is that the empty stomach, as the main supernatural power of his immortal battle body, did not play the role of the main supernatural power, and has always been a supporting role.

The only supplement to Tang Luo's combat power is to fill it with spiritual springs and salt to quickly produce blood. In this way, it depends entirely on the particularity of his body.

So he couldn't figure out why the empty stomach was blown out in ancient books so that it was rare in the sky and hard to see on the ground.

As a senior martial arts researcher, Tang Luo's scoring of Void Stomach cannot be more than 6.5, which is a little bit stronger than passing.

The first magical power in my heart was clearly seen, causing Tian Ge'er's eyes to burst into flames. He stood up in red and pointed to Tang Luo's nose and said loudly, "That's because you don't know how to use it. This magical power can be used by any other Chaochang merchants, I am afraid that he is already rich in the enemy's country!"

"What's the use of rich and enemy country?" As a senior martial arts researcher, Tang Luo's evaluation of supernatural powers is very objective. He was slandered by his nose, and naturally he couldn't bear it, because he thought he was already within the range allowed by the realm. Exploiting the Void Stomach to the extreme, how can I endure this slander?

The proud Long Xi Tianjiao retorted firmly: "This magical power is extremely limited to the combat power. Even if it is completely spiritually incarnate, it can change the acupoints of the Void Stomach, and it is also a defense with spiritual skills. Sexual supernatural powers, and you have to pay attention when defending. If the opponent's spiritual skills are too strong and the spiritual injury exceeds the range that the virtual world can bear, the empty stomach will be shattered."

"It's even weaker when used as an attack. Opposite opponents of the same level can't be killed if swallowed with Void Stomach. For low-level opponents, it takes so much effort to use Void Stomach? So, even if it is further developed, Void Stomach The limit of the stomach is to the level of general supernatural powers, no matter how hard it is to improve!"

"Many people in the ancient books and secrets praise the Void Stomach because of the famous Yun black merchant, but think about it carefully, the strength of the other party has no direct relationship with the Void Stomach. , After all, that was originally a talented cultivator, at the age of twenty-eight, he was in the realm of grandmaster before he was eighty, and he was practicing Yun's top techniques, both body and spirit, and gentleness and strength alone, even if not. Void Stomach is also a strong man at the apex of the world."

"To sum up, although Void Stomach is often respected as top supernatural powers, its true level, that is, the level of ordinary supernatural powers, is touted by some businessmen!"

At first, Tang Luo had great enthusiasm for Void Stomach. After all, this supernatural power is so famous that it always makes people look forward to it, but after he really studied it in depth, he discovered that this supernatural power is not as good as some foreign supernatural powers. Good development.

His dissatisfaction with Void Stomach has been accumulated for a long time, and he feels that this is a puffy supernatural power that is not worthy of its name.

(End of this chapter)

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