I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1057: Three hundred sixty one

Chapter 1057 Chapter 361: Prison Peng

And the root cause of this puffiness was the black businessman from the Yun family. It was so easy to see a descendant of the Yun family, and Tang Luo was even more bitter.

But with zero vision, he just talked about the facts and reasoned out, and he didn't realize that Brother Tian's face was as black as the bottom of a pot again.

Feelings are often more convincing than facts. If you divide the history of the Yun family into two stages, then the first peak is the era of the first ancestor Yunzu.

In that era, the Yun family was the top family of the human race, and the Yunzu was even the top powerhouse of the human race, ranking with the saints like Bu Cangsheng, Han Wu, An Yang, and Wang Xu.

Unlike the other saints, Yunzu firmly believes that only commerce can make people free and equal, and that they are illegal and forceful.

Therefore, Chaochang City is full of freedom and dreams. It can be said that the entire Longzhou can have today's wealthy people, and Chaochang has an inseparable relationship.

As long as there are merchants in the Eight Prefectures of Longzhou, the above-mentioned 20 generations must have worked in Chaochang, and all the methods of planting, crafts, metallurgy, utensils, and brewing in Longzhou flow from Chaochang to various parts of Longzhou.

In the ancient times, the Yun family was infinitely beautiful. It was not until the martial arts Dachang and the clans joined together that the merchants of the Yun family were surprised to find that the aristocratic families in many places already possessed very strong military power, and as the Chaochang Yun family after the Yunzu , The force is still stagnant.

It was at that time that the Yun Clan Black Merchant appeared, and with almost one person, he revived the Yun Clan's prestige, allowing the downhill Yun Clan to reverse his peak and flourish for another two to three hundred years.

But after that, the Yun family no longer appeared in the aisle with a strong name, instead, dozens of legendary merchants appeared, all over the world.

Therefore, in the minds of Yun's descendants, Void Stomach is the number one magical power in the world, because this magical power not only makes them stronger, but also enhances their business ability.

For many people of the Yun family, the allure of Void Stomach is far greater than that of an earth-level first-grade immortal bloodline, or even a heaven-level bloodline.

And it was such a supernatural power that was regarded as the most treasured, but Tang Luo was banished to be worthless. What made Tian Geer even more angry was that he could not think of anything to refute, and his stomach was blown up.

"You said that the fame of Void Stomach was touted!?"

Brother Tian gave Tang Luo a final warning with a dark face, hoping that the other party could see the form clearly and reconsider the language.

But the upright Tang Luo didn't know the deep meaning. He thought it was just because the reality was too cruel and he was in a trance. He comforted him and said: "Don't be sad, I also had great expectations for this magical power at the beginning, and even spent time. After several years of intensive research, it was later discovered that it was a waste of effort. You are lucky to be able to recognize the true level of the Void Stomach earlier!"

The dark-faced brother Tian turned his head and left the wood room, seeing Tang Luo for a while, and said in his heart: Huh? Where did I offend him again? This Void Stomach was originally not good.

While reflecting on it, he saw Tian Ge'er holding a huge medicine and rushing in. Inside, it was full of only half-milled medicinal herbs.

Obviously he was holding a medicine roller, but he was so fierce that he wanted to swallow his life. Tang Luo didn't know why he was weak: "Didn't you just take medicine?"

Brother Tian raised his eyebrows and hummed: "Don't you have an empty stomach? It doesn't matter if you eat all the medicine for a month, isn't it condensing everything? It saves you the effort of grinding medicine, how great! "

"Uh," Tang Luo said in amazement as he watched the medicine roller getting closer and closer, "Although it is correct, but the medicine is three-point poison, you don't need to talk about the measurement and just pour it in. It's not good."

"What's wrong!" The Tiangeer who was holding the medicine roller walked to the bed, Yun's hand was shocked and Tang Luo's mouth was pushed to the maximum: "You are so smart, you know that Void Stomach has a false name. Can it be poisoned to death by the Sutra? As for the weight, you can just watch it yourself!"

Brother Tian held the medicine roller and threw the wire-like repetition grass into Tang Luo's throat, and roared in his heart: "As long as you can, as long as you can, even the empty stomach is a vain name, why don't you go to heaven! I'm a fool who can't say anything to kill you, to kill you, I'm really blinded by accepting you as a little brother. I'll give you medicine whenever I have time, bah! To kill you, to kill you!"

Don't know if it was an illusion. Tang Luo felt that the way Tian Ge'er was pouring medicine was extraordinarily rough. Not only was his mouth sore, but even the half-polished meridian grass was scratched.

But he didn't have any problem with Tian Ge'er, because after pouring so many unknown medicinal solutions these days, he could clearly feel that the meridians in his body were being repaired.

Although the liquid medicine of unknown origin looks a little ugly, the texture of the medicine is extremely good.

In order to save himself, the other party first built a magical weapon and then brought so many herbs, which is really difficult.

After your injury is healed, let's see if there is anything that can help you. Although you can't be a little brother, but the other party is your own life-saver. This kindness means that you have to repay anything.

Just thinking of the clouds that died in Beishan, Tang Luo would be one head and two big. If he had known such an incident, he should propose to save people.

Now things are over. If the goddess wants to avenge the tribesmen in the future, do you say that the favor is to help or not, it is really distressing!

Tang Luo, who always likes to think things ahead, only feels that the future is in chaos, and to stabilize the universe in that chaos, he must first raise his body!

Thinking of this, Tang Luo even opened his mouth to the largest extent, so that the dark green and difficult-to-swallow medicinal juice could quickly flow into his stomach.


Longzhou Calendar July 15, 1785

The Dutian King Tour and the Arbitration Office, who had been looking for no results for a long time, had to leave, and Bu Jiu had determined that Gouchen had been taken away, and that the southern border of Longzhou could conceal the existence of the rune induction. There were only a few of them.

Since there is no one in Chaochang City, then go and take a look outside Chaochang City!

Step Jiu Xin was unwilling to leave from Chaochang, and walked to Yulinzhai. After begging to see the Lord but was rejected, he did not leave. Instead, he used the escape technique Tianpeng to forcibly rush into Yulinzhai several times, wanting to renew his god. Character induction.

This action angered the great masters of Yulinzhai. When Bu Jiu tried the Yulinzhai forbidden place for the third time, several people set up a forbidden formation to trap him.

And let people talk about Wu Shengshan, if there is no reasonable explanation, Yulinzhai will never let anyone go.

Wu Shengshan and the major sects have always been in harmony. This is the first time that the great master of Wu Shengshan has forcibly rushed into the forbidden area of ​​another faction, and the act of detaining the Tianpeng master has made the entire southern border of Longzhou turbulent.

(End of this chapter)

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