I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1055: Three hundred fifty nine

Chapter 1055 Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Nine: Annoying and Being Annoyed

But when he got to Tiange'er's house, he thought it would be better. Who knows that Tiange'er left will be a whole day. Tang Luo, who has been waiting for a long time, has long been concerned about it. If Tiange'er hasn't returned for three days, he will use the fairy style. It doesn't matter if Shu Diao is admitted to the hospital and eats corn.

Fortunately, Brother Tian came back early and didn't let Tang Luo go to the last step. Although his appearance is weak now, he is still far from the limit. It is just a bit miserable, but in case the opponent grows again next time. As time passed, Tang Luo felt that he still had to take some preventive measures.

"My physical body has undergone a collapse, and has cut contact with the vitality of the heavens and the earth. All breathing and breathing have stopped. Without nutritional supplements, I am naturally abnormally weak."

After thinking about it, Tang Luo was sure to conceal part of the situation and told the facts of his body: "If you come back later, I will starve to death."

"Ah!" Tian Ge'er's face became stiff, and he thought it would not matter to leave Tang Luo at home for three days. Who knows that not seeing each other for one day is like dying.

And he couldn't stay at the bedside day and night, because sometimes it took him back, and he didn't know what to do, but everyone was rescued, so he couldn't be sent back to Fuyun Temple.

Brother Tian was secretly worried, and had already begun to consider whether to wait for Tang Luo to walk around freely before going out, but according to Tang Luo's situation at this time, it was impossible to walk around in less than three or five months.

It's not a long time, but he still has a mission. If there is no intelligence to return, there will be speculations. If they come to Chaochang, it will be bad!

Seeing the change in Tiange'er's face, Tang Luo naturally didn't know how much inner drama the other party had in his heart at this time. He only felt that the heat was about the same and he began to ask: "Ah, actually, you don't need to worry too much. Leave some corn stubble. Just keep the water in my room, so I won’t starve to death!"

Before being completely spiritually transformed into a physical body, the more tyrannical physical body needs to be supplemented with energy, and the most important way for martial artists to supplement energy is to eat.

Therefore, the poor, the rich and the martial arts, only if they eat well can they have a strong physique. For the warriors before the fierce state, a tyrannical physique means almost everything.

Spirit-eating animal meat and heavenly materials are precious sources of energy. The department where Wutang spends the most money has always been the canteen. Even the consumption of the medicine hall is dwarfed by the canteen.

When he left Longxi, he brought a total of three Supreme Tai Sui with nourishment. Unfortunately, all three Tai Sui cannot be taken out in the Void Stomach at this time. Instead, he had to open the Void Stomach except the main stomach. He must redraw the divine formation with ten patterns on his lower abdomen.

However, the fifth rank of the Immortal Battle Body never existed independently. To restart the lower abdomen, all four formations including arms, upper chest, middle abdomen, and lower waist must be recast.

Indestructible battle body's inner spirit formations, each formation has more than 3,000 spirit power nodes, and more than 15,000 spirit power nodes need to be activated to complete the fifth rank. But Tang Luo now has broken meridians, and he can't flow into a formation at all. Even if his meridians are continuous, he has only 1233 points of spiritual power, even if he draws spiritual power into silk, he will not be able to survive the fifth-grade divine formation.

People are in the eaves and have to bow their heads.

In fact, from the first time he saw Tian Ge'er, Tang Luo determined that Tian Ge'er staying in Chaochang must have a big plan, not only because the other party is a descendant of the Yun clan and possesses a fairy cloud spirit.

It’s even more because since the first meeting, the other party has shown people in a mask. Tang Luo’s eyes can clearly see that the face of Brother Tian at this time is pinched by a pure aura, including his figure. The posture is also covered in clouds.

Even with Tang Luo's eyes, he can only look dimly, unable to see what's inside. This is even more sophisticated than the magical body of Liu's magical body that Wu Shengshan saw. The Yun family's ability to change appearance is the best in the world. Deserved.

Since his body was already like this, Tang Luo was not in a hurry, anyway he couldn't live without Brother Tian, ​​after all, if the magic rune in his body hadn't been suppressed by the fairy cloud, it would have been exposed.

As a well-versed family son, Tang Luo will not use his injuries to hinder Tian Ge'er's business. After all, Tian Ge has a life-saving grace for him, so his request must be within a reasonable range. .

And Brother Tian didn't think that there was such a simple solution to the problem that bothered him, and said suspiciously: "It's wrong, you only have your head to move, leaving only the stubble and water in the house. How should you eat?"

Tang Luo didn't answer, just controlled his spiritual power to spray a small cloud hand from his belly button, which disappeared instantly. If it weren't for Tiange's eyes, he would think it was an illusion.

"The Yun Clan's exercises are spread throughout Longzhou. Although Yun Shou is not an outstanding spiritual skill, it is easy to condense and easy to control. With my current spiritual power, it is not a problem if it is only a surplus!"

Tang Luo thought he was modest, but he was naked to show off in the ears of Brother Tian.

Responding to the call of the holy land to open arms prohibition, Chaochang Yun's collection of Yun's collection was made public during that special period, and even the method of transforming aura into cloud was not privately stored.

As a result, of the ten wandering warriors in Longzhou at that time, eight were practicing Yun's spiritual skills. This situation gradually stopped until the aristocratic families created many different schools of exercises through Xu Sheng's spiritual analysis.

Even in the great prosperity of martial arts, Yun's spiritual skills are still one of the choices that wanderers want to practice, because although the transformed Yun Yun has no outstanding attributes, it is not restrained by the five elements spiritual power. This alone is The serious exercises on the market are incomparable.

The only thing that makes people criticize is that the cultivation of Yun's spiritual skills is very difficult, or in other words, ordinary people practice Yun's spiritual skills, there are only two results, one is that no one can beat, the other is that no one can beat.

Seeing that Tang Luo could condense his hands into clouds with Shenque points, Tiange was about to compliment a few words, but when he heard these words he was not happy: "You are so powerful, you still need Zhang Yu! See you just use a god. You can get out of the hand at the Que acupoint, even if you put the bag of corn rice outside the house and fasten it, doesn’t it matter!"

"Uh," Tang Luo, who didn't know where he was causing Brother Tian to lose his temper, was taken aback, and softly discussed: "Put it at the door? It's okay, but you don't need to fasten it. Untie the rope is also a bit troublesome."

"Hum hum!"

The furious Tian Geer hummed twice, said no fuck, and turned away bitterly.

After a while, he came in again with a large pot of medicine, broke Tang Luo's mouth and poured it roughly.

There was still a wild roar in my heart: "As long as you can, as far as you can! You are the most powerful, you can use Shenque acupoint to get out of the cloud, you are amazing, simple, and easy, to kill you! To kill you !"

(End of this chapter)

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