I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1031: Three hundred thirty five

Chapter 1031 Chapter 335: Two Things

The so-called holy land is an ancient family that eliminated demons and supported the rise of the human race. In the darkest years of the human race, they watched and helped each other, and a very deep friendship has been formed between the holy land and the holy land.

The breath of the king's realm can't be hidden, and the celestial elements that landed from Tiannandou to the northern boundary of Longzhou naturally shocked Wusheng Mountain and Xuanjizong.

It's just that the two top masters couldn't think that it was Wang Fulin who was making such a fuss, and looking at Wang Chan, who had lost consciousness in the Star God Pillar, they probably understood why this invincible powerhouse looked uneasy.

"Two things."

Like the bad-tempered elders who made his younger generation, Wang Fulin said calmly to the two holy land masters: "First, Chan'er was attacked by Goochen and almost smashed his body. The old man is not good at medical skills, so please think of a solution. ."

"The second thing is that the demon lord Goochen hit the old man’s four-spirit rune before his body disintegrated. It should be turned into ashes at this time. In the southern border of Longzhou, the expert Wu Shengshan was asked to investigate the whereabouts of this person."

That is to say, Wang Wudi, who has a very high profile, can support the holy land master like this, as a descendant of the holy land who grew up listening to the legend of the other party.

Bu Jiu and Qing Wei met each other and exchanged their eyes. The latter put the red gourd away and stepped forward and said respectfully: "Wang Chan's body is on the verge of dissociation at this time. It is by no means a medicine stone to save. It is not only a serious injury to the younger generation. , There is a life-threatening spirit seed inside. If Senior Wang hadn't used the power of stars to restrain his physical body, it would have been broken at this moment."

The path of medicine has not been divided into families since ancient times. The Taoists of the Xuan Ji Sect practiced alchemy and learned medicine. They have very good insights on the path of medicine. As the top master of the Xuan Ji Sect, Qing Wei looks cynical, but after all, he is profoundly knowledgeable. With a single glance, he looked at Wang Chan's situation closely.

This made Wang Fulin couldn't help but ask: "What can Qingwei Daoist do?"

The Taoist leader with rosacea did not dare to neglect. He went to the star pillar and carefully observed the situation of Wang Chan inside. He said: "If the spiritual seed is not removed, any cure is invalid. For the current plan, only thinking The method first seals the physical body of Saint Wang Chan, and only after the spiritual seed in his body disappears or is digested can he proceed with the treatment."

Compared with Wang Fulin's helplessness, Qing Wei Daoist proposed an idea that sounds feasible. Wang Fulin said in a deep voice, "How can the body of Chan'er be sealed, and how long will this spiritual seed disappear?"

"Beiman Lingxiao Sect has a strange thing, Xuanminghe, which was cast by the gods conceived in the eyes of Tianchi Rehaiquan. There is a ten thousand years of mysterious cold air inside. Every disciple of the Lingxiaozong will be invited to Xuanminghe to continue his life. , First stabilize the injury. And Lingxiaozong’s Tianchi Hot Sea water is also a divine object that warms the flesh. This combination of ice and fire is in harmony with the way of Yin and Yang. If you can borrow this Xuan Ming 柩, you may be able to move Wang Chan to Tianchi. Atami!"

After thinking for a while, Qing Wei Daoist proposed a method that sounds like there is room for manipulation, and then said: "As for the spirit seed in Wang Shengzi's body, we can only look at his own good fortune. If we have to wait for the spirit seed itself to dry up, Maybe it will take ten or eight years."

"Ten years?" Wang Fulin frowned and asked, "Is there any way to speed up?"

For the Holy Land Tianjiao, ten years means the change of the old and the new. Even now, Wang Chan is not alone in the Wang's Holy Land. There are Wang Tu and Wang Po in pursuit, and countless rising stars are more It is staring at the place of walking.

If it is delayed for ten years because of the injury, Wang Chan's name will be forgotten by everyone like those fallen geniuses. As Wang Chan's direct elders, Wang Fulin does not want to see his own Yunsun fall into such a miserable end.

In other words, other people are so insatisfied to ask, and they can't understand the truth, but who makes the Fa in front belong to the Heavenly Southern King Fulin, so the Taoist can only explain patiently: "The spirit type in the body of Wang Shengzi is really rare. The inner strength is even more unheard of. Senior Wang should know that the spiritual cultivation power is large and the physical cultivation is declining. The physical master who combines rigidity and softness has not appeared for hundreds of years, and wants to remove the spirit seed from the Wang Shengzi Unless a physical master of this level is hired, it will only be necessary to find a strong person who can plant the spirit seed or the spirit seed will naturally dry up. These eight years and ten years are already the most optimistic estimates!"

"The old man understands." Wang Fulin nodded and said to Qingwei: "I would also like to ask the Dao to take a long run to the Beiman Lingxiao Sect, and tell his lord, the old man is willing to borrow Xuan Mingqi and Tianchi heat at the cost of several earth-level secret techniques. sea."

"Senior Wang, please rest assured." Qing Wei nodded and smiled: "Lao Dao and Ling Xiao elder Yang Kangzong are perfect friends, and they will surely be able to borrow the treasure smoothly and renew the life for the son of Wang Sheng!"

"So please ask Qing Wei to be a master!"

Nodded towards Wang Fulin, gently took off the gourd around his waist, opened the stopper and poured out a red cloud, and then drifted to the north. After a while, no one could be seen.

After communicating about Wang Chan's affairs, Wang Fulin turned to Step Nine again and drew a small talisman with the power of stars.

The purple star power carries an inexplicable dignity, this talisman made of spiritual power looks like a real entity, flashing in Wang Fulin's hand.

"This soul-seeking talisman is of the same origin with the four-spirit vertical and horizontal rune. As long as it gets closer to the four-spirit vertical and horizontal rune, the star will become more prosperous. After sending someone, the old man handed the magic talisman to Wu Shengshan along with Gouchen, but Grandmaster Bu just heard that King Yunsun was suffering from the spirit seed. If Wu Shengshan caught Gouchen, he must find a way to remove the spirit seed, old man Grateful!"

Having said that, Wang Fulin handed the spirit-seeking talisman to Bu Jiu, and after Bu Jiu respectfully took over the Ling suit, he replied in earnest: "Thank you, Senior Wang, for your compassion. The junior here sent someone to track down Goochen’s whereabouts. If you find the news , Let Wang Xian's nephew's injury be the most serious!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dapeng Mountain rose by the wind at nine steps and turned into a golden winged roc. The golden light masterpiece tore open the sky, and it traveled for dozens of miles in an instant. Only a starlight remained in the sky. Only in terms of escape technique, Dapeng Mountain's original vein technique has almost reached the highest level in the world.

The two sacred masters of Xuanjizong and Wushengshan came and went in a hurry. Wang Fulin continued to protect Yunsun while Wang Chan in the Star God Pillar was still suffering from great suffering. His body and soul were on the verge of being torn apart. .


After being surrounded and suppressed several times, Xu Qingyue was really lost.

Everyone in this Chaochang is so unreasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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