I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1030: Three hundred thirty four

Chapter 1030 Chapter 334: Each as its face

After a while, the shopkeeper walked into the tea room, sat in front of Xu Qingyue, and nodded with a smile: "This shopkeeper has already set a deal with Sister Wang. The gift is 38 million. What does the lady think?"

"Wang's sister-in-law is so capable!"

Xu Qingyue gave a secret compliment in her heart. She gave Wang’s sister-in-law of 500,000 gold. She thought that she could leave three to fifty thousand gold to deal with. After all, Chaochang’s land is so high that the price of shops is too high. What's new, although this street is not lively, but being able to sell at such a price still makes her a little overjoyed.

Just as agreed previously, Xu Qingyue nodded calmly and said: "So, it's so decided."

"Very good." The shopkeeper nodded, and asked with a smile: "Then you will make a contract with Wife Wang at this price?"

After that, the shopkeeper got up and walked out of the tea room, only then did Xu Qingyue smile.

The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning. It is possible to get a shop at such a low price, and to refurnish the store with the remaining money, and then there will be no business for a year, and it can be supported by the principal. Even if it cannot be opened later, Able to sell the shop to seek a chance to make a comeback.

This kind of advancing and retreating situation should be said in the scriptures, and you should be invincible.

Dreaming of the future, Princess Qingyue looked blurred, and began to think about the name of the first cloth shop and the problems of future management. She wished to open tomorrow and can roll up her sleeves and do a great job.

This feeling of being able to dominate her life is really great. Princess Qingyue has forgotten the unpleasantness of the city hall, but feels that the air is filled with the smell of freedom and hope.

Not long after, the middle-aged male shopkeeper walked into the tea room again, with a deeper smile in his eyes, and said softly towards Xu Qingyue: "So, the lady will go back to the house with her husband."

Xu Qingyue, who thought the shopkeeper was here to say goodbye, was stunned after hearing these words, turned into a bashful, stood up and yelled: "You are so rude to do business, you do business, how can you be so frivolous! "

Xu Qingyue's excitement made the shopkeeper's intuition inexplicable, and she was dissatisfied: "I just negotiated the price with Wang Saoer and confirmed with his wife. Why didn't you recognize anyone in a blink of an eye?"

"One yard goes to one yard. Business is business. You have to pay for a house and wife if you buy a shop!?"

"Which shop?" The shopkeeper was confused: "Sao'er Wang said that you are in urgent need of money to pay off your father's debts. The three hundred and eighty thousand gold is your selling money. What shop does not?"

With five thunderstorms, Xu Qingyue only felt an electric current rising from the tail vertebrae and instantly crawling all over her body, her hairs standing upright, and she shouted: "Where is Sao Wang!?"

"She took the money and left." The shopkeeper shook out a contract with a cold face and said: "This is a contract for the payment of money and goods, please read it!"

After grabbing the contract from the shopkeeper, Xu Qingyue felt dizzy after only one glance.

It was clearly written above that Xu Qingyue, at the price of 380,000 gold, used her as a concubine in the shopkeeper Liu of "Tongyifang", and the middleman was the toothwoman Wang's wife!

Xu Qingyue, who was biting her lower lip, understood at this time, why Wang's wife would go and come back. It didn't count if she cheated her own money. She also hit her own body. Such a vicious heart should be killed. !

Twisting her hand, she tore the deed sheet to a rags, Xu Qingyue was about to leave but was stopped by the shopkeeper: "Where is the lady going?"

"Step aside!"

Xu Qingyue, who tried to suppress the shame and anger in her heart, trembled all over, lowered her head and roared towards the shopkeeper.

But the shopkeeper who has been in the wind and rain for so many years will not be bluffed by a beautiful little girl, and exuding a spirit of unity, shopkeeper Liu raised his palm and said coldly: "A total of 38,000 gold coins, that is It’s more than enough to buy a Loufeng oikui as a concubine. Madam should learn the rules of the Liu Family!"

Hiring is a wife, and buying is a concubine. The status of the concubine’s room in the mansion is largely the same as the purchase price. The shopkeeper Liu, who had just been bleeding, saw Xu Qingyue’s appearance and knew that the other party had been cheated by the toothwoman, but he knew better that the toothwoman would never abduct Chaochang. Local female relatives, and although Xu Qingyue's dress is the same as the locals, her accent is still far away.

Since he is not a local, and he is such a charming and charming son, Shopkeeper Liu will not let Qian go in vain. When he stuns the young lady, he brings the raw rice back to Fuzhong to cook mature rice. .

A woman, maybe she was reluctant to sleep for a few days at first, and after she had tasted all kinds of tastes, she would be obedient.

Perceiving the aura of the other party's release, Xu Qingyue was naturally not polite, turning all the shame and anger into a hundred innate, invisible sword auras.

The weak woman who wanted to grasp suddenly turned into a monster with a big mouth of blood. The distance between the two of them was only three feet at this time. How could a wandering warrior be able to resist the innately broken and invisible sword energy.

A big hole was broken in the wall of Tongyifang, and the shopkeeper Liu, who was covered with slash marks, didn't know his life or death, but Xu Qingyue was no longer there!

The heroines who attacked the small officials, destroyed the shops, and used force in the city eventually alarmed Chaochang's guards. The entire city was interrogated to find Xu Qingyue's trace.

And the red-eyed Princess Qingyue just wanted to find the dentist named Wang Sao, and asked why she treated herself this way!


Longzhou North

After sending Tang Luo away with the Four Spirits Talisman, this distorted and distorted space by the power of the ruins finally stabilized.

The power of returning to the ruins that could spread to the Star God Pillar was finally stopped, but this did not solve the most important problem.

Because Wang Chan's injury was too serious!

As the world's top martial artist, Wang Fulin's eyesight is far beyond the level of an ordinary grandmaster. In addition to the terrible spirit seed, there are many other traces in his Yunsun body.

It was like having withstood dozens of top profound level spiritual skills, Wang Chan's body was already riddled with holes, and even the family forbidden technique was used, and even the soul and the house had to be separated.

What's more terrible is that he had taken Shendan before, and the erysipelas in his body had not been eliminated. If he took another one, he would die on the spot.

Even the world-famous Wang Wudi is helpless against Wang Chan's injury at this time. After all, locking the body that is about to collapse with star power is only a temporary solution but not a permanent solution. If the injury cannot be cured, he has been in such a situation. Wang Chan will become the living dead.

Just when Wang Fulin was at a loss, there was golden light in the south tearing open the sky, and a golden-winged big Peng bird fell in front of him, transforming into a human form.

Another red cloud floated from the north, and there was a Taoist man with rosacea on the gourd, who was holding a red gourd, tons, tons and tons.

"Wu Shengshan takes nine steps."

"Xuanjizong is subtle."

"I have seen Wang Wudi."

(End of this chapter)

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