I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1032: Three hundred thirty six

Chapter 1032 Chapter 336: Barbarians

Obviously the Wang's wife defrauded her of the money, but the small official of the city hall said it was because of her stupidity.

It was the sister Wang's messenger who tricked her to Tongyifang, and she was wanted by the whole city after only teaching the obsessive boss.

Xu Qingyue, who had never been wronged like this before, wanted to argue with those who searched him, but in return it was a swordsman.

This dream country known as the capital of freedom and the land of gold suddenly made her a little bit unable to understand.

She is now penniless and unaccompanied in Chaochang, and her wanted portraits are all over the city, although the guards are vulnerable to her.

But she felt keenly that the intensity of this round-up was getting stronger and stronger. At first, it was just a few mortal squads. After she completed the first breakout, she became two warriors with a unity of spirit and mind to train with dozens of teams. Well-known teams, and later became more than a hundred teams walking around.

These guards were patrolling back and forth in Midtown, and Xu Qingyue was almost discovered by them several times. If it weren't for the shadow sword intent to melt into the shadows, she might have been surrounded by people.

But even with the Shadow Sword Intent, her range of action is getting narrower and narrower, and the other party seems to be able to faintly perceive her position, and is constantly compressing the space of her activities.

For the first time in her life, Xu Qingyue sneaked into a house like a thief and hid in the wood house.

Looking at the messy and dilapidated wood shed, hiding behind the high base of firewood, Princess Qingyue couldn't help thinking about Winning City.

But before she could cry, she heard the noise of the garrison breaking into the house. After surrounding the chaifang group, the leader shouted inside: "You have been surrounded, dozens of strikes are ready to go. , If you don’t want to lose your bones, I advise you to come out and surrender obediently, don’t make mistakes!"

Three times in a row, no one from the chaifang responded. The leader brazenly launched a joint attack. The spirit power roared and razed the chaifang in a flash. The chaochang garrison soldiers who had no mercy and no mercy continued in the rubble Searching, but did not find any trace of Xu Qingyue.

The leader of the garrison knew that he was lost again, and had to retake the team bitterly.

Naturally, the team leader would not know that he didn't actually leave Xu Qingyue behind, but Princess Qingyue, who was originally in the wood house, had already been dragged into the tunnel and fled.

"Who are you, why is there such a secret passage extending in all directions in Chaochang Underground!?"

Although she was rescued, Xu Qingyue showed no sympathy. She has grown up after experiencing Wang's lesson. She will no longer trust anyone easily, even if it is the handsome face in front of her, she smiles very nicely, her eyes The guy who is as bright as the stars in the sky!

The man who walked forward with his head in his arms turned around and smiled, showing two rows of white teeth: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person!"

Xu Qingyue, who had never heard such a witty remark, blushed, and a soft sword from her waist shook against the man's chest, and said coldly, "Who are you!?"

"Hey, hey, I saved your life somehow, don't use the knife or the gun." The man squinted his hands and said with a frightened look: "I just watched your little girl's family wanted by the police. , The road sees unevenness. There is an exit in front of it, and after going out, the road heads up. Why should the girl care about my last name?"

Xu Qingyue retracted the long sword and snorted coldly: "Hiding his head and revealing his tail, he dare not even tell the truth about his name, who knows if what you said is true."

"What's the truth? What's the fake." The man with a crown-faced face turned his head, shook his head and walked in the quiet passage, muttering: "Today's Chaochang, everyone looks to the money, there is nothing to cheat and deceive. Needless to say, no one remembers the Golden City, the ideal hometown."

The man led Xu Qingyue out of the secret road, but it was a terrible place. Xu Qingyue glared at the man with her mouth and nose, and the man scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled: "Ahaha, I didn't expect it to be this. Channel, I'm really wronged!"

Talking and breathing in such a smelly place, this person looks handsome and fair, so he is not afraid of getting dirty! ?

Xu Qingyue looked at the man with the usual face, her eyes filled with disbelief.

The man doesn’t care about this, and he arched his hand towards Xu Qingyue: “Well, since you have escaped from birth, let’s separate here. Please remember, don’t be close to the downtown and Xiacheng districts of Chaochang, miss. The portrait of Zhaochang has been plastered all over, and I don’t know how many eyeliners want to take the lady to exchange for rewards, so let’s leave Chaochang soon!"

busy body!

Xu Qingyue rolled her eyes to the man, then turned and left.

The reason for taking the secret road to escape with the man is nothing more than not wanting to commit more killings.

With just a few mortal warriors wanting to hold the daughter of Xuanyue Sword Sovereign, it would be too unreasonable to put Xu's sword repair in his eyes.

She won't leave Chaochang, and she won't go anywhere until she finds Sister Wang to ask the matter clearly!

Seeing Xu Qingyue's proud look, the man shook his head helplessly and left from the other side of the dung yard.


After more than ten years of cultivation, this is the first time Tang Luo has looked at his body so objectively.

And he finally discovered why this flesh body would be dubbed the reputation of congenital leakage.

Practitioners in this world, as their realm goes from low to high, their connection with the vitality of heaven and earth becomes closer. To put it another way, the practitioners in this world communicate with each other all the time.

Breathing is communication, breathing is communication, walking, sitting, lying, eating, drinking and Lhasa are all in constant contact with this world.

And with the deepening of communication, practitioners can slowly evolve from the external breath of the mouth to the internal spiritual energy, and then from the internal spiritual energy to the breathing of the Zhoutian pores.

The connection between human beings and the heavens and the earth is constantly increasing. This is also the basis for all practitioners to break through the realm. His body is different. Because of the existence of the star core, his spiritual power can only enter and exit!

And Tiandi is intentional. Faced with such a body that refuses to communicate, Tiandi also appears very simple, just not communicating at all.

Therefore, if his spiritual power is used, it is used, and when it is gone, it is gone. Heaven and earth will not want to fill it up. Due to the limitation of the physical body, Tang Luo’s daily intake of spiritual power is very limited, which makes He became a warrior who couldn't recover.

If other practitioners are friends of friendly exchanges with the heavens and the earth, then he is a barbarian who shuts himself up.

And the root of all this is the star core in the Dantian!

In other words, if he wants to become an friendship with heaven and earth, it is very simple, just tear the star core out of the body!

It's just that the barbarians who are shutting down the country are not without benefits, at least the unparalleled unity of the barbarians (spiritual power), which feels like an arm's command, is more than that of ordinary practitioners, which makes Tang Luo fall into entanglement.

(End of this chapter)

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