I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1025: Three hundred twenty nine

Chapter 1025 Chapter 329: Optimal Solution

The blood river divine sword that runs through the sky is invincible, and the six star pillars collapsed one after another, but did not make Wang Fulin a bit moved: "The power of this sword is beyond the mysterious level, but it is a pity."

The power of the stars condensed Wang Fulin's magical form, condensed his fingers into a sword and swung lightly, the bright moon in the middle of the sky fell on a clear moon wheel, and the gleaming crescent whirled before the blood river divine sword.

Hanyue Chengyu, the magical skills that condense the power of the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​are beautiful, and the sacred and inviolable cold light is a hundred evils, and the blood of Asura has encountered the real nemesis, and cannot make any progress.

And this did not go out of Tang Luo's expectation, if the two hundred years of invincible Geshi Tianjiao can be obliterated by a blood river divine sword, then the martial arts will appear too light.

The purpose of spitting out the divine sword was just to slay the star pillars and return the soul to the body, because the next lore he was going to perform had to be the one of the soul!

All beings are equal, angry, star annihilated, whatever you call it, this is the only countermeasure Tang Luo can think of facing Wang Wudi.

The star power in front of him was suffocatingly strong. If he could fight back and forth against Sheng Zun, then he could not think of a way to fight the guy in front of him except desperately.

"Finally, it's fun. It's great to get out of the mountain in Longxigou to the King Realm"

Tang Luo, who poured spiritual power into the soul and activated several forbidden spirit arts, couldn't help but think like this, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and the decision you make, don't involve others!

The blood river divine sword that runs through the sky ceases, and the blood evil will corrode all the flesh and blood from Gouchen's chest to the bridge of his nose. The guy exposed outside the star robe is now like a monster with only half of his face, and his chest is still corroded. Sour gas.

Although he looked miserable, Gou Chen's eyes were firm and bright, and an inexplicable breath of horror was spilling from his body.

Collapsing and dying. When the soul is distorted by the order of the soul master to die, it will emit this power that is completely opposite to the real power, and this power, dominating death and dying, is the ultimate silence of all things. .

The power of returning to the ruins is constantly pouring out of Chen’s body, just like a new space is born in the originally stable space. This space is constantly squeezing the original space, and the overbearing power collapses and distorts the space, making the whole The sky trembled with tremors.

After a few more breaths, the black ball spirit will die, and this space will collapse due to the power of returning to the market, even Wang Fulin can't stop it.

Not far away from the star pillar, Wang Fulin did not expect that this masked guy was so stout, he has never suffered such a disobedience since he achieved King Realm. He has almost forgotten this kind of offense. He felt the long-lost anger when he had cultivated his heart to stop water.

Wang Wudi was angry, and the reason why people are angry is largely because the development of the situation has been out of his control.

This physique expert wearing a gouchen mask has repeatedly refreshed his understanding of the martial artist in the fierce state, asking himself, and when he is facing this starry form when he is not certified at the peak of his fierce state, he can do better than the opponent. .

Maybe he could also break the Six Sun Star God Pillar, but it might not work if he wanted to perform such a trick of dying together.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, but a question of the soul's own characteristics. This power of returning to the market with endless silence is the end of all living souls and the disaster star of space material.

The Gouchen who burst out of this power of returning to the market is dead, no one can survive under this power, when his black ball shattered, it was when his body turned into ashes.

The murderer who severely injured Yun Sun gave the head, but Wang Wudi was not happy at all, because Yunsun was enveloped by the star **** pillar at this time and could not move. Once the star **** pillar moved or Wang Chan moved, he lost the power of the stars to fix himself. The spirit seed would shatter Wang Chan's power body, and depending on the spread of the power of the ruins, at most three breaths could spread to the star pillar.

If he is here, he is not afraid, but it is just a celestial form. Although there is soul and real spirit, but the original spiritual power is short. This kind of condensed heaven and earth star power incarnation is sufficient and qualitative. Shang was unable to compare with this deadly force, and was forced to such a situation by a junior.

Wang Fulin in the Star God Pillar shouted coldly: "I really think the old man can't do anything about you!"

Dharma phases floated out, and 28 fateful stars appeared in the condensed power of the stars. The stars used the meridians as the universe, and they were divided into four star fields. Each field had seven stars, and the four fields crossed into nine. The wild and the star are connected end to end, showing the four spirits of the gods.

Horn, Kang, Di, Room, Heart, Tail, Kei, Oriental Blue Dragon; Fighting, Bull, Female, Xu, Danger, Chamber, Wall, Northern Xuanwu;

Kui, Lou, Wei, Subaru, Bi, Zang (zi), Ginseng, Western White Tiger; Jing, Ghost, Willow, Star, Zhang, Yi, Zhen, Southern Suzaku!

Twenty-eight fate stars form a four-star map, and each fate has seven stars connected in series to perform its duties. When the fate star lights up, Wang Fulin's martial arts cultivation is fully reflected.

The so-called Fa-xiang Tiandi is already a very high state of Fa-xiang, but what Wang Fulin is doing at this time is more than Fa-tianxiang-di. He condenses the universe with his body and fills the space with stars, truly invincible.

And the four spirits divine power transformed by these twenty-eight fate stars is not for the sake of beauty. Wang Fulin is dressed in crape myrtle, his hands are imprinted, and the dragons and birds are humming, the tiger is stepping on the turtle, and the four imperial beasts are transformed into four Lingwen rune characters, in the shining crape myrtle starlight, Wang Fulin carried the four-spirit rune, dashing into the collapsed space, facing the power of returning to the market without fear.

Legend has it that the stars in the sky twinkling, but there are four everlasting stars, each occupying one side. Star-gazers throughout the ages have regarded these four stars as the emperor stars, as the masters of the stars, and believed that these four stars dominate all things in the heavens and are obstinate. The gods of heaven and earth.

Star-gazers throughout the ages have always wanted to lead the emperor star to life, or visualize the emperor star as a divine soul, and there are few successful people, but Wang Fulin is one of the few warriors who have successfully visualized the emperor star in casting the soul.

The star magic phase shrouded by the brilliance of the crape myrtle enters the vacuum of the power of the ruins, and only feels the endless force coming from all directions from the west, as if to pinch the stars of crape myrtle.

However, after the purple light shrank to the surface of the Fa-phase body, it was extremely tough, even if it was the power of returning to the ruins.

Tang Luo, who had already put life and death away, turned a blind eye to Wang Fulin’s rush. From the beginning, his goal was Wang Chan in the Star God Pillar not far away. With two more breaths, the power of returning to the market would crush the star. The sacred pillar shattered Wang Chan's body, and he would also turn to ashes because of the death of his soul. In this way, the Tang family will not be exposed, and the Ji family will not be exposed.

Spiritual power burned in the black ball spirit, and the power of returning to the ruins continued to gush out of his body. The body and spirit were on the verge of collapse, but Tang Luo's eyes were very calm, and being able to choose the method of death was not a kind of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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