I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1024: Three hundred twenty eight

Chapter 1024 Chapter 328: Life Betrayal (Happy Valentine's Day~)

Wang Chan is dead. At this time, inside Wang Chan's body is an unknown old ghost, but since the other party knows his identity, he must not stay.

Tang Luo never likes to bet life and death on others, although it seems that the old ghost should not reveal that Gou Chen is Tang Luo's secret, because he also needs Tang Luo to keep the secret that he is not Wang Chan.

But in fact, the two of them both want to die immediately. Otherwise, why would the old ghost talk a lot of nonsense on the spot, and not want to take the opportunity to hold him back and wait for Wang's reinforcement.

Gouchen and the old ghost must die before the secret can be sealed forever.

So killing Wang Chan became the only choice, and he is now infinitely close to this goal.

The spiritual seed planted into Wang Chan's body cost him a full 20,000 points of spiritual power. This is the largest spiritual expenditure since his fierce state. The power spiritual seed simulated by the initiation of the Yankong Buddha seed is integrated. Yin and Yang have the same root, and the positive energy produces Yin power. This power has almost abnormal requirements for the physical body and control. Don't say that Wang Chan's current nearly collapsed gong body is unable to digest this spiritual seed even in his heyday.

If it weren't for Wang Fulin's Faxiang to come too quickly, a spiritual miser like Tang Luo would say that nothing would cost that much.

I thought that Wang Chan's body would collapse in an instant after the spirit was planted, but he didn't expect Wang Fulin to use the power of the stars to grow and hold the collapsed gong body.

While this surprised Tang Luo, it also strengthened his heart to make up the knife.

If this invincible Tianjiao who has lived for more than two hundred years can think of any way to awaken Wang Chan's spirit and consciousness, then Longxi League is really a dead ball.

Even if it wasn't for himself, Tang Luo had to resist Wang Fulin and kill Wang Chan. There was no room for negotiation!

Star Swirl reappeared, the distorted space reappeared, and the light curtain covering the three of them was shattered like a split mirror, and the stars were swept in by the storm.

In just a moment, Gou Chen broke the demarcation star screen, but could not affect the light source illuminated by the Wu and Tan double stars, not to mention Wang Chan and Wang Fulin inside.

"What a weird soul."

Wang Fulin in the beam of light glanced at the center of the black storm, and a strange sound was heard in his heart. Even in the long life of Wang Fulin, a spirit like the black ball was unheard of, but with just a little strangeness, he wanted to stop Qianzhan. The undefeated king still takes it for granted.

Another beam of light fell from the double stars of Wu and Greed, and Tang Luo, who was alert to the danger, hurriedly used the ghostly flashes, and the Star Swirl storm was covered in a solid place just before the beam of light had escaped.

The black ball spirit, which had just turned an amazing speed, suddenly seemed to be in a quagmire, as if a tyrannical force was wrestling with the black ball spirit, unexpectedly stopped the rotation, and captured the spirit in the beam of light!

With the help of Wuyang Double Star's formation power, even if it was just a starlight, Wang Fulin's combat power was not comparable to that of the ordinary King Realm. If it weren't for the peculiar spirit species in Wang Chan's body, he would have cast down thunder rage against Gou Chen. How could it be so polite.

Wang Fulin, who captured the soul of the black ball, did not attack, but said calmly to Gouchen: "Since you have heard of the old man’s name, you should know the old man’s character. Remove the spirit seed from Zen'er. How about leaving without the blame?"

It’s not that he doesn’t want to try to use the star power to remove the spirit seed, but what he has here in the Holy Prosperity is just a form of condensing starlight with a little real spirit. Without a real body, he has no way to perceive the strength of the spirit seed, let alone talk about it. Expulsion, and now Wang Chan's physical body has reached the edge of the lost void. He can't wait for his real body to reach the northern border of Longzhou, and can't bear the turbulence of movement. Therefore, the person in front of you now becomes the only one who can remove the spirit seed. exist.

But the opponent's personality was arrogant, and he was afraid that it would have no effect. Wang Fulin moved slightly, and the power of the Wu and Greed double star array burst out.

Six beams of light fell from the sky, each of them was as strong as a black ball, and they crisscrossed so as to seal all the routes in all directions, making it impossible to advance or retreat. Tang Luo, who had fought against the king realm for the first time, did not expect it. At this point, this sudden attack not only did not consume the original spiritual power of Wang Fulin's star art, but also did not have the slightest warning, which made his previous guards all useless.

Obviously, he has fully adapted to the fighting rhythm of the fierce state, but he is full of errors and omissions against a warrior in the king state. This experience is really uncomfortable.

Wang Fulin didn't know Gouchen's inner drama, and said coldly towards the guy trapped by Liuxingzhu: "At this time, Wuqu and greedy wolves are in the same palace, and Liuyangxingzhu is fierce and fierce, only the old man's mind will move. , The six pillars are merged, and you will be buried here. This is the last chance. Remove the spirit seed or die together. Please make a decision quickly!"

This is the second time since Tang Luo was born that he has felt this horror at the edge of life and death. The last time he was surrounded by the blood **** army, it was just that there was a Han's treasury backing him, but now, only himself , And it wasn't the remnant soul of the demon king who had passed away.

"It should be now."

Tang Luo, who was trapped in the beam of light, looked around and sighed insignificantly. Although he had known such a day for a long time, it was still beyond his expectation to come so early.

If death is inevitable, then doing everything possible in front of such a strong man will live up to this life of penance.

All he can do now is to fight a dead body and annihilate his soul, so that the world can no longer find Gouchen roots, by the way, take Wang Chan away.

Facing the star formation, Tang Luo already knew the huge gap between him and Wang Fulin, and he didn't report any fluke, he was ready to work hard!

Quietly opened the empty stomach that closed Shura's heart, and allowed the pure blood that had accumulated for thousands of years to gush out crazily, raging in his body, corroding the internal organs, and eroding the meridians.

Since he decided to work hard, he didn't care about any sequelae. This last congenital divine sword was all he had now.

The fierce blood evil was already thick and liquid, rushing into Tang Luo's body like blood, the meridians were withered and burned, but this was far from reaching the limit of the power body!

"More, more, the heart of Shura, who has been soaked by the heart demon for thousands of years, is only this level!"

As if hearing Tang Luo's mockery, Shura's heart convulsed, and he shot a **** arrow, thick as syrup.

This extremely filthy and filthy thing is the essence of God's heart, even Tang Luo's gong body can't bear it, and a big hole is immediately burned out of his chest!

At this time, Tang Luo's internal organs were in a mess, but there was a smile on his **** face. He raised his head and looked directly at Wang Fulin's calm eyes through the gap between the six sun star pillars: "This sword can slash the stars in the sky."

Twelve thousand six thousand five hundred innate auras create a heart, a thousand years of blood will transform the guts, the evil aura will be the clothing, the magical powers are the proof, amidst the roar of the two wheels of the void, a divine sword that is as brilliant as red fire spits out from Gouchen’s mouth, All of a sudden, it shattered the six star pillars and slashed towards Wang Chan behind Wang Fulin!

(End of this chapter)

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