I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1026: Three hundred thirty

Chapter 1026, Chapter 330: No Regret

Tang Luo can naturally go to death generously. After all, he defeated the Saint Son of the Tiannan Wang family and killed him in the hands of Wang Wudi. No matter whether he died or died in this battle, the demon lord gave his name. Will write a strong stroke in the history of martial arts, to commemorate the first assassin in history.

And the undefeated Wang Wudi will also become the most eye-catching backdrop in this historical record. Such a result makes this invincible powerhouse for a lifetime completely unacceptable.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to mobilize the power of Mingxing to reverse the universe. Gouchen died and died, but Wang Chan must not be lost, otherwise the world will never forget that the first dead son in the world is their Tiannan King 'S.

As the guardian of the Wang family, he would never allow this to happen. The four-spirit rune light masterpiece in the hands of Wang Fulin, who broke into the realm of the ruins, pressed it toward the unsuspecting gouchen, and was pasting it at the pubic area. .

The emperor star of Ziwei, the four imperial seals of spirits, sway in vertical and horizontal directions, moving the universe!

This rune contains the four top powers of the world, the power of the emperor star, the power of the four imperials, the magic of yin and yang, and the shifting formation method, and all of these are just to deal with the power of returning to the market.

Sometimes, solving problems is solving people. No matter how unsolvable the power of Guixu is, the root of it lies in Gouchen. In other words, it is extremely difficult to block Guixu, but as long as Guixu is changed, it will not be hurt. Did Wang Chan?

In Wang Fulin's eyes, Gou Chen, who used the blood river divine sword and the power of returning to the market, was already a dead person, and it was absolutely impossible for a dying person to drag him to death with Yun Sun.

The emperor star's brilliance exploded from the rune and turned into a purple garment to wrap the whole body of the devil Gouchen. The power of returning to the market that had been overflowing was locked in Gouchen's body, but how could the power of returning to the market be conquered by external forces? Yes, the harder you suppress it, the more fierce it will erupt. The purple garment that the radiance of Emperor Star has transformed into a purple garment swells three hundred times in an instant. This is the struggle between Emperor Star and Guixu, and the battlefield is Gou Chen's body.

At this time, Gouchen turned into a blast of the ruins, and after six hundred expansions, the power of the emperor star's brilliance will be exhausted, and the power of the ruins will burst out at once, shattering this space. , And spread more extensively than before, Wang Chan in the star pillar is absolutely impossible to be spared.

Did Wang Fulin think that Wang Chan died fast enough? Of course not.

The reason for using Xinghui to make clothes is just to buy some time to stimulate other means.

The reason why Wang Wudi is Wang Wudi is not because he always defeats opponents cleanly, but because he can always find the best solution and the way to deal with the desperate situation in the shortest time. This characteristic makes him even in the face of Xiu When it comes to opponents of higher realm, he can be extremely calm.

Gouchen’s Star Destruction Returning to the Market did give Wang Fulin a little surprise, but in the shortest time, he came up with a method of understanding, this four-spirit rune was specially designed for Gouchen.

The four imperial powers were born in the Guixu space and created a space connected to the outside world. The Yin-Yang magical technique draws on the power of Zhou Tian’s starlight, and Wang Fulin creates a reverse teleportation array through the bizarre phenomenon of Wu and Greed. Send Gou Chen away.

As long as Gouchen leaves here, even if the power of returning to the ruins bursts out, it will not hurt Wang Chan!

Tang Luo did not expect that he had already decided that such a moth could appear if he died together. His eyes were full of disbelief. He wanted to leave the teleportation formation, but he was blocked by the power of the Four Imperial Guards and could not move. Was passed away by this starlight array.

In the channel of starlight, the emperor star's brilliance was ultimately unable to restrain the power of returning to the market. Tang Luo felt that his physical body had completely collapsed, cracking like a dry figure. The original indestructible black ball was also full of cracks and death. Incomparable, there is no magic at all.

"So this is the taste of death?"

It was clear that his body had collapsed and his soul had died, but Tang Luo still retained a sober consciousness, which made him feel a little weird. "Looking down" found that the broken body had not yet died because After the spiritual power floated from the cracks of the black ball spirit, it was condensed by the star core in the dantian.

These spiritual powers were twisted into countless silk threads by the star core, shooting out from the pubic area, grabbing every dissociated body like tentacles, and reuniting them to the original place.

The body collapsed, the meridians were severed, and even the spine dragon was broken into powder. He had clearly lost all control over the body, but Tang Luo's spiritual consciousness was extremely clear. He calmly watched what was happening in his body at this time. Looking at the silk thread entangled by the star core with spiritual power, he spliced ​​pieces of broken flesh and bones again, returning them to their original positions, but when they were broken, they were broken. Tang Luo's body was now covered with cracks, and the blood was already there. The fast-traveling starlight channel was drained, and it was long dead for another martial artist, but not only did he not die, the heart entangled in spiritual power thread was still beating, constantly making blood.

It's just that his physical body at this time is like a funnel, no matter how fast the heart makes blood, in this galloping starlight channel, all are thrown out completely, it is simply stupid.

Forgetting that this is his body, Tang Luo commented on this stubborn physical body like a real bystander.

"If you don't spit out all the innate aura, you won't have to work so hard to repair the wound since then."

"It's not right, even if you don't vomit it out, you will be assimilated by the power of the ruins afterwards. That way, the gong body will only crack more severely. It's the best situation right now!"

"In vain, I still claim that my spiritual power is well controlled. I didn't think that spiritual power could be used in this way. It was an eye-opener. If you have enough innate aura, you can use this method to recover even if your body is broken. The body is the same? Write it down, maybe you can use it later."

"It's just a matter of how to precisely control it according to the degree of fineness of the spirit thread. This is a problem, so think about it!"

It is said that there is a great horror between life and death. People who have died once will appear calmer and calmer when facing death again. In fact, the moment the shooting star penetrated his chest and abdomen, he was already dead. In the past twenty years, his life has changed. The same, if the end is here, it is not unacceptable.

After all, I have seen so many wonderful things and met so many people. Although there are still many things I want to do, it is not a pity.

Because in this life, he has tried his best. From the beginning of learning Chinese, he has worked extremely hard to fill up his daily homework, and spend all the world in the past twenty years on improving his cultivation. .

No regrets means that even if he lives again, it will be difficult for him to do better. Such a life of hard work, in fact, when he dies, it is not a pity. Of course, a guy who works hard like this, no matter when he dies, Unfortunately.

(End of this chapter)

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