I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1023: Three hundred twenty seven

Chapter 1023 Chapter 327: Holy Prosperity

Although the Demon Lord Gouchen's combat power has been repeatedly increased, Wang Yuan was still desperate when facing this punch.

If time can come again, he will definitely run far away, even if the soul trembles, he will not stay here for more.

Who would have thought that Tang Luo's Blood River Divine Sword could not only be cut out from his mouth orifice, but could also be used to pass through the meridian of his arm. Isn't he afraid that the blood evil will burn and rot his meridian?

Wang Yuan was desperate. The help-seeking spirit stone in God Armor had been activated long before the war began, but Tiannan was more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the northern border of Longzhou. Even if the strong man of Tiannan Wang flees in desperation, he cannot Rescued himself from Gouchen's fist.

And the delay of his self-proclaimed clever speech became the cause of death.

I dormant for 30 years, and I went into desperation just because of a small publicity. It is a lie to say not to regret.

But what can he do right now, time seems to be slowing down suddenly, Wang Yuan watched as his front fists with the sound of dragons and tigers fell on his chest, his violent force penetrated his body, every inch of muscles The bones and blood trembled because they couldn't resist this force. The gong body that was on the verge of breaking wailed under the blow, the internal organs collapsed, the muscles and muscles dissociated, and the eyes were red.

The process of physical body collapse has never been so clearly perceived. The pain has already exceeded the limit of human endurance. Divine Soul has become the most calm recorder, and can only watch the physical body fall apart because of the inability to withstand the strength. This is afraid of history. It's the shortest rebirth since, Wang Yuan thought to himself.

At the moment when the physical body of "Wang Chan" was dissociated from the fist, a beam of light fell from the twin stars of Wu and greed to tear away the thundercloud, covering the "Wang Chan".

The undeservable star power was not something Tang Luo could resist at this time. Even if he was unwilling in his heart, he was still lifted off by this huge force, but before being knocked into flight, he also completed the chase of Wang Chan. , Should be deadly enough.

In the beams of Wu and Greed Double Stars, a magical image composed entirely of spiritual power fell. He was an old man with a fairy-like spirit, with white beard and hair, and a pair of unangered and prestigious eyes. From the moment he appeared, the old man’s eyes were staring. Wang Chan whose gong body is about to dissociate.

Faxiang stretched out his hand, without knowing what method he used, to draw out all the strength that Gou Chen exerted. It was supposed to be able to alleviate the injury of the disintegration of the physical body, but found that Wang Chan's physical body collapsed more severely, and Faxiang shot again. , Restraining Wang Chan's body with star power, finally stopped the "Wang Chan" object from collapsing, but although the physical body bound by the star power lost consciousness, it seemed to be experiencing a boundless pain and unconscious convulsion. .

If you have a pair of eyes that can dialyze the flesh and blood at this moment, you can see that the spiritual power in Wang Chan's body is being guided by a spiritual seed to resonate. This resonance is a great tonic when Wang Chan's gong body is in full bloom. Body training condenses all of his own perceptions of physical skills into spirit seeds and injects them into others' bodies, and uses spiritual power to simulate the whole body's energy to help disciples to comprehend energy. Often only the top physical arts masters can condense such precise spirit seeds.

But this thing was put in the body of "Wang Chan" at this time, it was really a terrible guy, because every time the spiritual force shook his muscles, it was pushing his body to the edge of collapse.

The strongest fortress often collapses from within. It is more tiring to fight against the resonant power of Wang Chan's gong body than to face the strength of a master of physical arts. If it is not the star power, it is the spiritual power of the third qualitative change. , Has long collapsed.

But Wang Chan, who was added by two diametrically opposed forces, was uncomfortable. Spiritual power was resonating to destroy his physical body, but Xingli forcefully pieced his physical body together, which was just letting him digest it. With strength, it can be said that every moment Wang Chan's gong body is experiencing tens of thousands of bursts of damage, and the soul that has not yet stabilized in the divine home is even more sluggish due to the weakness of the physical body.

Soul and body, as long as there is a force that can't stand this force, Wang Chan will be brought into the abyss of void and become a living dead.

"What a subtle and vigorous accomplishment, what a vicious heart!"

The starlight condensed form can see the intention of this spirit seed at a glance, and turned to Gou Chen coldly: "Your cultivation base is here to bully the junior, don't you think it's too much."

As the old man's voice fell, more beams of light fell from the double stars of Wu and Tan. The circular beam of light stretched and stretched into a thin curtain in the sky, covering the entire sky above the mountain, as bright as a light curtain of daylight. The demarcated boundary will seal Gouchen and Wang Chan in it!

Looking at the starlight, Gou Chen arched his hand toward the person with his left hand even though his right arm was hanging on one side, and said, "Where is the superior person in person, can you give his name?"

"Wang Fulin." After Xingguang Faxiang reported his name, he said lightly: "Wang Chan is the old man Yunsun, please remove the spirit seed, don't make mistakes!"

Read as Wang Fulin, and write as Wang Wudi. Even if all the amazing martial artists of the Xihe Continent for 500 years are gathered together to rank, the name of the Wang's son can stand among the top three. The Wang's walk two hundred years ago will overwhelm a generation of invincibility. The peerless Tianjiao, that era, all looked wonderful because of Wang Fulin alone.

At the age of twenty-eight, from the age of fierce to one hundred and fifty, he was crowned king. There were a total of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight battles. All those who fought were the holy land Daozi, the wicked giants, and never failed!

Someone once calculated that Wang Fulin was madly addicted to war, and he offered to fight several games in a month. Many of the Tianjiao of that generation are now in high positions in the Holy Land, but as long as they hear the name of Wang Fulin, they will be scared to retreat. Hide everywhere.

Wang Wudi's reputation was not promoted by the birth of the Tiannan Wang family, but was won in that era.

Only those with a higher level of cultivation can compete with Wang Fulin. They will first enter the Transcendence and Transcendence Peak, the Transcendence Peak and the Holy Land squad, and they will compete with the Sacred Land Peak when they first enter the Fierce Realm. In a few years, they will compete with the master. After passing the hand, Wang Fulin seemed to have changed his temper overnight, and he never made an appointment to fight with others. After 20 years of retreat in the Tiannan Secret Realm, he created the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation, allowing Wang's formation to work together. Going forward a few steps, ranks among the forefront of the holy land, so that the movement circle is no longer the special beauty of the mysterious sect.

It is extremely difficult for a person like this who is destined to become a holy king, even if a high-level person in the holy land wants to meet, but because of Wang Chan, Shenglin Longzhou has to say, it is also a kind of fate.

Fortunately, there is no real king in front of him, just a starlight.

"Wang Wudi's name is naturally thunderous, but I have a problem, and I only do what I want." Gou Chen called out the black ball spirit to step on his feet, facing the starlight boundary. Two hundred years ago, the Invincible Tianjiao said indifferently: "Wang Chan's fate is accepted, no one can stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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