I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 1022: Three hundred twenty six

Chapter 1022 Chapter 326: Old Ghost

The solution, what else could be done right now, Wang Chan gave a wry smile, Tiannan Saint Child finally knew why the demon Lord Gou Chen had a weird expression just now, and if he was himself, he should laugh out loud.

Tang Luo would not let him go. It was useless to ask for mercy or negotiate, because they already knew the identity of Gou Chen, and this was the cause of death.

Wanted by the Buddha Kingdom in Zhongzhou, the identity of the Demon Lord Gouchen is judged, and Tantric wants to ambush the sin of the son of the Tiannan Wang family because of the determination to find face. Each and every piece of this is enough for the Longxi Alliance. Disastrous destruction.

Even if Wang Chan's tongue is clever, how can he persuade Tang Luo to bet on his trust in the enemy?

So no matter whether he threatens or asks for mercy, he will not let them go by showing the yin and yang.

Now think about it, if it were in Longxi, how good would it be to kill Tang Luo directly with all your strength, how long after that, not only did the opponent's cultivation become so terrible, but even the body technique was reborn.

Now that it’s useless to say anything, hitting a stone with a pebble is probably the current situation. Since the death of the evil **** Beiman, Yin and Yang has not been able to grind the supernatural power for hundreds of years, making everyone forget that this secret method can be more than just fighting. It is as simple as boiling the body, and the restraint of the soul is to the extreme.

Even if the golden body of Luohan, who is proud of Zen Buddhism, was sucked into the ground and turned into ashes, it was not a matter of time, let alone him.

The soul palace cannot last for half an hour before being crushed by the gods, but after the soul palace is broken, the souls of Wang Ying and Wang Wei naturally cannot live alone.

Looking nostalgicly at Wang Wei, who had a pale face, and touched Wang Ying's head with his eyes closed, Wang Chan smiled and comforted: "It's not lonely if the three of our brothers walk together on Huangquan Road. If you move faster, maybe I can still catch up with Wang Han."

Perhaps people always feel sentimental before death, and Wang Chan actually began to hurt the spring and the autumn.

The thunder roared continuously outside, the gods grind inside, the soul palace shattered inch by inch, and Wang Chan's consciousness gradually became weak. Finally, the thunder ceased, and the yin and yang grind inside had reached the refinement of the soul. The last moment.

The soul palace that had been fighting against it suddenly collapsed, and then the souls of Wang Ying and Wang Wei dissociated themselves.

After all, the human personality with hysteria is split from the master personality of Wang Chan, just like the branches of a tree, even if it is strong, once it is separated from the main nutrient supply, it will disappear, and Wang Chan will take his own soul Casting into a palace is also to preserve these spirits as much as possible.

The spiritual power contained in the Sanyang Soul Killing Array was sent from the pores of the body to follow the wind, and those emptiness contained the addiction of Wang Ying, the prestige of Wang Wei, and the unwillingness and ambition of Wang Chan, the holy son of Tiannan.

These emotions are as strong today, but they have been blown away by the breeze and no longer exist. Since then, there has been one little saint king missing between heaven and earth.

He trimmed the torn clothes, and took the soul back into his body, waiting for the soulless walking dead to fall from the sky, but he heard evil smiles from the sky. At first, if there was nothing, the back was extremely crazy.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Looking up, "Wang Chan" covered his face and burst into tears!

It was like seeing the iron wood that had been waiting for decades finally bloom, and that depressed emotion burst out at this moment, making him forget everything and only joy.

Gou Chen rose up with the wind and rose to the same position as "Wang Chan", coldly said: "You are not Wang Chan, who are you?"

"I was too excited for a while, making my husband laugh."

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Wang Chan" politely bowed to Tang Luo and said, "Of course the old man is Wang Chan, what does Tianjiao think?"

The heart suddenly tightened, Gou Chen's face turned blue, and his eyes were murderous.

Tang Luo could be sure that the person in front of him was definitely not Wang Chan, or even Wang Chan's other personalities, because the master spirit was destroyed, and even if the spirits of other personalities were not annihilated immediately, they would not be able to enter the original shrine of the body.

If possible, the method of depriving and prolonging life has long been popular, because for the strong, the soul will always live longer than the body.

So the person in front of him could never be Wang Chan, but how could there be such a "thing" in the body of the Tiannan Saint Child?

As if seeing the doubts and incomprehension in Gou Chen's eyes, "Wang Chan" leisurely explained: "Even if you are a lonely ghost, you want to live; even if you are torn to pieces, you still want to live. It's Tiannan The Wang family turned the old man into that inhuman and ghostly appearance. The old man asked Wang for a place to stay. What's the matter? I believe Tianjiao will not embarrass one, and the old ghost who is struggling to live?"

A word of "Wang Chan" confirms Tang Luo's identity. After all, the Sanyang Soul's attacking into the body means that it must be killed, and it is no longer a trivial thing to be able to come back calmly in such a short time. The scope of the secret technique can be achieved, because "Sanyang Soul Killing Array" itself is the ultimate secret technique for the gods and spirits.

In today's world, before the King Realm can digest the Three Sun Soul Killing Array without changing his face, there is only one magical power, and that is: Congenital Liangyi Crush!

The unique magical secret technique is the best way to identify the strong. The blame is that Yin-Yang Crush is so unique, unique to the entire world, and only one of the known strong now has it!

"Since my identity is revealed, does the old gentleman think he can live?"

"Why not?"

"Wang Chan" said with an inexplicable joke: "Mr. knows that Lao Er is not Wang Chan, and Lao Er knows his origin. In this way, my husband can play the role of the devil with peace of mind, and Lao Er will be a good son of the Wang family, which will nourish today Wouldn’t it be so beautiful if we never met."

"It sounds good, but I have another suggestion, which may be more secure."

As soon as the voice fell, the violent sonic boom exploded at Gou Chen's feet, and the Master of Physical Skills, who cut through the sky like a sharp sword, turned and came to "Wang Chan". Printed on the face of the false son.

In response to this punch, the divine light of Seven-color Lingyu flashed. After a long and fierce battle, the No. 1 Divine Armor of Tiannan finally regained its power. Not only did it block this mortal blow, two of them were even more powerful. It was pierced into Gou Chen's body, but was resisted by the Void Double Wheels and couldn't move forward.

The recovery of the **** armor was as early as Tang Luo's expectation, bleeding was sprayed from the wound cut by the five-color Lingyu, once again filthy the Lingyu, and the two wheels of Lingyu that had penetrated the body were bitten by controlling the two wheels of the void.

Wang Chan's body has long been weakened, and when he is on the verge of breaking, it can be broken with two more punches. Gou Chen concentrated all his strength in his left fist, hoping to complete his work!

Fists like a dragon and howling like a rainbow, this is Gou Chen's determination to kill Wang Chan!

(End of this chapter)

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