I Can Pause Time

Chapter 949: The killing intent of the law enforcement

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Lu Linglong was very upset at the moment.

It should be said to be very irritable.

Before she left the main island, she explained to her aunt repeatedly that she didn't want to be too high-profile.

But it may be that the way of communication was wrong, or it was too vague, that Lu Jianping didn't listen at all.

Before setting off, Lu Jianping not only signaled the core disciple to be with Lu Linglong, but even called a team of dozens of law enforcement guards to accompany Lu Linglong on the trip.

This simply makes this woman a little speechless, she is no longer a child, but what is this?

In the sect of the East Sea Sword Palace, she was actually followed by the number one hundred people.

Although it looked very exclusive, Lu Linglong didn't like it, and didn't like it very much.

Because these hundred-odd people, except those who were accompanied by the law enforcement guards, were all the so-called "outstanding disciples" of the East Sea Sword Palace. They treated her with "warm and coldness" along the way, without any separation.

Just ask one or two questions, the key is that dozens of people ask together, so that this woman really takes the trouble.

But when Lu Linglong didn't know, the law enforcement guard was carrying another mission, and he was communicating with Island Master Mo at this moment.

"Monitor Gai, why do your law enforcement guards ask about the whereabouts of a mortal?" Island Master Mo frowned slightly while looking at Gai.

"Island Lord Mo, this is the order of the lady, I guess you won't make it difficult for me!" Gai directly picked out the words, and there was a hint of threat in his tone.

His attitude is very poor, it is not like facing an island owner at all, and he has no respect at all.

However, he expected that the person in front of him would not dare to say anything, because in the entire East Sea Sword Palace, no one knew that this Island Master Mo would not be seen by Lan Tingtao.

Not to mention that he, the law enforcement guard of the Refining God Realm, is monitoring, even a random core disciple can give this person a face.

Didn't you see that after the core group of disciples appeared, no one came up to say hello?

They circled around Lu Linglong from start to finish, and they directly ignored the owner of Mo Island. This was the difference in treatment.

The grudge between Lan Tingtao and Island Master Mo is unknown to everyone in the entire East Sea Sword Palace.

To give Island Master Mo a good face, wouldn't that indirectly offend Lan Tingtao.

Choosing between the master of the sect and the master of a fallen island, everyone knows how to choose.

At this moment, Gai is like that.

He moved out of Lu Jianping directly, just to let Island Master Mo know the seriousness of this problem.

"Does Xianzi Lu know about this?" Dao Master Mo glanced at Lu Linglong in the crowd, and asked in a cold voice.

"She doesn't need to know about this, and so do you!" Gai said, taking a step forward and facing the Lord Mo.

He said coldly: "The mortal was working on Shenjun Island, but he was seriously injured by Shenjun because of an accident and died. This is what you need to know, that's all!"

"A mere mortal, why bother in such a big fight?"

"A mere mortal, trying to encroach on the immortal family like me, is not knowing the heights of the earth. The madam's meaning is also very simple. Fairy Lu is the daughter of the Sword God. Only the young talents of the East Sea Sword Palace can be worthy of her. The variables brought by mortals also need to be erased as soon as possible!"

Speaking of this, Gai's face was full of murderous intent.

"As expected to be the daughter of the Lu family, then Lu Jianping is really overbearing!" Island Master Mo muttered in his heart, but then his eyes drifted to the ranch.

"That person works on the ranch. If you want to go, you can look for it. Anyway, Shenjun Island is just such a big place. Can you not find a mortal in the dozens of people?"

After saying that, Island Master Mo didn't mind talking to these people, but quickly walked into the palace.

But when he came in, the core group of disciples ignored him, and no one even greeted him.

Gai sneered at the owner of Island Mo, and then greeted the surroundings: "The people are here, let's go, and the speed will be solved!"

After that, he left two people in charge of contact, and then left the island owner's mansion directly with the remaining people and rushed to the ranch.

But what they didn't know was that just as they left the island master's mansion, a faint light from behind followed behind them, sneaking up with them.


Shenjun Island, pasture.

Lei Yi just returned to the ranch, but for some reason, his eyelids kept twitching.

"What's the matter, right eye is jumping, is this a big evil omen?"

He felt something was wrong, but he didn't know where the problem was.

Although Dan Tian couldn't communicate his vitality, his mind was also reminding him that misfortune might happen next.

Lei Yi thought so, and quickly walked to the middle of the ranch, looking around.

In the end, he found a few escape lights flying in the sky, and from the escape lights, he felt the killing intent.

"Sure enough, these are people from the East Sea Sword Palace, and they are not good at coming!"

Lei Yi thought so, and hurriedly ran towards the position of Lingquan's eyes.

After the team of law enforcement guards landed, they directly found a steward in the ranch.

"Say, where is that mortal?" Gai asked coldly after grabbing the opponent.

"Mortal, what mortal?" But the steward was flustered and didn't know how to answer.

The stewardship on Shenjun Island basically doesn't matter. Dirty and tiring work is done by handyman disciples. Instead, these stewards are very leisurely.

Coupled with the status of Island Lord Mo, they like to drink on the nearby Sea Monkey Island when they are fine, so they don't even know that a mortal has arrived on the island.

"Hmph, as a manager, don't you even know about the personnel transfer on the island!" Gai Li snorted and kicked the person directly.

Then he glanced around the ranch and pointed to a handyman.

"It's him, catch it, I want to ask questions!"

The handyman had a panic expression, but when he saw the law enforcement guards killing him aggressively, his legs were so frightened that he weakened.

"My lord, my lord, I don't know anything, I don't know anything!" the handyman disciple shouted in a panic.

"What nonsense, I ask you, there is a mortal on the island!" Gai directly slapped him, and then questioned.

After being slapped in the slap, the handyman clutched his swollen face and cried, "My lord, I really don't know. I don't know any mortal."

"My lord and the handyman disciple only have the body tempering stage cultivation base, they have not reached the energy accumulation, and they have no induction power. Unless they are in physical contact, they can't sense whether the opponent is a mortal!" Finally, a law enforcement guard reported.

"That's true!" Gai nodded, and then continued to ask: "Then I ask you, a newcomer came on the island yesterday, where is he?"

"My lord, you are talking about that kid. We arranged for him to clean up near Lingquan. From this point of view, he should be back!" When the handyman heard the question, it was Lei Yi and quickly replied.

After hearing this, Gai turned his eyes to the law enforcement guard beside him.

But the latter made a gesture to the surroundings, and then the nearby law enforcement guards all returned the gesture.

"My lord, that kid isn't here. Our people searched the ranch and didn't find him!"

"Damn it, it seems that I received the wind in advance, so I ran away!"

"My lord, that kid is just a mortal. Even if he wants to run, he won't be able to escape from Shenjun Island!"

"Yes, we chase it!"

With a wave of his hand, Gai led the law enforcement guards to search the Shenjun Island mightily.

And Lei Yi, taking advantage of the efforts of law enforcement guards to find someone to question, has already come near Lingquan Eye.

"This group of people are not good, and 80% of them are coming at me. Then I have to grasp the time. I can't escape from the sky, and I can't escape from Shenjun Island, so the only vitality is this spiritual spring."

With that said, Lei Yi didn't hesitate, and regardless of whether there was a Shenjun swimming in it, he plunged straight into it.

"It is said that the vitality inside Lingquan Eye is several times stronger than the outside, and once you enter the deepest part of Lingquan Eye, the vitality there is the strongest and purest. I originally wanted to enter it several times and act surreptitiously. It seems that this is not giving me a chance!"

Lei Yi originally planned to stay on Shenjun Island for a few days, using a sneaky way to dispel the dead energy in his body.

But the law enforcement guards of Donghai Sword Palace would not give him time to recover.

Since the opponent has killed him, he must regain his strength.

As for whether those lifeless spirits would destroy Lingquan Eye, what did it have to do with Lei Yi.

In this way, Lei Yi showed decisive expression, and regardless of his body's rejection, he swam directly to the deepest part of Lingquan's eyes.

Shenjun Island, above.

The law enforcement guards all flew up, searching for Lei Yi's trail on the island.

The order they received came from Lu Jianping, and the content of the task was to get rid of this person.

Although some of the law enforcement guards feel that this is a little overkill and that they need to mobilize so many people to deal with a mortal, but the order is the order.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, Gai Lu and others did not find any trace of Lei Yi.

Gai Li took a person to the sky above Lingquan Eye, but unfortunately there was nothing nearby.

"Where is this mortal?"

He couldn't believe that a mere mortal had disappeared under his nose.

"My lord, that mortal cannot escape. This is an isolated island in the sea. The nearest sea monkey island is more than a hundred miles away. How can a mortal be..." A law enforcement guard wanted to report one or two. But then he saw something and directly exclaimed: "Hey, inside Lingquan Eye, what is that?"

When everyone else looked down, they saw a large amount of gray-black mist suddenly appearing in Lingquan's eyes.

The original white mist was also swallowed by these gray mists, and finally melted into each other.

A large black mist emerged from it, drowning the vitality in the entire Lingquan's eyes, and the two formed a black and white vortex, violently fluctuating below.

"Death, and it's extremely rich, what's going on? Someone is poisoning the eyes of this spring?" Gai couldn't believe it when he saw this.

"My lord, this is Shenjun Island. Poisoning here is to deal with our sect's mount, isn't it?" The law enforcement guards were puzzled.

Like Island Lord Mo, they couldn't understand that someone would actually poison the mount.

After all, the mount is gone, you can fly with the sword, and you are not the only choice for the mount.

So when poisoning here, even the law enforcement guards think that the other party is a fool.

But what they didn't know was that the purpose of the "poisoned" person was not to really poison Shenjun, but to save himself.

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