I Can Pause Time

Chapter 950: "Restore" strength

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Shenjun Island, in the eyes of Lingquan.

At this moment, Lei Yi finally realized what it means to be comfortable.

As he rushed into the deepest part of Lingquan's eyes, the concentration of vitality around him increased by countless levels.

He felt that it was not spring water that flooded his whole body, but the thoroughly liquefied vitality.

This feeling is like a sauna, but it is 10,000 times more comfortable.

At the same time, the death qi in his body was also under the rich vitality, and began to come out through his body, or to be squeezed out by the vitality.

Where the vitality is strong, death is thin.

Where life is strong, vitality is thin.

This is the relative relationship.

At this moment, Lei Yi's whole body is filled with high-density vitality, so with his breathing, his body will soon be filled with vitality, so there is naturally no room for death energy.

Therefore, the law enforcement guards and others above Lingquan's eyes saw a large amount of dead air emerging from the water, turning into billowing smoke, being melted by the vitality, or dissipated in the air.

The vegetation near Lingquan Eye was also affected by the dead air, the leaves were still yellowing, and some weeds began to wither.

Gai waved his hand and called for a subordinate.

He directly ordered: "Quickly, let me go down and see, what is going on in Lingquan's eyes!"

"My lord, this..." But his subordinates showed hesitation on their faces and dared not act.

Everyone knows that in order to cultivate, the monks absorb vital energy, and if they reach a place full of dead energy, they may die.

Now that the death spirit inside Lingquan's eyes is so strong, if it goes on rashly, if it catches up with the death spirit, wouldn't it be dangerous.

Individuals are afraid of death, not to mention their law enforcement guards.

"Then catch a handyman and throw it for me!" Seeing this, Gai ordered again.

This time, no one of the law enforcement guards hesitated, but quickly rushed to the ranch and caught a handyman.

After all, a dead daoist is not a poor daoist, as long as he doesn't take risks by himself, who cares about the lives of others.

"My lord, there are old and young people in my house, don't do it!" Seeing the movement in Lingquan's eyes, the handyman also knew he was going to suffer, so he hurriedly begged for mercy.

But it's a pity that he is just a handyman, and he is a handyman on Shenjun Island. He has no background and can only sell miserably.

The law enforcement guards would naturally not listen, and as soon as Gai waved his hand, the others were thrown into the eyes of Lingquan.

Afterwards, the handyman struggled violently in the water and was in great pain, but it was a pity that Gai and the others just looked at each other coldly, without any intention of making a move.

After this person struggled for a few breaths, the life around him entered his body, and in the end he also completely lost his movement.

After a few more breaths, the flesh and blood on the surface of the handyman began to fade, revealing the white bones.

The intensity of this lifeless spirit is not low!

Seeing this scene, the law enforcement guards were even more afraid to rush into Lingquan's eyes rashly.

All they could do was wait, and Gai also separated a team and went to the island to continue searching for Lei Yi.

But it is a pity that this team returned without success, and they can only continue to wait here.

Death spewed for a short period of time, and everyone on the entire Shenjun Island should have noticed, but the core disciple knew that the law enforcement guard was there, so they didn't rush over.

They presumably think that there are law enforcement guards, and they don't need to worry about this kind of thing.

After another quarter of an hour, the death energy finally began to dissipate, and the death energy in Lingquan's eyes also stopped.

A layer of white mist emerged again, but the law enforcement guards could see that the concentration of vitality in this spiritual spring eye was much thinner than before.

It seemed that something went wrong inside the spring eye, which affected the quality of the spring eye.


A figure broke through the water, turned over in the air, and landed directly on the shore.

This person is Lei Yi, but at this moment, his aura has not fully recovered.

"Wow, the effect of this Lingquan Eye is really good, I finally feel the vitality that I have been missing for a long time!"

His expression was overjoyed, his aura was rising steadily, rising from the lower realm all the way to the middle realm, and then ascending towards the upper realm.

As the surrounding vitality poured into his body, his cultivation level also came to the real pill realm, and he was ascending towards the **** refinement realm.

But at this moment, on Lei Yi's face, a layer of dead energy was once again permeated, and the vitality in his body also began to expel reaction.

"Fuck, with so many vitality supplements, it hasn't been dispelled yet. You deserve to be Cecil ranked No. 1 in the ten generals. This method is like a tarsal maggot!"

Lei Yi suppressed the little lifelessness in his body, but his face became hard to look.

It seems that the hidden dangers in his body have not been cleared away.

At this moment, the law enforcement guards all acted and surrounded Lei Yi.

"You...you are that mortal!" Gai also recognized Lei Yi, but he was a little surprised at the moment.

Because in his information, Lei Yi should be a "mortal", how could he become a true pill-level cultivator.

"Yes, it's Lei!" Lei Yi said coldly while looking at the group of people in front of him.

"Bold, you are a cultivator, and you hide your identity and mix into my East China Sea Sword Palace. What do you intend to do?" Gayo asked loudly.

"My lord, I think he is 80% of the spies of the Demon Dao, come to my Donghai Sword Palace to do vicious things!" A dogleg next to him immediately sang and made peace.

"Yes, sneak into my East China Sea Sword Palace, 80% of them are the people of the magic way!" Gai Yi took advantage of the trend to "confirm" Lei Yi's identity, and then waved his hand: "Come here, capture him for me and take him to the main island for trial !"

All the law enforcement officers around were ordered to act.

The law enforcement guards are all held by core disciples, so each one has a true core cultivation base.

With the hands, I saw countless magic weapons and magic weapons flying out, smashing towards Lei Yi with his head and face.

These magic weapons bloomed with colorful light, and all kinds of magical powers were intertwined, which was dazzling.

"A bunch of Caiji Zhendan, also worthy to do with me?" Lei Yi sneered.

Although he needs to suppress the death energy in his body, as a former Divine Soul Realm cultivator, facing a group of True Pill Realm at this moment, isn't it just abusing food?

"Heaven Dou White Snake Attack!" A white light burst into his palm, and countless white snakes flew out, intertwined with the light of the magic weapon.

Bang bang bang!

Then there was a violent explosion in the air, and his attacks and magic weapons were cancelled out in the explosion.

"What kind of magical power is this, it doesn't use a weapon, doesn't require a pinch to cast a spell, it can be used only by the body?" And Gai Li was very surprised by the magical power that Lei Yi displayed.

"Hmph, you old antiques, naturally it is impossible to see the future "Fighting King Fist"!" Lei Yi sneered, his figure divided into nine directly.

The breath of the nine figures was exactly the same, and then simultaneously raised their arms, palms facing the sky.

"Tiandou Fierce King's Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Illusory Snake Demon Rain!" Countless white lights poured into the sky, followed by dark clouds, and white thunder and lightning appeared in it.

In the next moment, countless white snake phantoms fell, covering Gai and others within the attack range.

Seeing this scene, Gai Qi and others offered various defensive methods, some offered shields, armor and other magical weapons, some used tricks to cast spells, sacrificed various defense techniques, and others simply took out life-saving talisman. Motivated.

Various magical barriers gleamed, and then they were submerged by the rain of white snakes from the sky.

The roar, screams, and explosions are endless.

Lei Yi discovered that these immortal cultivators had a lot of methods, various attack and defense methods, even the defensive talisman were of different colors, different attributes, and almost no duplicates.

But it is a pity that his attacks are not only huge in scope, but also continuous offensive. Soon half of the law enforcement guards could not support it, and the body was shattered by the white snake.

Seeing this, Lei Yi moved his mind and grabbed forward with one hand.

Suddenly, countless blood energy was drawn by a force and gathered towards his palm.

A large amount of qi and blood poured into his body along his arm, turning into vitality, nourishing his organs corroded by dead qi, as well as dantian and so on.

Lei Yi found that as the blood gas entered the body, the dead gas in the body was also melted by this blood gas.

"By the way, vitality is also contained in the blood and vitality, and vitality is the natural enemy of death. The two cannot coexist. That is to say, the Modo blood curse can swallow the vitality and blood, and it can also dispel the death energy in my body!"

Realizing that his body is getting better, Lei Yi finally laughed.

However, his smile, combined with his blood-breathing methods, made Gai look frightened.

"Inspiring blood, you...you are... from the Heartless Demon Sect!" Gai Liu finally "discovered" Lei Yi's identity, and suddenly felt very bad.

Wuxin Demon Sect, also known as Wuxin Shenzong, is the first demon power in the world of immortality.

Yin Suitian, the demon ancestor of Godless Shenzong, but one of the few saints in the world, even the Eastern Sea Sword Palace would not provoke Godless Shenzong.

However, the East China Sea and the land of the Demon Dao where the Shenzong Wuxin is located are separated by thousands of miles. How could the people of the Shenzong Wuxin come here?

"Oh, do you know Godless Sect?" Lei Yi asked with a smile upon hearing this.

"Unexpectedly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, your magic way stretched your hands so long, don't you know that this is the boundary of Dongzhou, is the Lu family behind our suzerain?" Gai directly moved out of the mountain of Lu family.

"So what, I want to kill you, no one can stop it!"

Lei Yi did not deny that he had nothing to do with Shenzong Wuxin, but directly attacked Gai and others.

With the exception of Kai Gai Li, everyone else was seriously injured by the magic rain of magic snakes just now, and naturally they couldn't stop Lei Yi.

Under a few flashes, his figure moved quickly, and all the other people of the law enforcement guard were killed with fists. Then, without a trace of hesitation, he directly killed Gai.

"A demon realm true pill realm, unexpectedly shot at my **** refining realm, you are looking for death!" Seeing this, Gai was furious.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and a blue light flew out, turning into a flying sword.

"Hmph, Donghai Sword Palace, as expected, they are all sword repairers!" Lei Yi was not surprised at all. He didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing towards Feijian.

As for the True Pill Realm against the Refining God Realm, it didn't matter to him.

After all, when he was in the Divine Refining Realm, he killed a lot of powerhouses in the Dharma Realm. Now when he returns to the True Pill Realm, he needs to clean up a Refining God Realm.

The two quickly confronted each other.

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