I Can Pause Time

Chapter 948: Noodles

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The next day, on Shenjun Island.

In the island owner's mansion, Island owner Mo is practicing in retreat.

Since he was assigned to Shenjun Island, he has lived here all the year round for decades and has hardly left Shenjun Island.

Because he knew that since that incident, it was impossible for Lan Tingtao to give him a chance to stand up.

After so many years, he has also got used to it.

On Shenjun Island, apart from Kaiyuan Qi that is a bit stronger compared to other places, there are no training resources, and it is naturally impossible to help him break through the realm of heaven and human.

Because the cultivation base reaches the late stage of the Dharma Phase Realm, what is needed is not only vitality, but also opportunity and good fortune.

If breaking through the celestial and human realm was so simple, this promised East China Sea would not have only a few celestial and human realms.

Even in Dongzhou, there are only a handful of strong celestial and human realm.

Tens of thousands of geniuses can cultivate all the way to the realm of refining the gods and even the realm of law, but the barriers of the heavens and humans are definitely the biggest obstacle to geniuses.

As for the Saint Realm, that is a realm that can only be expected, let alone genius, it is estimated that Peerless Tianjiao would not dare to reach the threshold of this realm.

But when the Lord Mo was retreating, there was a fierce death burst out of the eyes of the spirit spring of Shenjun Island.

The thick gray mist gushes out, covering all the surrounding areas.

The **** horses on the island screamed, and some became irritable.

Because Lingquanyan is the place where they live, but also their "bath house."

At this moment, the bathhouse was covered with death air, and they couldn't get close.

"Huh? What's the matter, how could there be such a strong death on the island?" Island Lord Mo was also awakened, his eyes penetrated the palace, and looked at the place where the death was born.

There is not the spiritual spring of Shenjun's activities.

"Impossible, but within the eyes of Lingquan is the place with the strongest vitality, how could there be a dead energy outbreak?" Island Master Mo didn't understand.

Logically speaking, vitality and death qi are two forces that are absolutely opposite, but there will be death qi erupting there, which is simply unreasonable.

If there is an ancient battlefield buried under Shenjun Island, and the death in the battlefield finally broke out today, then it is impossible for Shenjun Island to give birth to the spring eye.

And there is a spiritual spring on Shenjun Island, so there can be no dead place under the island.

But if such a strong life-blood is not formed naturally, it may be man-made.

"Someone poisoned my Shenjun Island?" Island Master Mo twitched his lips, a little to laugh.

Because he really couldn't think of the thoughts of people who want to poison Shenjun Island.

Shenjun Island, Shenjun Island, there are not many people on the island, and they all raise dragon horses.

You said that if you are a person of the demon way, you can poison the wine in the sea monkey island, you can poison the main island of the East Sea Sword Palace, and you can kill a whole group of people.

But what if you poisoned a few horses on Shenjun Island?

The big deal is that people in the East China Sea Sword Palace don’t need to ride horses anymore. Instead, they use flying swords to drive on the road, and change to use weapons.

"Who the **** is it? I have nothing to do when I'm full, and poison the horses?" Island Master Mo scolded and walked out of the palace, then flew in the air and flew near the Lingquanyan.

He knew that once there was a problem with the Lingquan Eye, the Shenjun under the care of the handyman's disciple would go violently.

In order not to let Shenjun riot and hurt people, he must speed up time to deal with these problems.

But when he flew near the eyes of Lingquan, he found that the death energy had been neutralized by the vitality.

"Well, death is gone?"

Island Master Mo repeatedly confirmed that the death aura that broke out had dissipated, and no traces were found.

The vitality near Lingquan's eyes became strong again, nourishing the vegetation nearby, and almost all the traces of dead energy that appeared just now were wiped out.

"How is it possible that the death breath that broke out just now is so strong, and it is only a blink of an eye, and it is gone?" Island Master Mo slowly landed, feeling a little depressed.

He walked to a vegetation and watched for a while, and saw that the leaves of this plant were a little yellow, but under the nourishment of vitality, the emerald green color was restored again.

Obviously, this is where the dead air erupts, so the plants are affected by the dead air and become withered.

But as the dead energy disappeared, the abundant vitality restored the vitality of the vegetation.

"It's weird, this is the place where death broke out, but now there is no trace at all, what's the situation?" Island Master Mo let go of his consciousness and scanned the surroundings.

Finally, in the area near Lingquanyan, he saw a "handyman" who was busy near the spring.

Island Master Mo flew over Lingquan's eyes as soon as he shifted his figure.

"You are the mortal who came to the island yesterday, why are you here?" Island Master Mo asked directly.

The person below was naturally Lei Yi, and he was not surprised by the visit of Island Master Mo.

"Lord of the island, my job is to clean the eyes of Lingquan?" Lei Yi replied, spreading his hands together.

"What, let you be a mortal to clean the eyes of Lingquan?" Island Master Mo was surprised when he heard this.

Because cleaning the eyes of the spirit spring, even the handyman disciples are very strenuous, and there is a risk of being attacked by the gods.

As a result, they actually let a "mortal" like Lei Yi come to clean it up. Didn't this push people into the fire pit?

Island Lord Mo's consciousness covered Lei Yi, and after scanning it several times, no problems were found.

"Just now, did you notice any problems?" He continued to ask.

"No, I've been in Lingquan's eyes just now," Lei Yi said "to be honest".

He was indeed underwater all the time, but he was not working, but in his words, it sounded like he was always busy.

"Then you..." Island Master Mo narrowed his eyes and was about to ask again.

But at this moment, a light from a distance flew over.

It was a man wearing a brocade robe with a face full of flesh, with a waist badge hanging around his waist.

Lei Yi could tell at a glance that this was a steward on the island, and the waist card was the steward's status symbol.

"Island Lord Mo, Lord Mo, a distinguished guest is visiting!" The man flew over in a hurry, shouting eagerly.

"Guest, what do you mean?" Island Master Mo was also ignoring Lei Yi at the moment, and flew towards the man.

"It's the core disciple in the door who is here. It seems that a lot of people have come. Now they are waiting in the island owner's mansion, saying that they are accompanied by Fairy Linglong." The man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said again.

"What, Fairy Linglong?" Island Lord Mo's eyes flickered, and he glanced back at the location of Lingquan's eyes, but then immediately turned around and went straight to the island owner's mansion.

The man subconsciously followed, but then his figure stopped in mid-air and did not continue to follow.

"That group of core disciples are all arrogant people. Today, I was accompanied by a distinguished guest. It is estimated that the possibility of being jealous is very high. I am just a small steward, but I can't get involved with this kind of high-level struggle. It's better not to go. ."

The man thought for a while, and finally turned around again, and even left the ranch altogether.

There are not many stewards on Shenjun Island, and basically they don't care about things. They are all handyman disciples busying themselves.

It doesn't matter if they are less than one or more. Those who can be sent to Shenjun Island are people who have no background in the sect, and those core disciples can not provoke them.

In order not to make a mistake, the man simply did not go back. He had to say that he was very timid.

Near Lingquan Eye.

"Miss Lu is here, this is impossible. Did she find out, am I here on Shenjun Island?" Lei Yi also murmured, but didn't care about it.

At this moment, he directly sat on the ground and started to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

Just now, he finally found a way to release a part of the dead energy in his body.

As a result, the dead energy burst out directly and fought fiercely with the nearby vitality.

Fortunately, the amount of death energy is not large, and the nearby vitality relies on the supply of the spirit spring to continuously neutralize the death energy.

In the end, although Island Master Mo found out, he relied on the cover of lifelessness, but he didn't let people discover his own problems.

"Now I, although Dantian hasn't recovered yet, I feel better!" Lei Yi looked excited and in a good mood.

He calculated that if he did this four or five times, the dead energy in his body would be almost completely drained, and his dantian would be able to restore his vitality supply.

It's a pity that many core disciples came on the island today.

"Forget it, bear with me for a few days, anyway, this spiritual spring can't escape!" Lei Yi thought, seeing that it was getting late, he walked towards the pasture.

At the same time, the island owner's mansion.

Island owner Mo returned to the island owner's mansion, but he saw that his own island owner's mansion was actually full of people at the moment.

"What's the matter, the law enforcement guards have been dispatched?" When the Lord Mo looked at it, he found that the outsiders were actually the law enforcement guards on the main island.

This is a powerful institution inside the Sword Palace Sect of the East China Sea, directly under the orders of Lan Tingtao, the lord of the Sword Palace.

Even if the elder committed the crime, the law enforcement guards had the right to investigate, so the monks of the East Sea Sword Palace were still very afraid of the law enforcement guards.

At this moment, dozens of law enforcement guards actually arrived in the island owner's mansion, which had to surprise the island owner Mo.

"I'm under the supervision of the law enforcement guards, and I have seen the Lord Mo!" Among the law enforcement guards, a cultivator of the God Realm walked out and arched his hands.

However, in his eyes, there is no half-respect. Regarding the greetings of the owner of Mo Island, it seems to be just like a way of greeting~www.ltnovel.com~Guys, your law enforcement guards sent so many people to my Shenjun Island. , What is this? "Islander Mo asked strangely.

"Island Lord Mo is not anxious, we are not here for investigation, but because we are escorting Fairy Linglong!" Gai said, pointing to a group of people in the palace: "Fairy Linglong belongs to the family of Lu's family. The palace owner is to prevent the fairy from encountering Unexpectedly, I was specially ordered to wait for the law enforcement guards to accompany the fairy throughout the whole journey, but the disciples of the major elders were also with them. Our law enforcement guards actually didn't work much."

Island Master Mo looked inside, and he saw many disciples of "acquaintances".

He also saw Lu Linglong who was surrounded by these people in the center, and he had to sigh with emotion, this is just like a face.

In the past, distinguished guests came to the East China Sea Sword Palace, but when there is such a face as Lu Linglong, at most a few people will **** him.

As for Lu Linglong, he was accompanied by core disciples throughout the process, as well as law enforcement guards. The total number of escorts was over a hundred.

"By the way, Island Master Mo, before leaving the main island, the wife of the Palace Master dragged me to ask the whereabouts of a mortal. I don't know where the others are?" At this moment, Gai asked suddenly.

As soon as he said this, Island Master Mo's face changed slightly, and he saw the coldness in the other's eyes.

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