I Can Pause Time

Chapter 944: Lord Mo

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at the same time.

Just when Lei Yi arrived at Shenjun Island, ripples appeared in the void above the nearby sea area.

Then an invisible sword pierced through the void, shot out from it, and disappeared in the vicinity in a blink of an eye.

A quarter of an hour later, a team of patrolling monks flew by.

"Hey, it's weird, is there no problem with the big formation here? Just now, Uncle and the others said that the Zongmen's induction array has fluctuated, but there is no sign of being invaded here?" The leader of the monk patrolled the neighborhood for a while. , The results did not find any abnormalities.

He followed the guidance of the compass in his hand, and finally looked at the sea below.

In the sea, a huge blue octopus emerged from the water, stretched out its tentacles to the sky, and slapped it several times into the void.

"It turns out that the problem was caused by this monster. No wonder the induction plate is pointing to this direction!" Seeing the blue octopus, the monk sighed in relief.

The most in the sea, of course, are sea beasts, and among the sea beasts in the realm of cultivation, many are monsters with intelligence.

Although the area around this area is the site of the East China Sea Sword Palace, some unrecognizable monsters break into the East China Sea Sword Palace every day.

Their intelligence is not high, most of them floated along the ocean current, and there is no way to break into it.

After seeing the true face of the "intruder", the monk made a gesture to the rear, and then the team returned directly.

But just after the group of monks left, a figure slowly floated under the sea near the blue octopus, and then the sword took off and flew in a certain direction.

This figure flew extremely fast, and the direction it flew, seemed to be the direction of Shenjun Island.


Donghai Sword Palace, Shenjun Island.

Pang Yuanzhi left Lei Yi here, and then had a conversation with Island Master Mo. After conveying the meaning of Elder Lu Shang and some high-level people in the door, he left directly.

Island Master Mo, who looked decadent, looked at Lei Yi suspiciously at this moment.

"You, a mortal, were really saved by Fairy Linglong. You didn't make up yourself and act on purpose, did you?"

As he said, Island Master Mo said quietly: "I know that this exquisite fairy is an inexperienced eldest lady, and her mind is naturally pure and simple like a piece of paper. She definitely doesn't have much contact with the deceitfulness of the immortal world. If someone wants to get close. Lu Family, so inevitable..."

This Island Master Mo swept his suspicion towards Lei Yi, but then he shook his head and quickly denied it.

"Forget it, it's impossible to look at you. If it's a low-level monk, it might be a gangster posing as a gangster, but if you are a mere mortal, it seems that I have been thinking too much."

Lei Yi: "..."

"In short, after you come to my God Jun Island, you can do things well. Although you are a mortal and can't cultivate, as long as you do things on your part, you will have a bite of food!"

"Come here!" After finishing speaking, Island Master Mo yelled out of the palace, as if asking someone to come in.

But strangely, after shouting for a long time, there was no movement outside the hall.

This made Lei Yi glance at Island Master Mo with a strange look.

"Sure enough, these handyman disciples can only be handymen in this life!" Island Master Mo spit out again, and then took a deep breath, and the body's vitality fluctuated sharply.

Lei Yi seemed to know what was going to happen next, and quickly covered his ears with his hands.

Island Lord Mo's chest swelled at the moment, and then he shouted: "Come on—people—"

A violent sound wave spread to the surroundings, and Lei Yi's eardrum trembled, as if someone was beating a war drum in his ear.

Under the violent sound wave, his internal organs even felt that his soul was about to be shaken out of his body.

"Fuck, this Island Master Mo doesn't seem to be strong, he is actually a monk of Faxiang Realm!" He couldn't believe that the realm of the Island Master Mo was not low.

Although he couldn't use his vitality, he still had basic vision. This Island Master Mo was not a bit stronger than Pang Yuan, and the two were basically incomparable.

Moreover, this lion roar was so powerful that Lei Yi's physical body was a little shocked, and the blood in his body was surging. This was definitely not something that a cultivator of the gods could do.

Faxiangjing, the island owner of Mo can become the owner of an island, naturally it is not an ordinary thing, and Faxiangjing is the standard equipment for the island owner.

"Come on, here, I'm here, the owner of the island!" Just after the owner of Mo roared, a panicked figure rushed in.

This is a young man with a very low cultivation base, and even Lei Yi can slap the opponent out with a slap.

The body tempering realm hasn't even reached the Qi accumulation stage, and the people here are handyman disciples in the lower realm.

"Where are those in charge?" Island Master Mo asked a handyman disciple when he saw him.

"Island Master, the people in charge...they..." Seeing the question of Island Master Mo, the handyman disciple hesitated to answer, and was speechless for a long time.

But Island Master Mo didn't need to look at it, he knew where the group of people had gone.

"Hmph, you can tell from the way you look, they have gone to drink on the sea monkey island again!" He scolded, but then sighed.

No way, who would let him be unwelcome in the sect, let alone the people in the sect, and even the stewards under him would go to other islands to drink in broad daylight.

"Fine, the old man has nothing to do with them, so be it!" Island Master Mo waved his hand and motioned to the handyman disciple to come over.

"See if this kid is there, take him to your place later, just pick him a job."

"Okay, island owner!"

The handyman disciple got the order, beckoned towards Lei Yi, and then led him out of the palace.

As a result, as soon as he left the palace, the respectful color on the handyman disciple's face disappeared, replaced by deep disdain.

"Hmph, the old thing is angry at me again, and you are also bullying my handyman disciple. If you have the ability, why not bully the steward!"

Lei Yi never expected that the young man in front of him had such an attitude, and he just pretended that the respect he had just co-authored.

"By the way, you don't have any background, otherwise you won't be arranged to raise horses on Shenjun Island!" The handyman disciple then looked at Lei Yi and asked quite self-deprecatingly.

He only has the strength of the Body Tempering Realm, and he hasn't even cultivated his Divine Sense, so he can't check Lei Yi's aura, at best he has some induction.

In his induction, Lei Yi's physical strength is very strong, but being assigned to raise horses also shows that the other party must be the same handyman as himself, and if he is crushed, he is also the strength of the body tempering state.

"Indeed, I have no background in the East Sea Sword Palace!" Lei Yi nodded.

"Of course, if you have a background, who would come to this place to raise horses, it’s all dirty and tiring work, and I can’t get a few spiritual stones throughout the year. If I want to have a background, I will put some benefits for the steward, even if I transfer to the neighborhood. The wine made on the Sea Monkey Island is more oily and watery than here!" The handyman disciple took a sip, and said somewhat contemptuously.

"Isn't the island owner of Ke Mo also the owner of the island? Listen to what you mean, the people here are very miserable?" Lei Yi asked with a strange expression on his face.

"Huh, of course, I don’t care if Island Master Mo is considered an island owner, but he is a real marginal figure in the clan. I heard that this time the palace owner and his wife are going to meet any distinguished guests, and the other island owners have brought people to rush. After that, no one will go to Shenjun Island!"

"Does Island Master Mo offend anyone, but he is a monk of the Faxiang Realm..."

"Huh, what about the Dharma Realm!" When it comes to the Dharma Realm, the handyman sneered, and then he looked like: "Who made us, the Lord of Mo Island, offend the palace lord? You said he can be treated. see?"

Hearing this, Lei Yi suddenly became interested. Seeing no one around, he cautiously asked: "Where do you start?"

The handyman disciple was also boring, and he walked with Lei Yi, and really whispered.

It turns out that Island Lord Mo and Lan Tingtao were once still brothers, and they were both closed disciples of the previous East Sea Sword Palace Lord.

Originally, the palace lord had been appointed to let his eldest disciple Island Master Mo be in charge of the sect, but Island Lord Mo seemed to have no ambitions. He often went out to practice, and this trip took several years.

At that time, Lan Tingtao met and married Lu Jianping, the daughter of the head of the Tianjian Lu family.

With the support of the Heavenly Sword Lu Family, Lan Tingtao even entered the Lu Family Villa and received personal guidance from the sword **** Lu Jianxin. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and there is a faint tendency to catch up with the island owner of Mo.

Lei Yi also guessed the last thing. Lan Tingtao’s back was backed by transcendent forces like the Lu Family, the former palace lord of the East Sea Sword Palace, no matter for his own development or the development of the sect, he would not pass his seat to a Xianyun Yehe. People.

Therefore, the seat of the Palace Master of the East Sea Sword Palace passed to Lan Tingtao's hands.

And the latter did not disappoint the previous palace owner. After he took over the East Sea Sword Palace, the strength of the sect became much stronger.

Many sites in the East China Sea Sword Palace were obtained from the hands of the monsters in the sea, such as Shenjun Island and Sea Monkey Island.

Of course, Lei Yi could see that the East Sea Sword Palace could have this kind of development, and more of it was the demon clan in the sea that gave the Lu family face.

The strong among them can also tell that it is not so much that they dare not offend the Donghai Sword Palace, but that they dare not offend the Lu Family.

As for Island Master Mo, only after returning from a trip did he know that Master had passed the seat to Lan Tingtao, who had always been inferior to him. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

And a few years later, his master drove away again and died.

Island Lord Mo was also suppressed by Lan Tingtao for various reasons, and he was completely decadent.

Lei Yi could have heard it. This Lan Tingtao was actually a soft food, relying on the Heavenly Sword Lu family's upper position, and finally suppressed the same family, not remembering the old feelings, but in fact he was careful.

It is estimated that when Lan Tingtao was practicing under the presidency of the palace lord, he often hated Island Lord Mo, so that's why he has the cold reception of Island Lord Mo now.

Lei Yi heard it all the way, and soon he arrived at the place to work.

A huge pasture was built in the area near the lake under the mountain peak.

Here, there are some handyman disciples who are busy, bristles and feeds Shenjun, cleans up the feces, anyway, all kinds of groceries are dirty.

For these, Lei Yi said that he was very familiar with it.

"By the way, two people were kicked and injured by Shenjun last month. Please pay attention and don't irritate Shenjun, otherwise the injuries may be severe or death may occur!"

"What, there is still life-threatening horses?"

Lei Yi "cocked" in his heart, and secretly said that it was impossible.

He has raised horses so many times before, but he has never encountered danger.

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