I Can Pause Time

Chapter 943: Shenjun Island

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Donghai Sword Palace.

On the outskirts of the main island, the handyman disciples live.

The task of arranging Lei Yi to go to Shenjun Island soon came down.

The time did not last long, and even the gathering in Tao Huayuan was still going on, Lu Shang ordered Pang Yuanzhi to find someone for his handyman disciple.

At this moment, Lei Yi is basking in the sun in the courtyard where the handyman disciple lives.

As a result, he saw Pang Yuanzhi walk in with a cold face and an unhappy expression.

He is so face because of Lei Yi.

Pang Yuanzhi believes that it is a loss of status to come to the place of the low-level disciple.

However, for the tasks arranged by Lu Shang, someone must be on the go.

And Cheng Wei and the others have something to do with Lu Shang, so this "dirty work" can naturally only fall on him who has no background.

"I am the one who runs errands every time!" Pang Yuanzhi walked towards Lei Yi, but he was very dissatisfied.

He started earlier than Cheng Wei and the others, and because he had no background, he would run errands for Lu Shang every time.

The brothers and sisters, such as Cheng Wei, were comfortable. They only needed to practice on weekdays, and Lu Shang would not arrange ordinary tasks, so their strength grew quickly.

Even this time, Lu Shang did not intend to take Pang Yuanzhi with Peach Garden to accompany Fairy Linglong.

Thinking of this, Pang Yuanzhi's eyes showed jealousy, and his face was even more frighteningly black.

Even Lei Yi felt the negative energy in Pang Yuanzhi's heart.

"This...this face seems to be angry, jealous, resentful?" Lei Yi looked at Pang Yuanzhi with a strange expression, but then he was a little surprised.

Because he just glanced at Pang Yuanzhi, and he could feel the emotion of the other party. When did his feelings become so sensitive and he could read his mind?

"Hey, you, what are you doing standing here, follow me!" Pang Yuanzhi saw Lei Yichu in the yard, his ignorance burst into flames, his words were rude, and his heart was even more bitter.

This mortal can be leisurely, why should I go out to run errands, it's really unfair!

"Sure enough, this is anger in my heart, angry at me!" Lei Yi also noticed it, but didn't want to be taken away just like that.

He bowed his hand to Pang Yuanzhi, pretending to be confused, and asked: "This fairy, where are you going to take me?"

"Let you go, let you go, where is there so much nonsense, a mere mortal is also worthy to question us immortal cultivators!" But Pang Yuanzhi will not talk nonsense with "a mortal", his attitude is very rude, and he will be thundered when he talks about it. Easy to go.

But Lei Yi dodged and avoided Pang Yuanzhi's capture.

"What, do you dare..." Pang Yuanzhi saw that Lei Yi dared to hide, suddenly furious.

"I don't dare, anyway, I am not from your sect, why should I listen to your orders?" But Lei Yi would not get used to him, and directly replied in a cold voice.

"A mortal is also worthy of showing my face. If Linglong hadn't saved you, you wouldn't have come to my Donghai Sword Palace in your life. Today I will let you know the methods of our practitioners!"

Seeing Lei Yi's attitude, Pang Yuanzhi seemed to be irritated all of a sudden, and he had to offer some means to let Lei Yi understand the difference between the two of them.

"Okay, if you want to do it, you can, but I'm afraid that Fairy Linglong will ask me when that time comes. How do you answer?" But Lei Yi's words caused Pang Yuanzhi's action to stop.

Yes, no matter how Lei Yi put it, it was the person Lu Linglong had saved. If he did it, it wouldn't matter if he killed Lei Yi.

A mere mortal would die if he died.

But... not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In case Lu Linglong asked about Lei Yi next, she finally learned that Lei Yi had been taught or killed by herself.

If Lu Linglong gets angry, who is to blame in the end?

Lu Shang who came up with the idea?

Lu Jianping who gave the order?

Or is he an errand guy?

You don't need to think about it, you can guess it with your ass, and it must be Pang Yuanzhi who is the last one to carry the pot.

Once Lu Linglong really wanted to investigate, Lu Shang, as the chief internal affairs chief of the East China Sea Sword Palace, was so highly regarded by Lan Tingtao, how could it be carried away.

Lu Jianping is even the wife of the palace lord, with a high authority, and is still Lu Linglong's aunt. How could her niece be held accountable for her aunt's fault.

Then he was the only executor who came out in the end.

If he really made a move, it would not be glorious to kill a mortal.

After all, their Donghai Sword Palace is considered the right way, wantonly slaughtering mortals, but the move of the magic way, at least the attitude of the right way is to indulge mortals and will not kill.

Thinking of this, Pang Yuanzhi's hand that had just been raised immediately stopped, and he was afraid for a while.

He didn't expect that this simple task would have so many terrible consequences.

"You, listen, I have received an order from the palace lord to give you a job so that you can survive in my Donghai Sword Palace!" He can only explain to Lei Yi, but his attitude is natural. Like that.

Too much nonsense with a mortal, he felt it was a waste of time.

But Lei Yi understood, and he sensed a slight change in Pang Yuanzhi's attitude.

The other party must be afraid of something in his heart, and that's why he changed his attitude towards this "mortal".

"What task, so urgent, have I just settled here?"

"The palace lord has an order to let you go immediately, without delay, what nonsense!"

Pang Yuanzhi saw Lei Yi's push and drag, and his hatred revived in his heart.

But this time he learned well and didn't intend to do anything. Instead, he threatened directly: "If you don't go, I will send the law enforcement guards on the island directly and **** you over. At that time, he will wear handcuffs and ankle chains. , It’s not convenient for you to even work!"

"Okay, then go!" Lei Yi had no choice but to admit his fate.

Seeing Lei Yi's compromise, Pang Yuanzhi showed a sneer, but his heart was even more bitter. Lei Yi wasted too much time.

"Hmph, let you pass by, a mortal, where there is so much nonsense, wasting my time. You are just a lowly mundane person. It is still a great gift to be regarded by the palace lord and his wife, and you still don’t know it. It's totally unreasonable to exaggerate!"

Thinking about this, he directly sacrificed the flying sword, then lifted Lei Yi, and Yukong flew up.

But when he was holding Lei Yi with one hand and preparing to take off, he almost fell down with an imbalance.

Because Lei Yi's body is a bit heavier, at least far surpassing ordinary mortals.

"How is it possible that I am a cultivator of the True Core Realm, and my body is tempered by the vitality of the heavens and the earth, so I can easily lift a thousand catties of boulders, how can I almost not lift a mortal?"

But what he didn't know was that Lei Yi was a rank 9 martial artist, and his physical strength exceeded him by dozens or hundreds of times.

As for the cultivator's body, although it has been tempered by the heaven and earth's vitality, it is not a warrior, and will not refine the body.

Therefore, Pang Yuanzhi's flesh and blood activity and physical strength are inferior to even the fifth-order and sixth-order martial artists. That's why when he came into contact with Lei Yi, he almost missed his hand.

This is the common problem of ascetics. They pay attention to the cultivation of Taoism and tend to dismiss the flesh.

Because in their thinking, the physical body is just a container, as the cultivation base grows, the final sublimation will always be the inner soul.

As long as the realm is high, the primordial spirit is strong, the vitality is strong, and the powerful Taoism is easy to come by, moving mountains and seas, and grabbing the stars and the moon.

As for physical power, it is nothing more than an external object.

Pang Yuanzhi didn't expect it to be so deep. After trying once or twice, he finally took Lei Yi with difficulty.

He flew directly with the sword, flew out of the main island, and flew towards a nearby sea area.

There is the location of Shenjun Island, and Shenjun Island is thousands of nautical miles away from the main island of the East Sea Sword Palace.

Being picked up by Pang Yuanzhi, but without affecting Lei Yi's speech, he directly asked: "Xianchang, where are we going?"

"The palace lord has ordered you to go to Shenjun Island. There is a shortage of handymen on the island!"

"What does Shenjun Island do?"

"Shenjun Island is the place where I keep the Shenjun mounts in the East China Sea Sword Palace. Everyone in the sect owns a horse, which is a symbol of status!"

Speaking of this, Pang Yuanzhi's face showed a touch of envy.

As long as you become a high-level sect above the Refining God Realm, you are eligible to get a horse as a means of transportation, which is a status symbol of the East Sea Sword Palace.

Although the True Pill Realm is a core disciple, but to put it bluntly, he is still a disciple, but he is not qualified to represent the East Sea Sword Palace.

Only when the Spiritual Refining Realm goes up can it be regarded as the mainstay of the realm of cultivating immortals.

The **** horse travels thousands of miles a day, riding out is even more representative of the East China Sea Sword Palace, Beier has face, Pang Yuanzhi dreams of getting a **** horse.

After Lei Yi heard it, he was secretly speechless.

Why is it to raise horses again? Is it possible that he has a predestined relationship with raising horses, and then he came to the world of cultivating immortals, and he has to copy his craft again?

Just when Lei Yi and Pang Yuan had different minds, a big island with beautiful scenery and clear waters appeared in front of them.

Shenjun Island is the habitat of Shenjun, and the area of ​​the island is very large.

There is also a verdant mountain peak in the center of the island. At the foot of the mountain peak is a huge freshwater lake with turbulent waves. From time to time, some golden rainbows can be seen flying in the nearby sky. These are the gods mentioned in Pang Yuan's mouth.

They are flying horses with golden wings, but unlike the Pegasus that Lei Yi has ever seen, they have a few scales on their bodies, a strong mane on their necks, and their breath is even better. To be strong and prosperous.

Without wasting time, Pang Yuanzhi took Lei Yi and flew to the mountain in the center of the island.

At the top of the mountain, there is a palace where the owner of the island lives.

As mentioned earlier, the sphere of influence of the East China Sea Sword Palace is the sea, and there are many islands under its command.

Every island is guarded by an island owner, and Shenjun Island is no exception.

In addition to the Shenjun who inhabits the island, there are also many handyman disciples who raise the Shenjun, as well as some stewards.

And the person responsible for leading these disciples in charge is the island owner of Shenjun Island.

The person Pang Yuanzhi wants to take Lei Yi to see is the island owner who is in charge of Shenjun Island.

Soon, in the palace on the central mountain peak of Shenjun Island, Lei Yi met the island owner with the surname Mo.

Island Master Mo looked quite young, with gray hair, uncut edges, messy hair, scumbags, and even his face was a bit decadent.

Lei Yi could see that this Shenjun Island should not be a land rich in oil and water. He came here to take charge of an island, and to put it bluntly, it was for the sect to watch horses.

This place is equivalent to being distributed, no wonder this Island Master Mo's complexion is so decadent.

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