I Can Pause Time

Chapter 945: Lu Shaoyou

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Shenjun Island.

On the same day, Lei Yi was assigned to the task.

He is responsible for filling the previous vacancies, cleaning up the dung and debris near the Lingquan where the gods reside, and if necessary, going down to the Lingquan to clean up.

Because there are also cubs among the gods, and self-control is not strong, it may be convenient anywhere.

If the feces pollute the spirit spring, it will affect the water quality.

Therefore, a handyman like Lei Yi is required to work in Lingquan.

From the relieved expressions of other handyman disciples, this job seemed dangerous.

Because after he received the task, the others showed smirking expressions unexpectedly.

Although he didn't know how dangerous it was to take care of Shenjun, from the perspective of his experienced horse breeder, it was at best the danger of being kicked by a horse's hoof.

But the truth is that he was wrong.

Just before leaving the ranch, one of the handyman disciples had an accident, and he lost his life under the circumstances of Lei Yi's own eyes.

This handyman disciple brushed Shen Jun, and the result may be that the strength of his hands was not right, which actually angered Shen Jun in front of him.

The horse spread its wings and flew, and then a golden flame burst out of its mouth, drowning the handyman disciple.

Lei Yi still remembered the panic scene at that time. Others nearby did not dare to approach, letting the other party be burned into coke by the flame, and finally turned into fly ash.

Yes, a handyman disciple died while taking care of Shen Jun.

But what Lei Yi didn't expect was that in the end, Island Master Mo came forward in person, only to let people report to the sect, but the assailant Shen Jun did nothing.

Finally, a nearby steward rushed to hear the news, but only instructed the handyman to be careful and control the force next time when brushing Shenjun.

Lei Yi could tell that on Shenjun Island, the life of a horse is more expensive than that of a human, or more expensive than a disciple of a handyman.

As for those who are in charge, there is no one who works, and the Lord Mo appeared only after an accident, and stayed on the top of the mountain if there was no accident.

This is what made Lei Yi see secretly shaking his head, this problem in the East Sea Sword Palace is huge!

Near Lingquan.

Lei Yi came to the area where Lingquan was located. To put it bluntly, it was the bathing pool of the **** Jun on the island.

Because there is a huge spiritual spring eye on the island, almost all the fog of vitality is atomized, making this area filled with a layer of white fog.

"It's so comfortable!" Feeling the extremely strong vitality in the air, Lei Yi's pores opened and he was comfortable.

Not only that, but he could also feel that the dead energy in his body was actually suppressed in this place.

His current state feels surprisingly good.

"Forget it, don't care about it, let's see how the horses are!" Lei Yi quickly remembered that his main task here is to take care of the horses.

Although he was reluctant, he still wanted to work for Donghai Sword Palace.

Soon, Lei Yi traversed a dense forest, crossed several water anchorages, and came under a huge waterfall.

Here, the density of vitality in the atmosphere is surprisingly high, and instead of forming water mist, it directly turns into water droplets and floats in the air.

Yes, water droplets flow in mid-air, these are the products of the liquefaction of vitality.

Lei Yi estimated that if a cultivator practiced here, he would have spent ten days in other places in one day.

That waterfall is said to flow from the eyes of the Lingquan. All the liquid is actually mixed with the spiritual spring water with strong vitality. Even a mortal can live a long life even if it takes a sip.

"The Lingquan Eye on Shenjun Island is so exaggerated, then there must be a stronger spiritual vein in the sect of the East Sea Sword Palace, otherwise the main island of the East Sea Sword Palace will not be there, but here!"

Lei Yi guessed that to be selected by the East Sea Sword Palace as the land of the sect, the main island must have a higher level of spiritual veins than Shenjun Island.

"Let me see, are there any horses bathing under the waterfall now?"

As he said, he looked towards the water under the waterfall, and he saw several golden horses running on the water.

These are all **** horses on the island, they are strictly speaking strange beasts, but this is the name of the future of the human world.

In the realm of cultivation, these strange beasts are called monsters. The beasts that haven't gotten rid of the animal nature are monsters. If they have no less intelligence than humans, they are collectively called monsters.

An adult divine horse, whose strength is generally at the seventh-order level, among which powerful individuals can reach the eighth-order.

Although this level is not high in Lei Yi’s opinion, it is said that Shenjun is a natural Fengshui two-line monster. Its speed in the water or in the air is very unusual. Even the seventh-order Shenjun can fly at a high speed. Faster than a ninth-order monk.

Moreover, the monsters are full of physical strength, and Shenjun is a horse-type monster, and is best at long-distance attacks.

This is also the reason why Shenjun was selected as a status symbol by the high-level officials of the East China Sea Sword Palace. How tired it is to go on the road. Riding a horse not only saves time and effort, but also may fly faster. Doesn't this save time?

But Lei Yi is not interested in Shenjun. He is only responsible for taking care of the horses. Even if he is on the road in the future, he likes to walk by himself.

"Observe, are they convenient in Lingquan!"

Lei Yi glanced at random and found that Lingquan was very clean, moved his body around the water, and then jumped into the water with a plop.

This is also his job, because the Lingquan is so big that it is impossible to see the whole picture with the naked eye, so you need to jump into the water to confirm it.

And entering the waters, it is possible to be attacked by the gods, which is also the reason for the injuries of the previous few.

After they jumped into the water, they were attacked by the Shen Jun who was active near Lingquan.

If a pure body tempering realm cultivator encounters a divine horse comparable to the true pill realm, it is naturally not an opponent.

The other party sighs, can kill you in seconds.

But this gap does not apply to Lei Yi.

He was active in the water for a while, and after confirming that today's Shenjun was very conscious, he directly surfaced.

As a result, as soon as he showed his head, he felt a cloud of foul air on his face.

It turned out that a Shenjun found him and thought that Lei Yi disturbed Yaxing, who was in the bath, so his attitude was a bit bad.

Lei Yi knows that raising horses can't be used to horses, they must let them know that you are not easy to mess with, so that they can cooperate with you in the future, so he asked in a bad tone: "Why, you monster wants to do it with me?"

As soon as he said this, the **** Jun in front of him grinned directly, let out a neigh, and then opened his mouth to vomit fire.

But Lei Yi was faster, he blasted out a punch, directly hitting the opponent's horse face.


After a golden rainbow floated on the water for a few times, it fell into the water.

Then the water surface fluctuated, and a golden rainbow rose into the sky, making a violent hissing sound.

The **** Jun was very angry at the moment, and he was hit by a "shit shoveler".

In their limited intelligence, they only know that except for the same kind on the island, the others are "shoveling shit", but today some **** shoveling hit it.

Anger filled the eyes of this beast, and it kicked all four hooves, almost going away.

Lei Yi, on the other hand, was standing by, making sure to avoid the opponent's attack.

His physical strength is still there, and the power has been tested just now, and he can fly a seventh-order monster beast with one fist, which is not bad.

But apart from his physical strength, he has no vitality blessings, and even Yukong can't do it.

"Ahem, you beast, please be quiet!"

But just as God Jun grinned and was about to teach Lei Yi a lesson, a cough sounded not far away.

"Someone!" Lei Yi was even more surprised. There was actually someone in this spiritual spring.

Not only that, after the person finished speaking, the **** Jun flying in the air didn't know what was going on, with a anthropomorphic panic on his face, he spread his wings and flew away.

"Someone is here and scared away the gods!" Lei Yi hurriedly swam to the shore, thinking to himself in his heart at the same time.

The strength of the incoming person should be very strong, otherwise it would not be possible to scare away a demon beast with low intelligence with just one sentence.

You must know that the animal nature of the monster beast has not disappeared. Once it becomes angry, it will fight regardless of life and death.

It would be useless to scare away the other party with just one sentence, even if it was one or two levels higher than them, but the incoming person did it.

When Lei Yi swam to the shore, he saw a handsome young man in a brocade robe walked out of the grass, and the other person was very friendly.

"You are... Lu, Lu Shaoyou of the Tianjian Lu family!" After that, Lei Yi finally remembered who the other party was, and exclaimed directly.

"Hey, you actually know me!" Similarly, the visitor was surprised.

But then, he remembered that when the other party first saw Lu Linglong, they also called "Miss Lu", which showed that the other party knew their family.

But the fact is that Lei Yi knows Lu Linglong, because the other side looks exactly the same as Lu Wushuang.

And I knew Lu Shaoyou purely because he was in the hidden place where the Fierce Emperor led the Beast Mountain, in the Hundred Slaughter Hall, the sword of the opponent gave him a huge shock.

He was beaten by the opponent for a second. Can you say "remembering is still fresh"?

"Boy, it looks like you are approaching my sister intentionally, and depending on your appearance, it's hard to get hurt. You and the people behind you are also determined, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, it's a pity that you met me!"

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou seemed to have discovered Lei Yi's conspiracy, and asked coldly: "Say, why are you approaching my sister?"

"I am not, I don't, that is purely a coincidence!" Lei Yi quickly explained, denying these.

"Hmph, I'm not here to listen to your denials. Since you don't tell the truth, let me ask in person!" Lu Shao lobbyed, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Come on, if you don't have a ghost in your heart, then look into my eyes!"

"Let me see what your eyes do, you are not a beauty, what is so good about you!" Lei Yi murmured and looked away directly.

"Hey, my Ecstasy Dafa has actually failed. Your willpower is amazing enough. Could it be that your original strength is not weak!"

Lu Shaoyou was also slightly surprised when Lei Yi turned his head when he said he turned his head.

You must know that even if it is a true pill realm cultivator, under what you just said, you must honestly look at it.

As for Lei Yi, he shouldn't be underestimated if he can ignore his words directly.

"If this is the case, then I can only learn about your methods!"

Lu Shao lobbied and took out his sword.

He is going to use force.

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