I Can Pause Time

Chapter 928: Old man by the sea

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Flee hard!

This is what Lei Yi thinks at the moment.

If someone asks, why did he escape.

He can only spread his hands and put on a helpless attitude.

What can he do, there are three celestial and human realms, one of whom is still promoted to the emperor, won't you escape instead of you?

Indeed, he was just a Divine Soul Realm, and it was already difficult to deal with the Heaven and Human Realm, and he still faced three people.

Even in the end, the infinite emperor also appeared, he couldn't escape if he didn't.

However, he knew one thing.

Infinite emperor is not infinite emperor, the two are not the same person.

The last phantom that appeared was the Infinite Emperor.

Lei Yi felt a sea-like deep and powerful from the opponent, but there was no sense of familiarity.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because the infinite emperor was not just the infinite emperor, his goal was achieved.

Now, the thorny issue is no longer the Infinite Emperor, but a certain woman beside him.

"Garuna, your father is actually the original fitter, and the human world has become the culprit of such purgatory. I wonder if you will feel a trace of sadness after you wake up?" Lei Yi looked at him while lying down. The woman beside her looked helpless.

At this moment, Garuna has not yet awakened, and the power of the infinite cage is still affecting the other party.

Lei Yi had no choice but to continue to flee with this woman and escape overseas.

Although he knew that the human gathering place was over, the area on the sea was very large, and he could find an island at random and he could avoid it for a while.

After Garuna wakes up, he will consider other things.

"In this world, you have to hide for the rest of your life, so do you have a chance to go to other worlds?"

The first thing Lei Yi thought of was the Ancient Immortal Realm.

Or according to the current statement, it should be the realm of cultivating immortals, after all, it is the ultra-ancient period.

At this moment, the world of cultivating immortals should not have been destroyed.

According to Lei Yi's estimation, there should be strong people in the world of cultivating immortals, and the cultivation civilization of the world of cultivating immortals should be enough to shelter oneself.

This is his idea, and the road to the world of immortality is in the eastern sea.

Although Garuda is the old sage, the person who cracks the civilization of the immortal cultivator is also the plague Docot.

But when Garuda was an old sage, the storage bag handed to him was a real thing.

The words and books in it all explain the existence of the cultivator, so the world of cultivating immortals also exists in real.

"Go to the East China Sea and find the way to the world of immortality. This is my top priority. As for this place..."

Lei Yi glanced back and shook his head.

Needless to say, this world is over.

With his current strength, if he wanted to save the world and defeat the Infinite Emperor, it would be death.

He continued on his way, non-stop.

But when he flew near the sea, he saw an incredible scene.

On a cliff by the sea, an old man is fishing.

This is a gray-haired twilight old man, dressed in straw clothes, sitting alone on the beach fishing.

For Lei Yi, this scene felt a bit unbelievable.

In such a dangerous world, this old man actually came to the beach, can he still sit and fish?

Lei Yi let go of his consciousness and carefully sensed it.

As a result, he found that the old man's breath was sluggish and his body was very weak. It was in his twilight years that he was almost dying.

"Young man, since he's here, why bother to come down and talk to the old man?" The old man seemed to feel a little bit and raised his head to greet.

"What, an old man can actually sense me?" Lei Yi felt incredible, but he controlled the clouds and mist under his feet and landed.

Afterwards, he took Garuna and sat directly on a rock near the old man.

He asked: "Old man, don't you know that this world is dangerous? Why don't you find a gathering place for shelter and go fishing?"

The old man laughed again, and laughed at himself: "Hahaha, do you think that you are really alive every day when you curl up like a mouse in the ground? In your case, you are willing to be worried all day long, risking death at any time. Are you alive?"

"I don't want to!" Lei Yi shook his head directly.

"So, I don't want to!" The old man said, throwing the long rod in his hand and letting the bait fall into the sea below.

Lei Yi looked at each other, but felt that the old man in front of him was a little bit unable to see through.

"Don't look, young man, I am a dying person. Just like this world, I can die at any time..."

Having said this, the old man sighed: "Oh, all of this was caused by the disaster more than a hundred years ago. The power of the outside world came from the void and was acquired by the greedy people, and finally caused such a tragedy. what!"

After hearing this, Lei Yi was a little puzzled. He looked at the other person and asked, "Old man, the tone of what you said is like a bystander, not like a survivor?"

"Hahaha, I just like to talk like this. After all, people are getting old and getting older, so you can do whatever you want...cough cough cough." The old man said, coughing a few times, and said in a weak tone: "Anyway, I There is no time left, it may fall at any time."

Lei Yi didn't know whether it was an illusion or a certain feeling.

When the old man said that he had been alive for a few days, something seemed to dim in the surrounding space.

Could it be that the words of the old man in front of him evoked the resonance of this world?

Lei Yi shook his head, dispelled this weird thought, and then asked: "Old man, then you appeared here and happened to be met by me. Is this..."

"Yes, this is the arrangement of fate, let me meet you!" The old man looked at Lei Yi, his eyes seemed to light up, "When I was about to disappear, I saw your existence, variables, destiny, everything. Everything is for surpassing fate."

"I can't see anything in your body, which means that you have unlimited possibilities. You can bring real light to this world!"

"Old man, are you kidding me? This world is over, completely over. Infinite Emperor, there are four gods... Oh, no, now it is five gods, plus ten generals, how can I be the enemy alone? Past all of them?"

"You really can't compete. Now you appear in front of the Infinite Emperor, and the other person's eyes can make you wiped out."

The words of the old man made Lei Yi a little bit worried.

However, he was also curious about how he heard the other's tone as if he had seen the emperor infinite.

"Then according to your old words, how can I save the world?" Lei Yi used honorifics without knowing it.

After hearing this, the old man looked up at a certain position within the East China Sea, and then said: "Just like you said, this world is no longer saved, and the last hope that remains in this world has also been wiped out by some shameless betrayer. So, there is no hope in this world!"

"Aren't you always talking nonsense?" Lei Yi was speechless for a while.

"But..." The old man said at this point, after speaking, his tone was slightly excited: "However, apart from this world, in fact, there are other neighboring worlds that can defeat the Infinite Emperor. This world is already It's hopeless, but other worlds don't mean there is no hope. Other realms will definitely be threatened by Infinite Emperor in the future. You only need to contact them and gather the power of other worlds to fight Infinite Emperor!"

"Is the other world in your old mouth the realm of cultivating immortals?" Lei Yi asked strangely.

After the old man listened, a ray of light burst into his eyes, and he asked seriously: "Do you also know that people in that world claim that they are in the world of immortality, which is an extremely powerful interface. In the world of immortality, it must be There is an existence that can rival the Infinite Emperor, as long as the power of that world is assembled, there is hope..."

With that, his finger pointed to a certain direction.

"I can feel that there is a spatial channel leading to that world. Only when you go to the immortal world to rescue soldiers can you have hope, so can'we' trust you?"

"you guys?"

"Hahaha, the old man, what I said is that I and the other survivors in this world can trust you and bring us light?"

"It's hard to say, who knows what people in the world of cultivating immortals are like. Unless they are shown threats, who is willing to cross the barriers of the world to help you?" Lei Yi shook his head, not optimistic about asking for help.

"No, no..." The old man shook his head and continued: "If we are all finished, then the next one will be the fairy world. Because the purpose of the emperor is not a world, but all this. His world is ruled by him, and he wants to establish a truly supreme kingdom, a world in which only he and his minions can exist. Just like the betrayer said, we are all just impure things in this world , It's all impurities!"

At this point, the old man sighed slightly, a little sad.

"Old man, were you in Infinite City at the time? There were only a few people who heard this sentence, you actually..." Lei Yi looked at the other party, slightly stunned.

"Young people, this is not the point. The point is that you need to represent us and the world to ask for help from the immortal world. Only they have the strength to save us!"

The old man said this and pointed to Garuna, who was in a coma next to Lei Yi, and UU Reading www.uukānshu.com reminded: "Look at her, her body has been transformed by the power of the outside world, and she has become such an appearance. The infected body, even she herself does not know, she has become a monster."

"In this world, more people have become infected with no intelligence, and some people have become degenerate fitters. Even the survivors are regarded as animal husbandry by the Infinite Emperor. Treating the same thing, the whole world is expecting someone to save them. In the heart of this little girl, she is also eager to become a normal person, and you are the hope, because you are a person who can't even predict the emperor. , You are the evil star in his fable!"

"Ferocious star, hope?" Lei Yi felt incredible, because the old man knew too much.

The Infinite Emperor also said that he was the fierce star in the fable.

Is it his responsibility to defeat the Infinite Emperor?

But apart from the power of the fairy world, he really couldn't think of any other way to defeat the Infinite Emperor, including his four gods and ten generals.

"Emperor Infinite, did you send me here just to defeat Emperor Infinite?"

Lei Yi raised his head and looked at the muddy sky, but his thoughts fell into the memory.

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