I Can Pause Time

Chapter 929: Go to sea to find fairy mountains

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Human world, seaside.

"Old man, since you all value me so much, then I will go!"

"Go, young man, we are all looking forward to your performance!"

Lei Yi waved goodbye to the old man, carrying Garuna on his back, directly used the technique of soaring clouds and driving fog, and flew directly into the sea.

Soon, he disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Watching Lei Yi go away, the old man's eyes were full of helplessness, but a hint of hope flickered.

His body also began to flicker and became illusory.

"Emperor Infinity, I am too weak now. Even if I condense this old body, it takes such a lot of effort. Fortunately, I finally met the other party, which is not in vain."

At this point, he was a little worried, but more ferocious.

"What's different from me is that within the immortal world, there are strong people who can really spy on the origin. Whether you ask for help or lead a wolf into the room, I am about to be destroyed, there is nothing to lose!"

"Emperor Infinity, I look forward to seeing your scared side, let me see how long you can still be arrogant this day..."

The figure of the old man gradually disappeared, but the last laughter echoed for a long time, endlessly, and finally passed on and did not know how far.


Inland of the human world, an infinite city.

"This is the realm of the emperor, the realm of the four gods, the end of the power of the law, the end of the law of darkness!"

At this moment, Garuda's body was shrouded in darkness.

His every move can affect the surrounding space, wherever he goes, the light is extinguished, and his whole body is transformed into a dull world.

"Now I can control all darkness?"

Garuda walked out of the darkness and looked at the lacquer black texture on his arm, with a suspicion on his face.

He couldn't believe that he had actually succeeded, and there was not even a hint of danger in the breakthrough process.

"Master Infinite Emperor, have you swallowed the origin of this world, so everything in this world is dominated by you, including our advancement and breakthroughs, are also within the laws of the world?"

In the end, there is only one possibility he can think of.

The Infinite Emperor has successfully swallowed the origin of this world and became the true master of this world.

The master wants you to break through, then you can break through.

The ruler constrains the law of heaven, so the law of heaven will not show up. This is where the ruler is overbearing.

"Well, now that I have become the emperor, I should settle accounts with that little devil. My lovely daughter is still in the hands of the other party!"

Garuda's eyes cast into the distance, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally saw a blurred figure.

It was a figure that was also made of darkness. Although the distance was too far away, he could sense it.

"There is darkness in that little devil's body. This is really God's help!"

A faint light gleamed in Garuda's dark eyes, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Lacy, come with me to meet your brother, we are going to the Eastern Sea next to catch that kid!"

As his voice fell, a white light flashed one or two outside the hall, and then flew into the hall.

Inside the hall shrouded in darkness, there was a little more faint light.

But for this endless darkness, such a little light is not enough.

Lesser did not care about the darkness around him, but arched his hands and asked: "Master Garuda, the eastern seas and all ocean areas are the place where storms dominate the masters. Even if you are in the ranks of the advanced four gods, Can't set foot on the other side's territory at will?"

"I almost forgot this. When Lord Infinity divided the four gods to rule the area, he allocated the sky to the king of the sky, the land to the mother of birth, the ocean to the storm ruler, and even the core of the earth. To the lava demon."

As Garuda said, his eyes gradually changed, "So for me, in this world, isn't there a place where I can rule?"

"If you look at it this way, it is indeed true. This world has been divided among the four adults by Lord Infinite Emperor, if you..." Laixier had no choice but to cope with it.

The sky, the earth, and the ocean were all separated, and even the core of the earth had a ruler, and he couldn't think of what territory Garuda could get.

But at this moment, above the palace, a phantom appeared again.

"Gardia, don't be nervous, you still have a place to rule..."

A long voice fell from the sky, and passed into the hall without weakening.

"Master Infinite Emperor, you are here!" Garuda was a little excited, because this was the second time the other party appeared.

"Lacyr has seen the lord!" Lysier also knelt down and saluted in a respectful manner.

"My lord, where do you say I can rule?" Garuda was more concerned about the territory he might obtain.

"Your territory is the human heart!" The voice sounded again: "The dark side of the human heart will be ruled by you. This world no longer needs light. The hearts of all survivors should be swallowed up by darkness. Dominate..."

Garuda did not expect that he was divided into such a territory, and the darkness of people's hearts was his territory.

"My lord, I understand!"

But since it was the order of the adult in front of him, he had to accept it.

"By the way, in the source of the world just now, there was an aura that broke through my barrier. It must be that the source knew that he was about to be destroyed and made the final resistance. You take my order to catch or obliterate that kid. Right, the place where that breath last appeared is near the other side. They might have met each other."

"Subordinates obey!"

"Very well, when this world is completely swallowed by me, then the next goal is the rumored fairy world. The taste of that world must be even more wonderful..."

Not to mention the voice gradually disappeared, and the corners of Garuda's mouth finally raised.

At this moment, having received the order of the adult, he will not be hindered by any obstacles, and he can step into the territory of the four gods, and the other party will absolutely not dare to stop him.

"Lecil, we can leave now, this time it is the direct order of Lord Infinite Emperor, to catch or obliterate that kid, you and I know the importance of it!"

"This is natural, I will inform my brother!"

"Very well, let Cecil patrol the sea, maybe he can meet that kid!"

In the hall, a white light rushed out first.

Then the boundless darkness absorbed in the infinite city, all condensed together, turned into a huge weird bird and beast, hovering above the sky.

The whole body of this beast is composed of darkness, and on the ground below, countless darkness rises to the sky, all of which are submerged in this beast.

In the end, the bird and beast became the size of covering the sky and the sun, flying in the sky, bringing endless darkness to the earth.

"Hahaha, I thought of...My name is Taboo, I am Garuda, the dark sun god..."


Eastern waters.

Lei Yi was flying in the clouds and fog, but his face was worried.

Just before, the old man told him the way to the immortal world.

"It is rumored that there are three fairy mountains in the depths of the sea, and the center of the three mountains is where the passage into the fairy world is. In the ages, I don’t know how many people go deep into the sea and want to find the three fairy mountains, but But no one has ever been able to come back alive..."

This is what the old man told him. The meaning is easy to understand. If you find the three fairy mountains, you will find the way to the fairy world.

What makes Lei Yi a little speechless is that the sea here is so big, and the islands are countless. Where is the fairy mountain?

The three fairy mountains may be three slightly larger islands.

Then there are more possibilities. The gathering place for overseas survivors is said to be an archipelago composed of countless islands.

How can we find the three fairy islands in the vast ocean?

"By the way, although the gathering place of overseas survivors was slaughtered by ten generals, they have lived overseas for a hundred years. Maybe there are clues about the three fairy mountains!"

Lei Yi thought of the slaughtered overseas gathering place, and sympathized with Helen and the others in his heart.

In Garuda's eyes, maybe Helen and others were the props for his promotion.

They have been deceived by each other for more than a hundred years, and even before entering the Infinite City, Garuda has always been the most respected person in the overseas gathering areas.

"Garuna, your father is really vicious!" Lei Yi carried the **** his back, and spit out for a while.

Garuna has been in a coma until now, not knowing whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, at least she has avoided the previous father-daughter confession.

Thinking of what happened to Garuna, Lei Yi felt pitying for the same illness.

Although Lei Yi's father has not fallen, his father is just a clone of the Emperor of God, and the other party wants to rule the world.

And Garuna's father is even more loyal to the Emperor Infinite, pushing the human world to become the chief culprit of purgatory ~www.ltnovel.com~ Destiny, but they can really make fun of people, they are the two most miserable people in the world. Met together.

Just as Lei Yi was muttering, an archipelago appeared in his sight.

"The overseas gathering place has finally arrived!"

After flying for days, he finally saw the hometown of Helen and others.

Here is a huge group of islands, located at the junction of the eastern sea area and the deep sea area.

It is said that this area was originally an active volcano, but after another volcanic eruption, this island group formed.

The island occupies a huge area and is widely distributed.

But among the population like Helen, their hometown is a vibrant archipelago.

But what was displayed in front of Lei Yi now was a dead place.

On the scorched black soil, there are large tracts of withered plants, and at the same time the sea breeze blows through, the air is full of strong **** smell.

This island has suffered a massacre before, so now it has become a more terrifying purgatory.

Lei Yi was in the sea and even saw a lot of decayed corpses.

And on the nearby islands, some human-shaped infected bodies that have become living corpses have been seen.

These are the inhabitants of the archipelago, the survivors of the attack.

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