I Can Pause Time

Chapter 927: Garuda of Darkness

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Lei Yi never expected that the "self-exposure" in front of him...

It's so earth-shattering!

Yes, the news is so explosive, it's not an exaggeration to describe it as "earth-shaking"!

The real name of the old sage is Garuda, and he is the last king of the human kingdom.

The subjugated monarch has become the minion of the Infinite Emperor and the chief culprit in the fall of the human world.

He led mankind to travel overseas and established overseas gathering places, but it was a conspiracy of the Infinite Emperor.

Seeing Garuda Dia approaching him step by step, Lei Yi could only step back slowly, pulling away from the opponent.

"Young man, if you return your daughter to me and declare allegiance to Lord Infinite Emperor, then I can forget what you have done. Even if you and my daughter are paired in the future, it is not impossible!" Jialou Dia threw an olive branch at the moment.

"Do you do this, Garuna agrees?" Lei Yi stepped back again and asked coldly.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Mad laughter came.

After Garuda laughed, he continued: "You are still too naive. Don't you think that as a father, you can't make a choice for her?"

"My Garuna's father, everything I did was the right choice, and as my daughter, she only needs to support me!"

The other party continued to sneer, and then said in the right tone: "Young man, your appearance is indeed a bit unexpected, but for Lord Infinite Emperor, you are still too weak. As long as you declare allegiance to him, everything in this world will be At your fingertips!"

"No, I won't be loyal to anyone!" Lei Yi refused directly.

"Naive thoughts!" Garuda was not surprised, just smiled coldly and looked at someone near Lei Yi.

"Ogu, hold this guy!"

"What!" Lei Yi was shocked when he said this.

Because Aogu is a man from overseas, although he is loyal to the old sage, it is impossible for him to be loyal to the minions of Infinite Emperor.

But the fact is, Oguzhen sprinted behind Lei Yi and struck out with a sword.

Fortunately, Lei Yi was very alert, and moved out of his body, cleverly avoiding the sword.

"You are crazy, he is an enemy!" After avoiding the attack, he questioned the opponent.

Garuda walked to Ogu's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "It's useless, Ogu's heart has long been invaded by darkness. He is now a puppet at my mercy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ogu killed again with a sword.

Because Lei Yi was holding Garuna in his hands, he couldn't fight back effectively, so he could only choose to avoid it first.

He had to be distracted to watch out for Lysil and Dorcott, even dealing with August was a little strenuous.

"Hmm, but so!" Garuda looked at Lei Yi so embarrassed, and then lost interest.

He walked to Helen and others and sneered: "Now you, do you still have hope in your heart?"

"That poison formation, don't you..."

"Hahaha, you don't think that a small amount of toxins can threaten Lord Infinite Emperor!" Garuda sneered after hearing the words, "Furthermore, this poison array is also the research of Docot. You really think Do those people hiding overseas have enough knowledge to crack other civilizations?"

"What, all this?"

"Yes, all this is my plan, and I will obliterate the last bit of light in this world!"

At this point, Garuda's pupils were all filled with darkness, and a huge energy burst out of his body.

"I feel that the hope of the human world is dashing, and everything will fall into darkness..."

Garuda waved his finger, and a projection light curtain appeared in front of him.

In the light curtain, what was revealed was a massacre.

"No, our century-old foundation!"

"Harlan, my daughter, have you succeeded in the end?"

"God, he is the general of death, the minion of Emperor Infinite!"

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

The scene in the light curtain can no longer be described as a tragedy, but a purgatory on earth.

A figure wearing a pitch-black armor is slaughtering humans.

The person in the picture was slaughtered by one side as if they had no power to bind a chicken.

Soon, the blood stained the earth and the nearby sea.

In the light curtain, there were only corpses all over the floor.

"Brother!" Lexier looked at the dark armored knight in the light curtain, somewhat surprised.

"Yes, Cecil apparently went out to perform the task, but I was actually arranged to go overseas to extinguish all the last fire of mankind!"

"Not even the old and weak women and children, as expected, Garuda!" Laceier looked at the cruel scenes in the picture and turned his head away.

He obviously still retains some kindness, and some can't bear it.

"Huh, the benevolence of women, they are all weak people who rebel against us, since they can't be loyal to us, then just kill them!" Garuda sneered, and then said coldly; "For that adult It is said that the fitter is his loyal subordinate, and the others are all impure things in this world. To put it bluntly, they are impurities!"

As soon as this remark came out, even Lei Yi was a little moved.

They actually became magazines in the eyes of each other.

"Now I can finally feel that path..."

Garuda looked mad at the moment, and exclaimed to the sky with excitement: "At this moment, at this moment, the road named darkness finally opened the door like me!"

Lei Yi's eyes were horrified, while Laceier and Dorcott were slightly surprised, and then looked at Garutita.

As for the other survivors, including Helen, their eyes were dull and their pupils dilated at this moment.

After experiencing the greatest betrayal, they saw the destruction of their homeland again, and they were already desperate in their hearts.

"Run now!" Only Lei Yi, amidst horror, heard the voice of shadow in his ear.

"Shadow classmate, is he..."

"Yes, I can clearly feel that the dark power in the body is about to move... this guy, he is going to become the same existence as Darkness, once he finishes the promotion, we will all die here!"

Lei Yi was stunned. It turned out that Garuda had planned for so long to advance to the emperor.

"Hateful, why in this era, there is also an emperor of dark power, in this case, unless I rely on you to advance, I will never be able to touch the avenue of dark power again!"

Shadow classmate spoke again, his tone a little frustrated and helpless.

The emperor is the ruler of the power of law. Since Garuda is going to be the ruler of the power of darkness, other fellow practitioners of the power of darkness will lose the opportunity to advance to the emperor.

In other words, Shadow Classmates still can't rely on his advanced emperor, unless Garuda falls, he can replace him.

Lei Yi didn't hesitate at all. Since darkness shrouded here and provided him with a chance to escape, he naturally chose to escape.

The darkness spread, and the scope of the spread became larger and larger.

Aogu lost his target, because his eyes couldn't see through the darkness, so naturally he couldn't attack Lei Yi.

The same is true for Docot and Lysil. Although their vision is wider, they also lost Lei Yi's position in the dark.

"The nasty darkness actually has a master!" Lysil was even more disgusted.

Because his elder brother is the dead general, and Garuda in front of him wants to be promoted to the ruler of the law of darkness, the laws of the two are mutually exclusive with him.

As for Helen and others, no one would care about them at this moment.

At this moment, Garuda yelled to the sky, chanting something.

With his whole body as the center, darkness enveloped everything, and the whole world lost its color.

"When the dark curtain falls, the door of darkness is about to open. I... the original fit, the last king of mankind, Garuda of darkness, will ascend to the throne under the witness of Lord Infinity! "

Above the palace, the sky was completely dimmed, with countless purple lightning intertwined, lightning and thunder.

A huge phantom was condensed in the sky, extremely huge, and the entire Infinite City was not as big as the other's eye.

The face of this figure is vague, but there is a power in his eyes to see through everything in the world and see through the void of reincarnation.

After the phantom appeared, Lei Yi, who was fleeing, felt a deep sense of oppression like the sea.

"this is……"

He didn't dare to turn his head, he could only drag his legs that were a little weak due to the tremor, desperately fleeing towards the eastern sea area.

Although he knows that he can only fight for a moment, but he must run as far as he can.

Run away, sometimes shameless!

Above the infinite city, as the figures appeared, the fitters in the city all knelt down instinctively, bowing to the people in the sky.

"Master Infinite Emperor!"

"Master Infinite Emperor!"

"Master Infinite Emperor!"

That figure is actually the Infinite Emperor.

In the palace.

Garuda's advancement has also reached a critical moment, the boundless darkness has completely flooded the place, and the entire hall is immersed in darkness.

After a long time, the darkness gradually separated, and Garuda was suspended in the air, and his eyes completely turned into pitch black. Without the whites of the eyes, naturally there were no pupils.

If Lei Yi sees this scene, he must make a complaint, his eyes are all black and shiny. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"My subject, Garuda, as the original fitter, you have obtained the qualification to inherit the throne..."

"Now, I will give you the position of God... From now on, your name will be-Garuda of Darkness!"

After the shadow said, and with a wave of his hand, a power representing the will of the world enveloped Garuda's body.

Then, a slender purple sword fell from the sky and fell in front of it.

"This is a divine tool given to you. I named it "Dark Moon". It has the same power to manipulate the human heart as you. Use it well..."

At this point, the figure gradually dimmed, and the movement here tended to calm down.

"Thank you for the reward from Lord Infinite Emperor!" Garuda took over the sword from the void, his expression was ecstatic, and his excitement was beyond words.

But then, he found a problem.

Lei Yi actually ran away, and ran a short distance.

"It's a pity, now I need to consolidate my **** position, and I can't immediately chase down that kid!"

"Also, my daughter, even if you escape to the end of the world, the blood between you and me will never be broken!"

Garuda looked at the direction where Lei Yi had escaped, and the iconic sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth again.

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