I Can Pause Time

Chapter 924: Infinite cage

What works do you think of when you come to Shenfan? "Attack on Titan", "Fullmetal Alchemist" and so on are all called masterpieces in the history of animation, but today I want to tell you a new work in the past two years-"Invasion of the Alien".

In the past two years, Station B has bought back many of the copyrights of many new works, many of which I think are only average, but this series has made me shine, so today we will talk about why this series can be called it. God make it!

First, as always, first introduce the general situation of animation. Originally called "ID: INVADED", this series is an original TV animation produced by NAZ and directed by Hideo Aoki. It will start broadcasting on January 5 this year. This is a science fiction and reasoning episode. At the beginning, you may not know what the content is talking about. Even halfway through, you still don't know what the content is talking about. Next, we will introduce this series in detail.

This series tells about an organization that uses a system called "Sorry Girl" to detect killing intent and search for criminal incidents based on the killing intent. We call this organization "Cang". The protagonist of the story, Detective Sakai, as the operator of the female elephant, sneaks into the deep psychology of the prisoner to reason about the case, thereby catching the suspect. He found a serial murder maker named John Walker by sneaking into the consciousness of others again and again.

John Walker

When I opened this episode, I had the same questions as the protagonist of the story, Sakai, who am I, where am I, and what I want to do. At the beginning of the story, the protagonist is lying on the bed but his body is fragmented. Slowly following the camera, we find that this is like a puzzle-like world. The protagonist joins it bit by bit to reach a new place. Jigsaw puzzles are not something ordinary people can do. His disintegrated body can be attracted together like a magnet, or separated, so every time he shoots out his arm to force the distant "puzzle" to his side and assemble it. stand up.

After finishing the first jigsaw puzzle, this is a house. When he opened the door, he found a girl lying in a pool of blood. At this time, he remembered that this girl was called Jia Ailuo, and he was a detective named Sakai. He came here to understand the death of Kai Jia Ailuo, and when the camera turned around, we discovered that Sakai was under the surveillance of others. As mentioned above, this was left by analyzing the murderer. Killing particles, an organization that creates a "well" that simulates the inner world of murderers to catch criminals.

What Sakaito is going to challenge this time is a prisoner code-named Kaidong. Why is Kaidong because he likes to drill holes in people's heads. But his well was fragmented. After a series of puzzles, Sakai finally found the address of the hole-a takoyaki shop.

Just when the "warehouse" personnel had just locked the address of the opening, a new killing intent suddenly broke out. This time the killing intent came from a basement. The commando immediately rushed to the basement. The police who entered the basement found the opening. With a girl who fell in a pool of blood, this girl was just the newcomer who entered the "cang". She exchanged her life for the killing intent of opening a hole, so the police successfully arrested him.

Although the newcomer is alive, there is an unrecoverable hole in her head. The case ended smoothly. Looking at Sakaito's side, he came out of the well and was led to a prison-like room. It turned out that this was not a spy who was born to assist them, but was also a murderer, whose real name was Ming Huo Qiu Ren.

Only those who have killed people can enter. At the end of the first episode, Ming Piao Qiuren fell into a deep sleep facing the wall of photos of his wife and daughter.

After the show was broadcast, the evaluation was quite high, and it was once called a masterpiece by people. And I think the point of its magic is that, first of all, it is an original anime. I have to say that no matter if it is an anime, a TV series or a movie, there are too few original animations this year. Most of them are adaptations of novels and comics. ; The second is that this work is really bold. Whether it is the plot or the special effects, it is easily reminiscent of the classic "Inception". And the op, ed, and various bgm in the anime are quite nice.

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