I Can Pause Time

Chapter 923: Plague Docott

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Infinite City.

In the center of the city, a large hall.

The Holy Light Lacie wearing a silver-white knight armor walked into the main hall. Around her burly tall body, a faint white light bloomed, and the breath was shocking.

"Jie Jie Jie, Lexier, you are still so'splendid', you are indeed a great knight who was bestowed the name of holy light by that adult!"

At this moment, a sharp sound of yin and yang resounded in the hall,

"Doctor, curb your attitude, you still disgust me so much!" Lexier knew it, and looked at someone in the hall with an extremely cold attitude.

It was a thin old man, wearing a green research overalls, his chin was as pointed as a banana, and his face wearing a pair of green goggles all the year round, looking like a scientific researcher.

But those who are familiar with the old man know that he is not a real scientific researcher, but one of the ten generals, Dorcott, who has the name "Plague."

Plague Docot, the ten generals ranked 10th, famous for driving the poison of the plague.

His style of behavior is known for being cruel and vicious, and he is very unhappy with him, along with the others who are ten generals.

"Jie Jie Jie, Lexier, I am also very uncomfortable with your style. If someone called me, I would not come here to find bad luck by you!" Docot gave out a weird smile again. Full of disdain.

"Huh, boring person!" Lacie replied indifferently, and then asked: "Where is the person who came for you, why didn't he show up here?"

"Jie Jie Jie, Lacie, I never imagined that you, a great knight, would be deflated!" When Lacie asked, Docot suddenly burst into laughter, his voice very crazy.

After laughing, he pointed to the corner of the hall, and said in a playful tone: "That person, hasn't he been waiting there long ago?"

"What, it's already here!"

Lexier was shocked, and then looked in the direction Docot was pointing, and saw a figure shrouded in black robe standing in that corner, motionless, like a sculpture.

"The dark aura is so strong, you are the first-generation fitter, Garuda of Darkness!" Seeing the incoming person, Lysil was instinctively disgusted.

This is not sensible, but his ability is light, but the opponent's ability is pure darkness, so his conflict with the opponent's attributes has brought extreme repulsion this time.

Moreover, Lysil did not have any respect for the incoming person, because the other party was not one of the ten generals, but a relatively special person under the command of Infinite Emperor.

"Yes, it's me..." The visitor replied vaguely in a very hoarse tone.

"Unexpectedly, the first betrayer of mankind would actually come to me for what on earth?" Lexier asked, his attitude even more indifferent.

"Lecil, I want you to restrain the fitter in the city, don't push too tightly on the intruders, otherwise..."

"You are dreaming!" Lexier retorted, and then coldly said:

"The Infinite City is the land of your Majesty's reign. Although your Majesty later urged the construction of the sky fortress "God Kingdom", this infinite city must not be lost. And you actually want me to let any group of inferior beings scurry around in the city. This is disrespect to Lord Infinity and an insult to my duty! "

"Lacy, you are still so unreasonable..." the figure murmured, then took out a purple token.

"If it is said that this is the order of the lord, will you obey it?"

"What, this is actually an order from Lord Infinite Emperor!"

After seeing the purple token appear, Lysil's tone changed drastically, becoming a little surprised.

"Yes, Lord Infinite Emperor has an order to let you cooperate with me to complete the plan. Before the plan is completed, the fitters in the entire Infinite City, including you and Docot, need to be dispatched by me."

"I also want to follow your orders?"

Just when the figure finished speaking, Dorcott, who was on the side, jumped up, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Yes, this is the order of the adult, don't you want to disobey it?" The figure said coldly.

As soon as he said this, Dorcott's face became extremely ugly, but he could only endure it.

"Since it is the order of Lord Infinite Emperor, then I have no opinion!" On the contrary, it was Lysil, who did not hesitate to execute the order.

"Very well, worthy of being the greatest and most loyal knight under the command of Emperor Infinite, I know that the lord has not misunderstood the person!" The figure said, pointing to the outside of the palace, "Now, go and let the fitter keep a low profile. , Don’t let them get in the way of my plan."

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I still need to remind you that if something goes wrong in Infinite City, you must pay full responsibility!"

Lexier left such a sentence and walked directly out of the hall, apparently giving orders to the fitter in the city.

The figure, on the other hand, watched the other party leave, and then looked at Docot.

"Is the thing that I entrusted you to research completed?"

"Of course, I personally go on the horse, it is impossible to fail, the experiment has entered the final stage." Docket said, looking at the figure, and asked:

"Where is the experimental body you are talking about, and when can it be provided to me for the last step?"

"Don't worry, the subject is already in Infinite City. If you are lucky, maybe they have already gone to your alchemy."

"What? Go to my alchemy!"

Hearing this, Dorcott almost jumped up.

Because he didn't expect that the person in front of him would come out like this, the key is that he didn't know it at all.

"You let the experimenter go to my alchemy, but you didn't notify me in advance!"

His voice increased by several decibels, and then he rushed out of the hall and hurried to his alchemy.

He must make sure that the experimental body enters the device smoothly and that there is no battle, otherwise the other experimental facilities in the alchemy are all in danger.

That's all his hard work, his research works, every piece is a treasure.

"Heheheh, the plan is almost complete. By then, I will not be the dark Garuda, but the dark **** Garuda. At that time, my status will surpass the ten generals and be on par with the four gods. Hahaha..."

In the hall, there was a burst of wild laughter, and the voice continued for a long time.


Infinite City.

Inside the Alchemy House in Dorcott.

Lei Yi never expected that this building not only has a weird shape, but also has such a large underground space.

He didn't know how many layers had been dropped. In short, he saw countless culture vessels containing various creatures.

He even saw some primitive demons in a culture vessel.

These creatures were all smashed into the sealed transparent metal container, which was filled with culture solutions of various colors, which looked quite permeating.

"This place won't be the research institute of a certain lunatic Frankenstein!" Lei Yi has complained more than once, but the more he walks inside, the stronger the feeling.

The science and technology tree of this era was completely distorted by the Emperor Infinite.

These cultivating instruments, as well as some in vivo experiments, have never appeared before even in later generations.

In other words, Lei Yi is ignorant and ignorant.

But in short, this place is getting more and more permeable.

Finally, just as the two of them galloped all the way, they came to an area marked "Core Laboratory".

What appeared in front of them at the moment was a metal gate more than ten meters high with a red "!" mark printed on it.

This mark doesn’t even need to be translated, as everyone knows it’s dangerous.



When Lei Yi and Garuna stopped, two roars rang out on the left and right sides, and then two weird infected bodies that were huge, like various beasts pieced together, rushed out.

"Is this a synthetic beast?" Lei Yi looked disgusted as he looked at the two monsters that could no longer be described as creatures.

The bodies of these two infected bodies consisted of more than a dozen different kinds of skins, which were only visible to the naked eye.

There are dozens of claws and hooves on the monster's body, and there are all kinds of animals. The head is also pieced together, and there are stitches everywhere.

As a whole, they looked like bloated monsters with two round heads and various tentacles on their bodies.

"You must be very painful, let me help you out!" Seeing this, Lei Yi fisted in advance and slammed directly.

Garuna in the back did not stop either, there were countless purple light spots condensed in the atmosphere, pouring into the crystals behind her.

Next, violent energy fluctuations exploded here, and the roar was endless.

The battle was so fierce that the whole alchemy was shaking violently under the fluctuations.

Countless petri dishes rolled down from the support in the shaking, large pieces of experimental equipment were paralyzed, all research facilities were cut off from the energy supply, and many experiments had to be stopped.

"My laboratory!" An unusually angry voice sounded at the entrance of the alchemy house.

Plague Dorcott was worried about his laboratory, so he rushed back one step earlier.

It's okay if I didn't come back. When UU read www.uukanshu.com came back, he found that his alchemy was almost to be demolished.

He was extremely angry, his body rolled on the spot, and then turned into a thick green mist, rushing towards the deepest core laboratory.

When the dense fog came near the metal gate, it once again condensed into a human figure and became the body of Docot.

"How is it possible that these two synthetic beasts were easily defeated by people!"

Doctor couldn't believe it, but the two corpses in front of him also showed the truth.

"Someone broke into the core laboratory too, it's **** it!" Dorcott looked at the metal door that opened in front of him, his eyes red.

His tone was hoarse, his eyes were vicious, and he said word by word: "Gardia, you have to pay the price!"

But then, he remembered that the intruder should still be inside, because the corpses of the two synthetic beasts still had warmth, apparently they had just died.

"I am Docot, one of the ten generals, the plague. You dare to break into my laboratory. It's almost death. I want you to become experimental subjects and accept all the cruelest transformation experiments, so that you will die!"

After Dorcott finished speaking, his body turned into a thick mist again and rushed into it.

And Lei Yi didn't know it yet, there was already a ten general who was eyeing him.

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