I Can Pause Time

Chapter 925: Someone outside the plan?

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Infinite City, within a certain palace.


With a soft huh, someone seemed to feel something wrong.

"Is my perception wrong? How come I feel that the person caught by the imprisonment is not Garuna?"

The person uttered a murmur. Although the expression on his face was indifferent, it was mixed with a hint of unexpected consternation.

"Impossible, I did give that thing to the other party. Only she can reach Docot's alchemy house, right?"

The figure continued to mutter, but couldn't figure out where the plan went wrong.

But in fact, he had no idea that an unexpected person would step in.

"Forget it, business matters. The real plan is still going on. Docot is just an extra plan. Even if there are variables, it's fundamental to ascend to the throne!"

As the figure said, his eyes became cold and severe, and he looked at the ground beside him.

It was a magic circle, and there was a thick poisonous mist accumulated in the circle, even if it was imprisoned by the circle, it made people feel dangerous.

"It is indeed the plague Docot. The poison array studied is so powerful. It seems that the record of killing one million by one person was not a boast!"

The figure murmured, and then there was a sneer, and the laughter echoed in the hall for a long time.


On the other side, in the Alchemy Hall of Dorcott.

In the deepest core test area.

A thick dark green mist gathered in the distortion, and finally turned into a figure, it was the deity of Docot.

"Oops, this kid triggered the Infinite Cage, and now he is imprisoned!" Dorcott looked at Lei Yi who was imprisoned in place, with a look of astonishment.

But as the developer of "Infinite Cage", he knew that he had no way to change the result.

"What is this stuff!"

Even if Lei Yi was imprisoned in place at this moment, he could still question the other party.

"It should be me asking you, you kid, who the **** is and why are you here?"

After asking the question, Docot even roared and roared: "According to that guy's plan, there should be only one person who came to my core experimental area. But why are there two people? I hate the plan. Something outside!"

It may be that Lei Yi is definitely going to die, and Docot doesn't care anymore, breaking the news one after another.

"There is only one person, that guy's plan?" Countless possibilities flashed in Lei Yi's mind, and finally the figure of the old sage suddenly appeared.

But he has no time to think at the moment, because as he was imprisoned, within the dark whirlpool, the power of filth came to his body as if he had found a target.

The dark and sticky energy gradually covered his body, swallowing it and drowning it.

"This is...so pure...infinite power!" At the moment when Lei Yi was about to be swallowed, after feeling the energy covering his body, his expression was a bit complicated.

"Danger!" Just when Lei Yi was at a loss, a purple light flashed nearby.

The part of his body that was not covered by infinite power was grasped by one hand, and a weak force came, trying to pull him out of infinite power.

"You... still don't run?" Lei Yi saw the opponent, but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was Garuna who came here, and this woman seemed to perceive Lei Yi's danger and was about to drag him out.

"It's useless, the infinite cage I designed is not something you two ghosts can break free!"

Docot didn't make a shot this time, perhaps because he felt that the two had become turtles in the urn.

"Although there is a person outside the plan, the infinite power reserve given to me by Lord Infinite Emperor is enough, and the infinite cage should be enough to imprison you two little ghosts!"

As he said, he raised his hand and typed an instruction.

The infinite power covering Lei Yi's body suddenly reacted, and Garuna's body was also covered by the flow.

"Oops, it's really over this time!" This was Lei Yi's last reaction.

Then he and Garuna were completely overwhelmed by the strong infinite power.

After the infinite power covered the two, they wriggled for a while, and finally regrouped and regrouped.

Under Docot's control, two more spheres with a diameter of three meters high appeared in front of him.

He gently pressed the palm of his hand on the surface of the sphere, and the brilliance of the deep purple sphere flowed, and the image within it gradually became clear.

Garuna curled up and closed her eyes, as if she was in a coma.

On the other side, Lei Yi had the same shape, but his closed eyelids trembled slightly, as if he was still conscious.

"Hmph, the infinite cage was originally designed by me to imprison one person according to that guy's plan. Now I have imprisoned two people, which is beyond the plan. Fortunately, your Majesty provided this for the guy's plan. What an infinite power, it is more than enough to imprison two people!"

"Now, let's take these two little ghosts to see that guy. Although it's very unhappy, but your majesty's order must not be disobeyed!"

Dorcott looked around and gritted his teeth. Although he felt a little unhappy, he still gave a command.

Behind him, two spheres floated, leaving the core test area with him.

Although the price paid was a bit heavy, at least there was no change in the plan, as the person expected.


At the same time, in Infinite City.

What surprised Helen and others was that their plan was very successful.

They don't know why, the inspectors in Infinite City seem to have lost their minds, and their defenses have been greatly reduced, so that they have placed the base points of the poison array.

"Next, wait for the sage to activate the poison array, let the Infinite Emperor and his minions go to hell!"

Thinking of this, many people started to move out of the city.

But at this moment, the mutation regenerates.

The adaptors in the city may have been slack before, but after Helen and others set the base point of the poison array, they seemed to go crazy, looking for intruders everywhere.

Next, Helen and others were caught one after another and escorted to a certain palace.

As other people came together one after another, people from overseas unexpectedly all gathered together.

"Ogu, you are here too, have the base points of the poison array been set?"

When the last young swordsman Ogu was escorted by a group of masked men, Helen discovered that all of them except the old sage had been arrested.

"I've placed the scroll!" Ogu replied in a cold voice upon hearing this.

After hearing this, Helen breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she also asked other people the same question, the answers she got were all set.

In other words, their being arrested and not being arrested does not actually affect the outcome.

As long as the old sage activates the poison array, the plan is complete.

The difference is that they can't escape, they may have to be buried with Emperor Infinity and his minions.

"If you die, you will die. If you can pull the infinite emperor together, you will be regarded as completing the task, and future generations will praise us!" Someone thought this way, and their expression was even more excited.

"You don't think that just a few weak chickens in your area can threaten that adult!"

At this moment, a ridicule sounded outside the hall.

Then a figure shrouded in darkness walked in.

The appearance of this person dimmed the light in the entire hall, and those who didn't know thought it was dark.

"Who are you, ten generals, or four gods?" Helen asked when he saw the incoming person.

On the other hand, Ogu didn't say a word, his eyes gradually dimmed, and his eyes began to lose focus.

"Who am I, hahahaha..." The incoming person laughed wildly.

When his laughter gradually subsided, a pair of gloomy eyes appeared under the black robe, "What about telling you, who am I? The question is not important, because..."

But halfway through his words, he paused.

Because he could perceive people from outside the hall.

I saw Docot walking into the hall with two dark purple spheres, and when he saw the black-robed man, he issued a command.

The two spheres floating behind him, as if they had received an order, flew directly towards the black-robed man.

"Doctor, what's going on, shouldn't the goal of the Infinite Cage be a person?" The black-robed man asked strangely.

"The plan has changed, but fortunately I have prepared a later move. Now I have captured the two little ghosts who broke in for you!"

With that, Docot walked to the two spheres and issued another command.

The surfaces of the two spheres bloomed with light, and the scene within them gradually became clear.

The figures of Garuna and Lei Yi were shown in front of them.

"It's them!" Helen was also a little surprised when he saw the two.

Lei Yi's task is to place the base point of the poison formation, while Garuna's task is to destroy the source of the power of foulness, and the tasks of the two are considered to be very important.

But now both of them have been arrested, I don't know what happened to the poison array.

Similarly, the black-robed man also saw the two of Lei Yi.

But his gaze under the mask did not look at Lei Yi more.

But after Dorcott showed up with the two of them, he kept staring at Garuna's position.

"Galoudia, what are you looking at, who is this kid?" Docket also noticed the strangeness and asked a little strangely.

"Who is this kid, hehehe..." The latter just smiled~www.ltnovel.com~ and then put his hand on the sphere and said in a rather soft tone: "She used to be... …The most important person in my life!"

"What!" After hearing this, Docket was a little surprised.

But then, he pointed at Lei Yi and said, "I didn't expect that this kid would also be caught by you. This is really unexpected!"

Duo Ke Fei, agreed: "Yes, this kid is someone outside the plan, even Lord Infinity didn't guess that he would appear!"

After hearing this, the black-robed man seemed to think of something, and shouted outside the hall: "Lacy, the lord said about the fierce star, do you remember?"

As soon as the words came out, a ray of light lit up outside the hall, the light dispelled the darkness, and a knight in silver armor walked in.

This is the Holy Light Laceier, one of the ten generals.

"You mean...impossible, this kid is so weak, how can Lord Infinite Emperor think this kid is enough to threaten him?"

"But the whole world is under the control of that adult, and only this little devil is out of his expectation. Is this a coincidence?"

At this point, whether it is the black robe man, Lexier, or Docot, they all focused their attention on Lei Yi.

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