I Can Pause Time

Chapter 922: Dorcott's Alchemy

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Infinite City.

On a certain street.

Seeing something wrong with Lei Yi's face, Garuna was surprised for a while, raised her hand, and stabbed him with her elbow.

"Are we going to find the source?"

Lei Yi returned to his senses in an instant, and said with a serious face: "Go, why not go, we can find the source of the power of filth, why not go!"

"Oh." Garuna responded, and then she started to act.

But Lei Yi grabbed the opponent and said, "Don't walk around, do you know where the place is? This is the nest of Emperor Infinite. If you encounter ten generals, we can explain it."

"Don't you want to find the source? Then the place where the power is most concentrated is not the target." Garuna said, pointing to a certain direction, with a calm expression.

"Did you feel it?" Lei Yi's eyes widened, somewhat inconceivable.

"Can't you feel it, it's in that direction." The latter nodded and pointed in a direction.

Lei Yi quickly looked over and saw Garuna pointing to a strangely shaped building.

This building is not far from Lei Yi and the other two. It looks like a square cube with a circular dome on the top, which looks like a button.

But Lei Yi couldn't laugh. Instead, he felt surprised, because the shape of the building was a bit out of tune with the surroundings, and there was a problem at first glance.

Although he was strange, the source of the power of filth should be said to be an important facility. As a result, being arranged by Infinite Emperor in such a conspicuous building, it was a bit too slack.

But since Garuna's feelings were good, Lei Yi naturally planned to go in and take a look.

"Then...Let's take a look."

The two fumbled carefully, bypassing many white-robed masked people who appeared nearby, and finally came to the door of the building without realizing it.

But outside the door, there were two guards guarding them, and Lei Yi and Garuna had to stop.

"The breath of these people is so strange, I can't judge their strength!" Lei Yi glanced at the two guards, but couldn't tell the rank of each other.

"The concentration of power in their bodies..." Garuna, on the contrary, looked at each other and analyzed: "...It seems not as strong as me."

Lei Yi understood that these two guards should be weaker than Garuna.

However, this woman is very strong and can escape from the hands of ten generals, which he can't do.

So weaker than this woman, is it much weaker or a little weaker? This is not easy to judge.

Just when Lei Yi was observing for a while and preparing to act hard, an animal cart rushed over from a distance.

The one pulling the cart was an infected body with armor tied all over, and under the control of a masked man, he galloped down the street.

"Master Lexier issued an order. Someone sneaked into the Infinite City. All the "fitters" were dispatched to search for the intruder! "

"Master Lexier issued an order, someone sneaked in..."

On the animal cart, the masked man sent a loud message, and his voice echoed continuously all around.

"What, someone is so courageous that they dare to break into Infinite City?" The two guards also heard the news and started talking in public.

Then, the door behind them suddenly opened, and a line of masked men rushed out of it.

"Go, follow the others to search for intruders!" One of them said directly after seeing the two guards.

"I'm waiting to leave, what about so many Kote-sama alchemy houses?"

"Just block it directly. There are the organs of Lord Dokot inside, plus the presence of those synthetic beasts, no one can break into this place!"

After hearing this, the two guards also felt that there was some truth, and left with the large group.

Lei Yi and Garuna looked at each other, and they couldn't believe it.

The guard left so easily.

"I don't know who was discovered, but they also did us a favor. This is an alternative to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

Lei Yi complained, and walked towards the building with Garuna.

When they reached the door, they encountered a problem.

The door was actually locked.

This is a metal gate with complex inscriptions on the surface. It has no sense of ultra-ancient craftsmanship at all, but it looks like a high-tech product.

Lei Yi knocked on his hand and found that the material of the door was very hard. If it was broken open forcibly, it might touch the mechanism or cause the guards around it to be alert.

"What's going on with this door, it's not a product of this era at all!" He had to spit out, and then looked at Garuna.

Who gave this woman the ability to travel through the void?

"No, I can't get in." But Lei Yi was disappointed, and Garuna said that she couldn't figure it out.

"What about this, it is impossible that this door will open by itself!" Lei Yi was helpless.


But just as his voice fell, there was a loud noise inside the building.

It sounded like something collided inside, and the movement was quite loud.

Bang bang bang!

The sound became more and more intense, and the tremor gradually approached the gate.

"No, there's something coming out of it!" Lei Yi pulled Garuna past, and the two hurriedly avoided.


Just as they acted, the gate was lifted by a huge force, and then a body as big as a cow, but hairless all over, rushed out like a newt-like weird infected body.

This infected body has a mouth that occupies one-third the size of the body. It has no eyes or nose and other organs on its head. The whole body is stained with purple mucus, and it looks very ugly.

After the beast rushed out, its head lifted, and it roared around. Then, like a gecko, it climbed up the wall of a nearby building, and then disappeared from the sight of the two of Lei Yi.

Now, Lei Yi and Garuna looked at each other.

They turned their heads and looked at the metal gate knocked open from the inside, a little speechless.

"Come on, Master Docot's synthetic beast has sent a petri dish again!"

"This is a high-level synthetic beast, let's work together to grab it!"

In the distance, some people's shouts have been heard.

"Someone is coming, let's hurry!"

Since there were "people" who helped clear the way, they were disrespectful.

Lei Yi and Garuna rushed directly into it, and soon the two of them disappeared in the building.

Shortly after the two left, a group of masked men in black robes came here.

"What should I do, Lord Docot's alchemy has a problem again, and my lord will be back soon?" The mask man who took the lead said with embarrassment.

"But Master Lexier has an order to deal with intruders first..."

"In the Alchemy Institute is the research of Lord Dokote, and there are important petri dishes, so there is nothing to lose!"

"Those intruders are really bold. They broke into the Infinite City at this time. It's almost a death. If so, divide into two teams to keep the alchemy safe. At the same time, make sure that no one enters, and combine that one. The beast caught it, and the other group continued to execute Lord Lysil's order to search for the intruder."

"Let's do it, I wait for the "fitters" to be dispatched, the intruders will not be a threat! "

This team immediately divided into two groups, one part rushed directly into the distance, and the other part remained at the door of the building.

Several people were separated among them, chasing in the direction where the synthetic beast escaped, and the other part rushed into the building to prevent other synthetic beasts from running out.


Within the Alchemy.

Lei Yi looked at the rows of glassware and stacks of paper that appeared in front of him, with the words "research report" written in ancient Chinese.

He had to wonder if the science and technology tree of this era is really a bit crooked.

"Is this the wisdom of the ancient ancestors, or is it the knowledge brought by the Infinite Emperor?"

Lei Yi walked to the glassware and looked at the labels labelled "No. 4 Culture Medium", "Alpha Virosome", and "γ Synthetic Injection", his face became very strange.

If he hadn't clearly known that he had traveled through time and space, he would have thought he had come to a scientist's laboratory.

"Garuna, where is the source of the filthy power?" Lei Yi quickly asked after looking at it for a while.

"Inside, it's not far from us!" The latter pointed to a passage.

At this moment, in the direction they came, a sound of footsteps gradually sounded, and they were gradually approaching.

"Hurry up, go to the training room and see, there is a synthetic beast running out, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be a second one!"

"These people actually came back, what's the matter, aren't they going to search for intruders!"

No time wasted for them, Lei Yi quickly rushed into the passage with Garuna.

Just as their front foot entered, a group of masked men rushed to this position.

They did not hesitate, and quickly took another channel.

"It's weird, how did I notice that there was some strange aura staying here?"

Just as these masked men passed by, one of them paused slightly.

"Could it be that other synthetic beasts ran out?" another person asked.

"I don't know, but this breath doesn't look like a synthetic beast, but they also have infinite power in their bodies. Is this weird?"

"This is not surprising. The synthetic beasts studied by Lord Dokote are fusion products cultivated with the blood of countless races. If there are synthetic beasts that sneak out, most of them have strange auras, and many of you have no experience. Yes. Once before, the synthetic beast that sneaked out from UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was like a liquid, with self-awareness, capable of transforming into anyone’s appearance, and even its breath imitated exactly. Even Master Dorcott was deceived."

"Then if this kind of synthetic beast is photographed, how do we track it?"

"It's okay, Lord Dokote had prepared a back hand long ago, and the synthetic beasts that were cultivated later left a special mark in the body. As long as you use the sensing device, you can capture the position."

With that said, these two masked men have already arrived in the training room.

But what made them strange was that there was only one petri dish that was broken here, that is to say, the only synthetic beast that escaped was only that one.

"It's weird. The previous breath didn't appear here. Did someone go to the core laboratory of Lord Dorcott?"

"Impossible, there are two high-level synthetic beast guards in that place, and Lord Dokot has an alarm device. Once someone breaks in, he will know immediately."

Hearing this from his companion, the person who asked the question was relieved.

After all, the synthetic beast cultivated by Lord Dokote is very powerful.

Even if the strength cannot match the ten generals, it is completely enough to deal with intruders.

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