I Can Pause Time

Chapter 921: Split Action Plan

Outside the infinite city.

Lei Yi and the old sage waited for a few days, and the "teammates" finally came together one after another.

Lei Yi was very surprised, because under the chase of the Holy Light Lacie, they were all fine, which was a bit unreasonable.

Although it is a bit wrong to think so, it is a fact.

That is the ten generals, the ten generals under the command of the Infinite Emperor, each of them is a strong man in the heaven and human realm, and the Holy Light Cecil is also ranked third.

Under the chase of such a strong man, none of them accidentally happened. Is the other party deliberately releasing water?

Not everyone is Garuna, with the ability to travel through the void, which can guarantee a certain escape.

Then other people can reach this place alive, there must be a problem in this.

"It's luck, even God is helping, or..." Lei Yi glanced at the old sage, who seemed to have a feeling, and smiled at Lei Yi.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start preparing!"

As the old sage said, he took out a staff and drew a picture on the sand.

He drew a magic circle, and then focused on the six corners.

"This time, our plan is to use poison to deal with the Infinite Emperor, but the general poison may not threaten the other party, so we prepared a poison array."

As the old sage said, he took out a roll of purple array flags from his storage bag, and explained: "This is the strongest poison array that I have finally analyzed after decades of research. The thing in my hand is poison. There are a total of six base points for the formation. You need to place them in six locations in the city. Then I will enter the center of the infinite city, activate the last node, and detonate the poison formation."

The old sage handed the formation flag in his hand to Lei Yi, and then took out the other five pieces and handed them to five different people.

"Remember, this is the foundation of the poison array. It must be placed in six different directions in the city, and then I enter the infinite city to activate it. After you arrange it, I will leave you a certain amount of time to escape, can you? It depends on your luck if you can escape!"

At this point, not only the old sage, but the faces of the others are extremely solemn.

Because they all know that this time the plan has entered the most critical place.

Lei Yi looked at the contents in his hand, weighed his weight, and asked, "Is this poison array powerful?"

"Big, very big!" The old sage was not calm at this moment, and recalled with some fear: "At first we paid a heavy price to really succeed in research. Once this array is activated, within a thousand miles, there will be no life! "

As he said, he pointed to himself and said with a wry smile: "Even with my strength, in this poisonous formation, I can't stay for a while, and if I am not careful, I will die."

"So exaggerated!" Lei Yi was shocked, and even the look in his eyes changed.

If this thing is used well, it is a killer weapon.

"Yes, once this Poison Array is activated, the entire Infinite City will be in the Poison Array. No matter how powerful the Infinite Emperor is, as long as it is exposed to the Poison Array for a long time, it will also be killed!"

Seeing what the old sage said, Lei Yi also felt that this plan seemed to have a high probability of success.

"By the way, just in case, I still need Garuna's help."

The old sage walked to Garuna, and after looking for a while in the storage bag, he took out a dark red box.

"There is some kind of explosive here, and its power is also huge. Even if the ten generals are affected, they will be seriously injured." The old sage explained as he raised his finger to the inside of the infinite city.

"According to my guess, there must be a conversion site for the power of foulness in the Infinite City, otherwise the growth of the power of foulness cannot be explained. If there is such a place, please be sure to send this thing in and use it to destroy that. In this way, cutting off the source of the power of filth also weakens the strength of the Infinite Emperor, and at the same time buys enough time for our world!"

Garuna did not speak, but took the dark red box.

"Well, that's the plan. If anyone wants to withdraw at this time, I won't stop it!"

The old sage glanced at everyone, but no one was stage fright.

He nodded with satisfaction, and then solemnly said: "Everyone, since no one has quit, then let's implement the plan. The peace of the world depends on our performance today!"

"Go!" Aogu shouted coldly, and then rushed to Infinite City first.

Because he also received a roll of formation flag in his hand, he also needed to sneak into the city.

The same was true for Lei Yi, but instead of acting alone, he planned to go with Garuna.

Because the tasks of the two of them did not conflict, after Lei Yi placed the formation flag, he could accompany Garuna to find the source of the power of filth.

The crowd dispersed, all kinds of means, ready to sneak into the infinite city.

At this point, Lei Yi became a duo again.


Infinite City.

The white city wall gradually became clear, and the outline of the entire city was also displayed in front of Lei Yi's eyes.

This is a huge city, even in the future world, such a city is also a great wonder.

Most of the buildings in the city are low, but there are also some tall towers.

There are criss-crossing water channels above the building, which can collect rainwater for recycling.

There are large tracts of vegetation in the city, such as hanging gardens, and even waters and fountains.

It is a pity that there is no one on the intersecting streets, but Lei Yi can also imagine how lively and bustling this place was back then.

In this ultra-ancient time and space, the ancestors could completely rely on manpower to build such a huge city, which can already be described as a miracle.

The original name of the city has been buried in the history of a hundred years ago. With the emergence of the Infinite Emperor, the white city changed its owner, and it became an infinite city.

The infiltration was very smooth, because there were no people in the city at all, and if there were some, it might become a human infection.

Walking on the empty street, Lei Yi always felt a little hairy in his heart.

"I don't know why, I always feel that something is hidden in the old man's heart, do you feel that way?"


Lei Yi wanted to seek Garuna's opinion, but the latter's answer was straightforward.

Well, he shouldn't ask the other person, because he can't get any reference opinions.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Garuna grabbed Lei Yi who was advancing.

Then the woman grabbed Lei Yi and hid in the backlight of a building.

"What's the matter?" Lei Yi asked in a low voice, not understanding where the other party was singing.

"Someone...no, no, not a human." Garuna pointed to the front, explaining with some uncertainty.

Lei Yi saw a figure wearing a white tunic and a white mask, unable to see his face, coming from a corner of the street.

This figure carries a certain amount of filthy power, which Lei Yi can sense.

"Something's wrong, this guy doesn't look like an infected person!"

But he found that this person's walking posture was the same as that of ordinary people, and the speed was not fast or slow, and there was no feeling of madness and bloodthirsty that infected.

Lei Yi had seen human infected bodies, those who were wanderers on the wasteland, each of them was like a zombie, and they would bite if they were caught. It was not terrifying.

But this person's course of action is the same as that of ordinary people, absolutely not in the slightest infected by the power of filth.

"How could it be possible that the filthy power on his body means that he is also infected, but can he retain his conscious action?" Seeing this person's back disappear at the end of the street, Lei Yi was not calm.

The emergence of the Infinite Emperor can be said to be the end of mankind.

Because he brought the power of filth, hundreds of millions of humans and beasts became monsters after being infected.

Therefore, for humans, the infinite emperor is like a natural enemy.

But if human beings are not affected by the power of filth and can retain consciousness even if they are infected, then the situation is completely different.

"Are you going to move on?" Garuna asked when Lei Yi's expression changed.

"Nonsense, it's all here, this poison array is naturally going to be set up!" Lei Yi said, but he thought of Shadow's words.

He frowned, and then said: "When the poison formation is finished, I will accompany you to find the source of the power of filth, but we don't want to leave immediately, we can stay and see the follow-up. Anyway, you have the ability to travel through the void, even if The poison array has broken out, and we can also evacuate quickly."

With that, the two continued to move forward.

But on the way, they encountered several waves of people.

These people all wear masks, and their bodies are stained with filthy power, but their actions are no different from ordinary people.

These people have different body shapes, including adults, children, and even the elderly.

"These people's clothes, are they all residents of the city?"

Seeing these people moving in the city, Lei Yi's thoughts turned around and began to guess.

Because he really couldn't imagine that Emperor Infinity would let some ordinary people live in his own territory, but what happened to these people?

If it weren't for the plan to be revealed, he really seemed to rush to catch someone back and ask him about his situation.

But now, the original target location is about to arrive, and he doesn't want to be extravagant.

Lei Yi passed through the small half-town ~www.ltnovel.com~ and soon came to a corner of Infinite City.

This is one of the base points of the planned poison array, and there are five other locations in the city for the same location.

According to the method provided by the old sage, Lei Yi unfolded the formation flag, then hid the thing in his hand in an unmanned building, and then quietly left.

The process was surprisingly smooth, and no one found him during the period.

Lei Yi didn't know if other people were as smooth as him, but he was also surprised that in Infinite City, it seemed to be undefended.

"Maybe Infinite Emperor is confident, he thinks this city belongs to him, so there is no guarding force arranged at all?"

Lei Yi murmured, but he had some other thoughts in his mind: "In other words, this is not the lair of Infinite Emperor at all. By the way, the old sage seems to have said that Infinite Emperor created a kingdom of God... by the way, God country!"

His mind turned quickly, recalling every word the old sage had said, and finally found that the old sage had mentioned "the kingdom of God".

This is the Infinite City, not the Kingdom of God!

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